1000s Of People In Sweden Are Willingly Microchipping Their Own Hands, And It Is Part Of The “Transhuman” Movement That Is Sweeping The Globe

The future is coming, and it is going to look very strange. In the past, many authors had raised the possibility of tyrannical governments forcibly microchipping their own populations someday, but what if most of humanity actually embraces this new technology enthusiastically? Today, thousands of people in Sweden are eagerly having microchips inserted into their own hands, and it is rapidly becoming a natural part of society. Even in the United States, at one time there was great resistance to the idea of microchipping our pets, but now it is almost universally accepted. Personal microchips are being promoted as a way to make routine tasks faster, easier and more convenient, and Swedish “biohackers” are quite thrilled to be on the cutting edge of this new trend(Read More...)

Fortnite Addiction Is Real: 9-Year-Old Girl Checks Into Rehab “After Getting Hooked Playing Fortnite For 10 Hours A Day”

Fortnite is the most popular video game in the entire world right now, and for some people it is literally taking over their entire lives. More than 40 million people have downloaded the game since it was released last July, and it just seems to keep getting more and more popular. In fact, just watching other people play Fortnite is a full-time obsession for some people. If you can believe it, fans around the globe spent more than 5,000 years watching Fortnite streams on Twitch during a recent two week period. We live in a society where there is so much unhappiness, and addictive games such as Fortnite provide a very pleasant escape from reality. Unfortunately, Fortnite addiction has become a very real phenomenon, and frustrated parents all over the globe are searching for answers. (Read More...)

Facebook Is Hiring “News Credibility Specialists” That Will Pass Judgment On Which Sites Are “Credible” And Which Sites Are Not

The war on “fake news” is about to go to an entirely new level. According to media reports, Facebook has been seeking to hire “news credibility specialists” that will be tasked with “evaluating” which news publishers are “credible” and which are not. If the goal was just to simply filter out the handful of websites that purposely publish fake news stories, that would be fine. But as we have seen so many times in recent years, these types of programs inevitably discriminate against conservative viewpoints. Facebook is highly liberal, and they will be hiring from a California talent pool that is also highly liberal. And liberals invariably consider liberal viewpoints to be more “credible” than conservative viewpoints. Facebook built an empire by giving everyone a voice, and it is simply not fair for them to try to exclude conservative viewpoints now just because they do not like them. (Read More...)

Governments And Social Media Companies Are Collaborating To Censor Anyone That Would Dare To Question Mainstream Media Narratives

The era of free and unfettered speech on the Internet is rapidly ending.  All over the world, national governments are working very closely with social media companies to take control of “Internet news”.  Up until recently, the Internet really was a wonderful marketplace of ideas, and ordinary people like you and I were empowered to share information with one another like never before in human history.  But now the elite have seen the power that this can have, and they are cracking down hard.  The term “fake news” has come to mean any source that would dare to question the official narratives that are being fed to us from the mainstream media, and in reality the push to censor “fake news” is really just an all-out effort to eliminate independent thought.  Before the Internet, it was much easier for the elite to control the flow of information, and now they are taking unprecedented measures to control the flow of information in the digital age. (Read More...)

The Era Of Chimeras: Scientists Are Creating Human/Chicken Hybrid Embryos And A Wolf-Like Creature Was Just Shot In Montana

We live at a time when advances in genetic modification have made it possible for scientists to create the most bizarre hybrid creatures imaginable.  Even if governments wanted to stop this from happening, the technology is now so widespread that rogue researchers can easily create new lifeforms and release them into the environment anywhere on the planet.  Unfortunately, most governments around the world don’t seem too concerned about putting the brakes on this phenomenon.  In fact, many governments are actually funding these sorts of strange experiments in the name of “scientific research”.  And when the mainstream media does report on these developments, the outcry is very minimal. (Read More...)

Will The Globalists Use The New Net Neutrality Rules To Shut Off Access To Alternative News Websites?

Many are applauding the FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality, but I believe that this is a huge mistake.  Hopefully the worst case scenarios will not play out, but if they do we could be looking at the end of the Internet as we know it today.  We have all become quite accustomed to going anywhere on the Internet that we would like, but thanks to this decision the big Internet service providers could start to turn the Internet into another version of cable television.  Websites that are not part of your “Internet package” would either load much slower or would not be accessible at all.  Essentially, the big Internet service providers could eventually become “gatekeepers” that would decide what you would and would not be able to see on the Internet.  So if they didn’t like the views of a particular website (such as this one), they could simply block access to it and their subscribers would no longer be able to get to it. (Read More...)

California Is Being Sued Because So Few Of Their Public School Children Can Read

At one elementary school in California, 96 percent of the students are not proficient in either English or math.  How is that even possible?  Unfortunately, the more the federal government gets involved in education, the worse it seems to get.  At one time the United States had the greatest system of public education on the entire planet, but these days we only seem to make headlines when news comes out about how poorly we are doing.  This has been a hot button issue for me for a long time, but even I was surprised when I learned that the state of California is actually being sued because so few of their public school children can read… (Read More...)

The Internet Crackdown Begins: U.S. Senator Al Franken Wants Google, Facebook And Twitter To Censor Political Speech

Are the days of the free and open Internet numbered?  The Internet is certainly used for all sorts of horrible things, but it has also allowed ordinary people to communicate on a mass scale that would have been unimaginable decades ago.  In the old days, if you wanted to reach large audiences of people with your information you always had to go through corporate gatekeepers.  But today, anyone with an Internet connection can literally broadcast whatever they want to say to the whole world.  Personally, my wife and I have always been amazed at how many people we are able to touch all over the planet from our little home in the mountains.  Over the past seven years our websites have been viewed more than 100 million times, and we receive emails about our work from people all over the globe. (Read More...)