How Are U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Supposed To Defeat The Taliban When Iran Keeps Sending Them Arms And The Saudis Keep Sending Them Money?

How in the world does anyone expect the U.S. military to be successful in bringing peace to Afghanistan?  The Taliban is constantly reinforced and supplied from bases in Pakistan, they are constantly being supplied with arms by Iran, and the Saudis keep sending them huge amounts of cash.  Meanwhile, U.S. troops are expected to endlessly patrol a land teeming with radical Islamic militants, many of which would just love to brag to their buddies about how they killed a U.S. soldier.  U.S. forces have now been in Afghanistan for nine years (keep in mind that the U.S. was in World War II for less than 4 years) and the conflict against the Taliban seems to have no resolution in sight.  The U.S. has been successful in imposing a limited form of democracy, but the truth is that the Afghan government is composed of radical Muslims that have no interest in such things as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  The truth is that the “Afghan Dream” does not even remotely resemble the American Dream.  In fact, the current Afghan government is so questionable that many people are openly asking what difference there really is between this new government and the old one under the Taliban. (Read More...)

What Is This Country Coming To When A 7 Year Old Girl Can’t Even Have A Lemonade Stand Without Getting Shut Down By The Cops?

What in the world has happened to the United States of America?  Once upon a time, young boys and girls across this great land of ours could set up little lemonade stands and make a little bit of extra cash without fear of being raided by the cops.  But those days are apparently gone.  In the town of Tulare, California one little 7-year-old  girl recently had her lemonade stand shut down by authorities because she did not have the proper business permits.  So what in the world are authorities doing running around shutting down lemonade stands for?  Don’t they have anything better to do?  After all, if your car is stolen these days you are very fortunate if you can even get a cop to come out to the scene.  But apparently stopping a little girl from raising money so that she can go to Disneyland is a top priority in the town of Tulare.  So now what is this little 7-year-old girl supposed to think about trying to live the American Dream? (Read More...)

10 Reasons Why The Rand Paul Victory In Kentucky Is So Important

Declaring that “we’ve come to take our government back”, Tea Party favorite Rand Paul, the son of U.S. Representative Ron Paul, soundly defeated Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson in a Republican primary fight for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring Republican Senator Jim Bunning.  He will now face Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, the winner of the Democratic primary, in the November election.  It is hard to understate just how important this victory is for the Tea Party movement.  The entire Republican establishment was behind Grayson and they tried desperately to get him enough support to win the primary.  But it did not work this time.  Usually when the Republican machine gets behind somebody, they have no problem winning a primary.  Could this be a signal that politics in America is changing?  Could this be a sign that the American people are so sick and tired of what is going on in Washington that they simply refuse to listen to the two big political machines (the Republicans and the Democrats) any longer? (Read More...)

11 Points Of Comparison Between Life In The United States And Life Under Hitler From A Woman Who Has Experienced Both

Have you ever heard of Kitty Werthmann?  She was a child when Adolf Hitler took control of her beloved country of Austria and stripped away their freedoms, and she is now speaking out about the chillingly similar loss of freedoms that we are currently experiencing in the United States.  It is often said that “those who forget history are doomed to repeat it”.  So, perhaps we should listen very carefully to what Kitty Werthmann has to say.  She has been there.  She has lived through it.  The truth is that when you do sit down and compare what happened under the Nazi regime and what is happening in the United States today, the parallels are absolutely shocking.  The American Dream is not guaranteed for us or for our children.  Freedom must be guarded.  If not, it will be taken away.  In fact, our freedoms are already being stripped away at blinding speed, and once they are gone they are incredibly difficult to get back. (Read More...)

The Dangerous Myth Of Overpopulation

Today, there is a growing belief that many of the world’s problems are directly related to overpopulation.  Whether it is world hunger, the lack of fresh water, the damage we are causing to our environment, or “climate change”, those who believe in the myth of overpopulation have no hesitation blaming all of those problems on the “fact” that there are way too many people in the world.  What is even more frightening are the solutions that many of those people who believe that the world is overpopulated are proposing.  The solutions they propose include more abortion and “family planning” services, “one child” policies and mass sterilizations.  In fact, there are even some in the radical environmental movement that insist that we need to get rid of 80 to 90 percent of humanity in order to “save” the environment.  (Read More...)

Is It Fair For The U.S. Government To Give Money To Some People (But Not To Others) To Help Them Pay Their Mortgages?

Millions upon millions of Americans are struggling with paying their bloated mortgages right now.  So is it fair for the U.S. government to be giving money to some people (but not to others) to help them pay their mortgages? Well, it turns out that U.S. citizens in 10 states will soon be receiving money as part of a $2.1 billion federal program to help distressed homeowners pay their mortgages.  But is this fair?  Why will only citizens in 10 states by getting funds?  What about the other 40 states?  Well, the money for this mortgage relief program is going to come from a special fund within the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) known as the “Housing Finance Agency Innovation Fund for the Hardest Hit Housing Markets”.  In other words, people in the areas where housing prices have fallen the most are going to get help living the American Dream, and everyone else is out of luck. (Read More...)

10 Clear Signs That This Will Be A Double-Dip Recession In The United States

The U.S. economy has been riding out one of the worst recessions in modern history, but unfortunately every economic signal seems to be indicating that we are going to be experiencing a “double-dip” recession instead of a recovery.  U.S. government debt is out of control, a massive “second wave” of mortgages is scheduled to reset starting this year, banks have significantly tightened credit, pension funds across the U.S. are broke at a time when a ton of Baby Boomers are ready to retire, and a massive financial crisis in the Eurozone threatens to throw the world into financial chaos.  The truth is that 2010 is going to be another very tough year economically, and for many the American Dream is quickly becoming a distant memory.  The following are ten clear signs that this will be a double-dip recession in the United States…. (Read More...)

Welcome To The American Dream Blog

Welcome to the American Dream blog!  So what is this site going to be about?  It is going to be about trying to wake up as many people as possible.  A generation ago, our parents and grandparents could take a prosperous future in the most powerful nation on earth for granted.  But now that has fundamentally changed.  Now the U.S. government, state governments, the big corporations and American consumers have piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world.  Not only have we completely mortgaged the future of our children and grandchildren, but we have also brought the U.S. financial system to the brink of complete destruction.  The U.S. dollar, once the most stable and most powerful currency in the world, is now dropping dramatically in value and is in a death spiral.  Unemployment is spiking all over America, and in some areas it is now next to impossible to get a good job.  Millions of quality jobs have been shipped overseas and they simply are not going to come back.  It seems like each year we set another record for mortgage foreclosures and another record for personal bankruptcies. (Read More...)