Donald Trump Has Become Such A Hero In Israel That He Is Going To Have A Train Station Named After Him

When Donald Trump decided to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, everyone knew that he was going to get a tremendous amount of criticism from the rest of the world.  In fact, things got so crazy that even the Pope was criticizing him.  But in Israel, Trump is now regarded as a national hero.  Large signs with the message “God Bless Trump” have gone up all around Jerusalem, and now we have learned that a new train station that will be constructed very close to the Western Wall will actually be named after Trump.  The following comes from the Jerusalem Post(Read More...)

The UN Tried To Mess With Trump, But They Ended Up With A $285 Million Budget Reduction Instead

When are people going to learn that you don’t mess with Trump?  Over the past several decades, the United Nations has grown into a vast bureaucratic monstrosity that is completely out of control, but previous administrations have just kept feeding the beast.  Thankfully, we now have a president that is not afraid to stand up to the globalists, and the $285 million budget reduction that Trump and his team just negotiated is the largest budget reduction in UN history.  Those that have not read “The Art of the Deal” yet may want to do so, because this is Trump at his best.  The following is the statement that UN Ambassador Nikki Haley put out about this stunning budget reduction(Read More...)

The United States, Israel And Saudi Arabia Are Reportedly Pushing A Peace Plan That Would Create A Palestinian State

Many had assumed that President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would make a peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israelis less likely, but it actually appears to be accelerating things.  For a long time Trump has referred to a comprehensive peace treaty in the Middle East as “the ultimate deal”, and he seems absolutely determined to get something done.  The key was going to be getting the Saudis on his side, and this appears to have happened.  Last month, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas made a trip to Riyadh, and what was said during his meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has sent shockwaves throughout the Middle East.  According to the New York Times, the crown prince pushed for Abbas to accept a plan for peace that is much different than any plan that we have ever seen before… (Read More...)

Amazing Phenomenon: Trump And Israel Are Linked By The Number 7 Over And Over Again

On Wednesday, President Trump announced that the United States is formally recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and would begin the process of moving the U.S. embassy to the holy city.  This move sent shockwaves around the world, and it is likely that we could see widespread violence erupt in the Middle East.  But what most people don’t realize is that the timing of this announcement was extremely significant.  As you will see below, this came on the exact date on the Hebrew calendar when the Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted 70 years ago, and it is yet another example of how Trump and Israel are linked by the number “7” over and over again. (Read More...)

The Feds Are Investigating Allegations That Planned Parenthood Has Been Selling Baby Body Parts For Profit

Is Planned Parenthood finally going to be held accountable for their crimes against humanity?  Pro-life activists all over the nation are absolutely thrilled by reports about a potential FBI investigation of Planned Parenthood.  For the past several years, undercover video after undercover video has exposed what is going on deep inside Planned Parenthood clinics, but federal law enforcement authorities never took any action.  Of course we probably should not have expected any justice during the Obama years, but many were hoping that things would change under Trump, and that now appears to be happening. (Read More...)

Michael Savage Wants To Turn America Back To God

Michael Savage is one of the most popular conservative radio hosts in America, but these days his focus in on talking about God.  His new book is getting a lot of criticism, because many Americans don’t like when people mix faith and politics.  But the truth is that if you are a person of faith it is going to make you want to change society, and for most of us, our political views come from a worldview that is rooted in faith.  In the end, faith and politics are always going to overlap, and I greatly applaud Savage for addressing spiritual issues more directly.  In this brand new book, Savage boldly declares that “God is not dead”(Read More...)

Now We Have Learned That The Texas Church Shooter Was A Hardcore Atheist

Devin Patrick Kelley was a devout atheist that “hated Christians”, and that may help to explain why he specifically chose a church as his target.  According to Gateway Pundit, Kelley’s Facebook page (which has now been deleted) showed that he had liked pages such as “Atheist Republic” and “Friendly Atheist”.  Authorities tell us that the primary reason he attacked the First Baptist Church of Suthlerland Springs was because his mother-in-law was a member of that congregation, but if he had any respect for human life at all he wouldn’t have tried to kill everyone there – including all of the small children. (Read More...)

Woman That Lost Her Arms, Legs And Unborn Child To A Tragic Pregnancy Is Still Praising God

If you believe that what you are going through right now is rough, you should consider the story of Kayleigh Ferguson-Walker.  The onset of sepsis while she was pregnant caused her to lose her arms, her legs and her unborn child, and yet she has not allowed negativity, depression and despair to overwhelm her.  Instead, she has decided to maintain a positive attitude and to get back to doing the things that she used to do, and that includes going to church(Read More...)