24 Facts That Prove That America Is A Nation Of Slobs

What would our founders say if they could see us now?  Americans like to believe that the rest of the world looks up to us, but the truth is that the rest of the world is laughing at us.  It may be very difficult for us to admit, but the reality is that America has become a nation of slobs.  And I am not just talking about being overweight.  Today, Americans are physical, mental, emotional, moral, financial and political slobs.  We are addicted to entertainment, we are addicted to shopping, we are addicted to food, we are addicted to prescription drugs, and we are addicted to anything else that gives us the pleasure that we crave.  We allow our televisions to do our thinking for us and our families are falling apart.  Our lives center around pleasing ourselves, and we have become one of the most narcissistic societies in the history of the world.  We are like a middle-aged man that has totally let himself go.  You know the guy who shows up for an important event in sandals, sweatpants and a stained t-shirt?  That is us.  We are only a shadow of what we once were as a nation, and we desperately need to change course. (Read More...)

Was Whitney Houston Killed By Prescription Drugs Like So Many Other Celebrities Have Been?

Why is it that almost every time a celebrity under the age of 50 dies we find out that prescription drugs were involved?  The official test results will not be released for weeks, but already there is a growing body of evidence that Whitney Houston was killed by prescription drugs just like so many other celebrities have been.  In recent years, we have seen prescription drugs play a significant role in the deaths of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy and Anna Nicole Smith.  Two of the most famous celebrities of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, died with very high levels of prescription drugs in their systems.  So when is the mainstream media going to start telling us the truth about the dangers of prescription drugs?  According to the CDC, approximately 750,000 Americans are rushed to the emergency room each year because of reactions to prescription drugs.  At least 200,000 Americans each year end up dying from reactions to prescription drugs.  Unfortunately, the big pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars advertising their pills in the mainstream media, so the mainstream media has a very strong incentive to cover up the truth.  But hopefully the death of Whitney Houston will get more Americans to wake up and realize that prescription drugs can be very, very deadly. (Read More...)

18 Crazy Facts Which Show That No Nation On Earth Is More Doped Up On Prescription Drugs Than America Is

Anyone that comes to visit America may notice that most of us walk around like a bunch of zombies.  Well, the truth is that this is because about half of us are completely doped up on prescription drugs.  In America, we don’t just take pills if we are sick.  In this day and age, the pharmaceutical companies have come up with a pill for just about everything.  If we are feeling a little sad, we are told to just pop a pill.  If we are feeling a little bit of pain, we are told to just pop a pill.  If our children like to run around and play, we are told that giving them the right pills will settle them down.  Every single year, prescription drug use in America increases, and there are dozens of different pharmaceutical companies that are making billions of dollars off of our “legal” addiction to drugs.  The funny thing is that many of these “legal” drugs are only just the slightest bit different from many of the “illegal” drugs that are being sold out on the streets.  But because they have “government approval”, the big pharmaceutical companies can relentlessly peddle them to the American public.  Many of these drugs are very damaging to our health, many of them are very damaging to our ability to think and many of them are extremely addictive. (Read More...)