Obama’s ‘Deal’ Would Allow Iran To Start Building Nuclear Bombs In About 10 Years

Nuclear War - Public DomainShould Iran be permitted to build as many nuclear bombs as it wants just a decade from now?  Shockingly, this is precisely what the “deal” that the Obama administration is currently negotiating would allow Iran to do.  Even the Washington Post, an enthusiastic cheerleader for Obama all these years, says that this deal is the equivalent of “giving Iran everything it wants“.  Sadly, ever since negotiations with Iran began several years ago, the stance of the Obama administration has been to retreat, retreat and then retreat some more.  Back in 2005, the western world was insisting that Iran was not going to be allowed to have any centrifuges at all.  But now we are going to allow Iran to keep all of the nuclear infrastructure that it has built up, and a decade from now it will be allowed to start building nuclear weapons.  This is a country that is run by genocidal Islamic fanatics that consider the United States to be “the Great Satan” and that wants to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the planet.  Under no circumstances should Iran ever be allowed to build even a single nuclear weapon.  If Obama goes through with this deal, he is betraying the United States, Israel and the entire western world. (Read More...)

19 Signs That Israel And Iran Are On The Verge Of War

There is going to be war in the Middle East.  It is just a matter of time until it happens.  Israel has decided that there is no way that it can ever allow Iran to develop the capability to build nuclear weapons.  Iran has gone “all-in” on developing a nuclear program and it has become a matter of national pride at this point.  Iran does not fear an Israeli attack against its nuclear program.  In fact, Iran anticipates that an Israeli attack would cause the Islamic nations of the Middle East to come together and declare war against Israel.  Sadly, there is a very strong chance that an Israeli attack on Iran would actually spark a larger regional war.  But there is no way that Israel is going to allow Iran to develop the capability to build nuclear weapons, and time for a strike may be running out.  It has become quite clear that the Obama administration does not want to strike Iran.  So if Israel wants to do something about Iran, Israel is going to have to be the one to do it.  But if Obama wins the U.S. election in November, he might work to actively block Israel from attacking Iran for his entire second term, and the Israelis believe that by 2016 it will be way too late to do anything about Iran’s nuclear program.  If Israel attacks before the election, Obama would be in danger of appearing to be “anti-Israel” if he came out against the attack.  And considering the fact that Jewish voters are a key voting block in swing states such as Florida that is not something he would want to do.  But after the election Obama would not have to worry about what Jewish voters think.  After the election Obama could move to block an attack on Iran indefinitely. (Read More...)

Barack Obama: I Have A “Moral Obligation” To Neuter America

Barack Obama actually plans to do it.  He actually plans to neuter America by unilaterally dismantling most of the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal.  In fact, Barack Obama says that the United States has a “moral obligation” to disarm as we lead the way to “a world without nuclear weapons”.  Sadly, a “world without nuclear weapons” is a fantasy that will not be possible any time soon.  Nuclear weapons technology is getting into more hands with each passing year, and geopolitical tensions are rising all over the globe.  If the United States did not have nuclear weapons, anyone with just a handful of nukes would constitute a massive threat to our national security.  An overwhelming strategic nuclear arsenal helps keep us safe because every other nation on the planet knows that it would be national suicide to attack us.  If you take that overwhelming strategic nuclear arsenal away, the entire calculation changes. (Read More...)

5113 Warheads And Falling – America’s Rapidly Shrinking Nuclear Arsenal

Most Americans believe that the massive nuclear arsenal that the U.S. military accumulated during the Cold War is still sitting there today – silently protecting them as they pursue the American Dream.  But that is NOT the case.  In fact, the United States currently only has a small fraction of the nuclear warheads that it did during the 1960s and the 1970s, and Barack Obama wants to make further substantial cuts.  If you are an American, what you are about to read should seriously upset you.  The weapons that have protected our freedom since the end of World War II are rapidly being dismantled at a time when the geopolitical situation around the world is becoming increasingly unstable.  Iran is feverishly working on developing nuclear weapons, North Korea already has them and it is only a matter of time until terrorists get their hands on some, and yet Barack Obama keeps insisting that radical nuclear disarmament is a great idea and nobody out there (including the Republicans) is putting up much of an objection. (Read More...)