Democrats Are Already Using The Shooting Of Steve Scalise To Call For More Gun Control

The left never lets a good crisis go to waste. Within hours of the shooting of U.S. Representative Steve Scalise and other Republicans at a baseball field in Virginia, top Democrats were already calling for more gun control. Of course the shooter, 66-year-old James Hodgkinson, is from a state that already has some of the toughest gun laws in the entire nation. And the largest city in Illinois, Chicago, is plagued by rampant gun violence on a daily basis. Alternatively, crime rates tend to be very low where rates of gun ownership are very high. Up here in north Idaho, anyone that would dare to break into homes at night would have a very, very short criminal career. Gun owners are the number one crime deterrent, but liberals still don’t understand this. (Read More...)

We Want A Government So Small That We Can Barely See It

We need to fundamentally redefine the relationship between government and the people in this country. Today, we have become so accustomed to big government that most of us can’t even imagine another way of doing things. And I am not just talking about the federal government either. Even in a red state like Idaho, the state government has become a sprawling bureaucracy that requires 3.5 billion dollars a year to keep going. And all over the country many local governments are “supersized” as well. But this isn’t the way that our Founding Fathers intended for things to work. They intended to create a society where government is very limited and where liberty and freedom are maximized. (Read More...)

‘Julius Caesar’, Antifa And Kathy Griffin All Show That The Left Has Absolutely No Positive Message To Offer

The endgame of the radical left is a nation filled with hatred, anger and violence. Is this really a message that the American people are going to embrace? For decades, Democrats have been getting a tremendous amount of mileage out of “divide and conquer” tactics. In other words, they get one group of people to support them by pointing a finger of accusation at another group. Just recently, I published an article entitled “A List Of 100 Things That Liberals Hate About America”, and I could have easily doubled or tripled that list. The left specializes in hate, and the presidency of Donald Trump has been like throwing red meat to a bunch of sharks that are in a feeding frenzy. Lacking any kind of a positive message to share, the left is in the process of self-destructing as they show the entire world how intellectually and morally bankrupt they truly are. (Read More...)

They Want To Make The Rest Of The Country Just Like California

If millions are leaving California because life there is so horrible, then why would those same people want to try to make their new communities more like the state that they just left? About five million people have migrated out of the state of California over the past decade, and most of them are leaving for very good reasons. The number one destination for ex-Californians is Texas, and this has caused the state to move a little bit to the left politically. For example, Trump beat Clinton by only about 9 percent in Texas back in November. It is getting to the point where many people in Texas are starting to resent anyone with a California license plate, because there are so many ex-Californians that would like to turn Texas into another version of their home state. (Read More...)

Only 37 Percent Of Evangelical Christians Believe That Going To A Strip Club Without Your Spouse Is Cheating

If a husband goes to a strip club without his wife and spends hours watching other women dance around naked, would that be considered cheating? Of course the answer is yes, but I was astounded when I came across a recent survey that found that only 37 percent of evangelical Christians agree with me. Perhaps even more shocking is the fact that the same survey found that only 31 percent of evangelical Christians believe that “watching pornography without your partner” is cheating. Numbers like these make me wonder exactly what is being taught in our churches these days. (Read More...)

81 Percent Of Americans Are ‘Concerned About Declining Moral Behavior In Our Nation’

Could it be possible that Americans are more concerned about declining standards of morality than most of us initially thought? A very surprising new survey conducted by LifeWay Research has discovered that a whopping 81 percent of Americans agree with this statement: “I am concerned about declining moral behavior in our nation.” If you follow my work on a regular basis, you already know that moral decay is a theme that I keep coming back to time after time. To me it is quite obvious that moral behavior is deteriorating all around us, but I had no idea that so many other Americans were deeply concerned about the exact same thing. (Read More...)

‘The Church Doesn’t Need Any More Coffee Bars’

Have we lost sight of who we are supposed to be? In December 2014, Kimberli Lira’s husband was diagnosed with cancer. Melchor fought against the cancer as hard as he could for more than two years, but on February 14th, 2017 he passed away. Now Kimberli is struggling to adjust to her new life as a widow with two very young children. On her blog entitled “A Young Widow’s Story” she shares her battles with grief and pain with the world, and one of her recent posts really struck a chord with me. Way too often today churches seem to be much more concerned about keeping up with the latest trends than with bringing in the presence of Jesus. The following is an excerpt from “Why the church doesn’t need anymore coffee bars“… (Read More...)

What One Husband Is Doing For His Wife During Her Excruciating Battle With Cancer Will Bring A Tear To Your Eye

How far would you go to support someone that you love during a life or death battle with cancer?  What one husband decided to do while his wife was in a period of strict isolation during her radiation treatment is going viral all over the Internet.  Last October, Marci Newman was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and anyone that has ever had thyroid cancer can tell you how excruciating the treatments can be.  She was forced to spend last week in isolation in her bedroom due to another round of radiation treatment, and her husband Jon decided to show his support by setting up a desk right outside of the door to her room.  Their 17-year-old daughter MacKenna was so touched by this gesture that she posted a photograph of her father sitting at this desk on Twitter along with the following message… (Read More...)