Fortnite Addiction Is Real: 9-Year-Old Girl Checks Into Rehab “After Getting Hooked Playing Fortnite For 10 Hours A Day”

Fortnite is the most popular video game in the entire world right now, and for some people it is literally taking over their entire lives. More than 40 million people have downloaded the game since it was released last July, and it just seems to keep getting more and more popular. In fact, just watching other people play Fortnite is a full-time obsession for some people. If you can believe it, fans around the globe spent more than 5,000 years watching Fortnite streams on Twitch during a recent two week period. We live in a society where there is so much unhappiness, and addictive games such as Fortnite provide a very pleasant escape from reality. Unfortunately, Fortnite addiction has become a very real phenomenon, and frustrated parents all over the globe are searching for answers. (Read More...)

What This Woman Was Shown About The Future Of The United States Will Shake You To Your Core

Apocalyptic City Skyline - Public DomainJudgment is coming to America very soon. Recently, Julie Whedbee was shown what life will be like for believers in the United States during the Tribulation. She has been having dreams and visions for over 20 years, and she is someone that I have come to hold in high regard. What was revealed to her about the future of the United States is quite chilling to say the least. She was shown a time when Christians have to live in hiding in a post-apocalyptic America where millions of people have already been killed. The following is a short excerpt from what she wrote about this experience(Read More...)

Is It Wrong For Women To Be Addicted To Sexually Explicit Romance Novels?

Romance Novel - Public DomainAbout a billion and a half dollars will be spent on romance novels in the United States this year.  These novels will outsell the categories of “sci-fi, mystery, and fantasy combined“, and they will account for more than half of all mass-market fiction paperbacks sold.  To say that they are popular would be a vast understatement.  Many of these novels are “clean”, innocent and even inspirational, but many others are extremely sexually explicit.  In America today, 64 percent of all Christian men and 15 percent of all Christian women admit that they have viewed pornography within the last month, and we correctly label this as a national moral crisis.  But are women that can’t get through a day without reading a sexually explicit romance novel that much different? (Read More...)

Is Bill Clinton A Sexual Predator Or Just A Sex Addict?

Bill Clinton - Public DomainWhen dozens of women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of rape, most Americans believed them, so why is Bill Clinton getting a free pass when a similar number of women are accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct?  As you will see below, new allegations continue to come out, and it has become exceedingly clear that Clinton is still chasing women that he is not married to even though his wife is in the middle of a presidential campaign.  Of course Hillary Clinton knows exactly what is going on, and she has been serving as his enabler by doing all that she can to cover up Bill’s escapades whenever one of these “bimbo eruptions” happens.  Ultimately, Bill and Hillary Clinton have together victimized countless numbers of women, and yet public opinion polls continue to show that most women voters plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in November.  It is hard even for me to believe that our country has sunk so low at this point. (Read More...)

Cell Phone Addiction: 15 Numbers That Show The Ridiculous Obsession Americans Have With Their Phones

Cell Phone Addiction - Public DomainHave you ever had a family gathering, a social function or a business meeting ruined by someone that was obsessed with checking their cell phone?  I see this wherever I go, and it is one of the reasons why I don’t like to leave the house much.  No matter who is around and no matter how important what they are supposed to be doing may be, many Americans feel a deep, dark compulsion to constantly check their smartphones.  As you will see below, the average user checks his or her phone 35 times a day, but of course there are some people that are well into the triple digits.  Cell phone addiction is very real, and that is why there are actually rehab programs for this sort of thing.  Unfortunately, we simply can’t put the entire country into rehab, and this problem just keeps getting worse with each passing year. (Read More...)

30 Million Americans On Antidepressants And 21 Other Facts About America’s Endless Pharmaceutical Nightmare

Pill Bottle - Public DomainHas there ever been a nation more hooked on drugs than the United States?  And I am not just talking about illegal drugs – the truth is that the number of Americans addicted to legal drugs is far greater than the number of Americans addicted to illegal drugs.  As you will read about below, more than 30 million Americans are currently on antidepressants and doctors in the U.S. wrote more than 250 million prescriptions for painkillers last year.  Sadly, most people got hooked on these drugs very innocently.  They trusted that their doctors would never prescribe something for them that would be harmful, and they trusted that the federal government would never approve any drugs that were not safe.  And once the drug companies get you hooked, they often have you for life.  You see, the reality of the matter is that some of these “legal drugs” are actually some of the most addictive substances on the entire planet.  And when they start raising the prices on those drugs, there isn’t much that the addicts can do about it.  It is a brutally efficient business model, and the pharmaceutical industry guards their territory fiercely.  Very powerful people will often do some really crazy things when there are hundreds of billions of dollars at stake.  The following are 22 facts about America’s endless pharmaceutical nightmare that everyone should know… (Read More...)

Philip Seymour Hoffman Is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg Of The Raging Heroin Abuse Epidemic In America

Philip_Seymour_Hoffman - Photo by Georges BiardAccording to the federal government, the number of heroin addicts in the United States has more than doubled since 2002.  Yes, you read that correctly.  In fact, it is being reported that heroin-related overdose deaths have risen 84 percent just since 2010.  The truth is that the recent death of Philip Seymour Hoffman is just the tip of the iceberg of the raging heroin abuse epidemic in America.  Heroin is cheap, it is potent, and it is very similar to the legal painkillers that millions of Americans are currently addicted to.  According to ABC News, Hoffman was found “with five empty heroin bags as well as many as 65 more bags that were still unused” when his body was discovered on Sunday in his New York apartment.  It is a great tragedy, but the reality is that tragedies like this are happening all across the United States every single day.  Heroin is the the number one killer of illegal drug users, and as heroin use continues to rise so will the number of dead bodies. (Read More...)

These Two Traps Are Absolutely Destroying The Next Generation Of Young Men In America

Have you ever noticed that our young girls seem to be far ahead of our young boys and that our young women seem to be much more “together” than our young men are?  Have you ever noticed how many young American men almost seem like zombies and find even the most basic human interactions extremely awkward?  Well, this didn’t happen by accident.  Researchers are finding that there are two traps in particular that are absolutely destroying the next generation of young men in America.  One is video game addiction and the other is pornography.  In the old days, the parks and ball fields of America would be flooded with young boys after school was done for the day, but now our parks and our ball fields are very quiet.  So where did all the boys go?  Well, they are all sitting at home staring into computer screens.  Yes, there are also young girls and young women that are addicted to these things, but the truth is that these addictions are far more prevalent among young men.  Unfortunately, it is not going to be easy to reverse the damage that is being done to the next generation of young men in America, and that is very frightening. (Read More...)