Russia Readies Its “Poseidon” Doomsday Weapon As The World Stumbles To The Brink Of Nuclear Conflict

In a game of “nuclear chicken”, one of the potential outcomes is that everybody loses.  We have reached a point where nuclear annihilation is just one mistake away, and that should deeply alarm all of us.  But as I discussed in a previous article, most people don’t seem to care.  Instead, most people just seem to assume that our leaders have everything under control and that they know exactly what they are doing.  Unfortunately, the truth is that they are completely nuts.  They just decided to escalate the war in Ukraine again, and they are dragging us to the brink of nuclear conflict.  Of course once a nuclear war starts, the option of choosing new leaders will be gone. (Read More...)

If This Is What The Future Of America’s Major Cities Is Going To Look Like, We Are In Big Trouble

How could we have allowed things to deteriorate this badly?  For a moment, I want you to imagine that you have just arrived in a major city in a foreign country.  Unfortunately, instead of the shiny new buildings and beautiful homes that you expect to see, there is trash, filth and the sound of police sirens everywhere that you go.  After walking a few blocks, you stumble upon one of the dozens of open air drug markets that are freely operating in that particular city.  Many addicts are lying on the ground wherever they suddenly passed out, others with visible gaping wounds are staggering around like zombies, and you even spot one enterprising addict that has decided to take a dump right in the middle of the street.  Of course there are used needles scattered everywhere, and you try not to step on them.  You decide that it is time to leave, but it is already too late, because protesters behind you and in front of you have started to clash with the police.  Moments later a police car is set on fire, and you can smell tear gas in the air.  Thankfully, you are able to scramble to safety, and eventually you find your way back to your hotel room and lock the door.  When you turn on the news to see what they are saying about the chaos in the streets, you are amazed to discover that it is being reported that the protests were “mostly peaceful” and that everything is just fine. (Read More...)

14 Incredibly Awesome Animal Videos That Will Help You To Smile During These Troubled Times

If you are a news junkie like I am, it can be really easy to focus on all of the bad things that are going on in the world.  Right now, economic conditions are rapidly deteriorating, the global food crisis is getting worse, the fabric of our society is decaying all around us, and it appears that the war in Ukraine is about to go to an entirely new level.  I know that I write about a lot of subjects that are very heavy, and so once in a while I will try to balance that out by posting something that is designed to bring you some joy.  I love animals, and I think that one of the greatest things about the Internet is all of the wonderful animal videos that people share.  Hopefully what I have decided to share below will be a blessing to you.  The following are 14 incredibly awesome animal videos that will help you to smile during these troubled times… (Read More...)

Is An Ominous Prophecy About California Being Fulfilled Right In Front Of Our Eyes?

What we are witnessing in California is unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  Over the past couple of weeks, a “parade of cyclones” has been absolutely hammering the state.  Unfortunately, this crisis is far from over because “atmospheric rivers” will continue to funnel more rain into California for at least several more days.  What I have shared so far is common knowledge at this point.  But what most people don’t know is that more than a decade ago John Paul Jackson had a supernatural experience in which he was shown that “a storm of incredible force” would hit California, and that it would be a sign that precedes the colossal earthquake that permanently alters the geography of the state.  You can see video footage of John Paul Jackson describing what he was shown right here(Read More...)

Who Will Start The First Major War Of 2023?

Tensions are on the rise all over the planet, and global conflict will be one of the big trends that we will all be watching in 2023.  And that is extremely unfortunate, because more global conflict won’t be good for any of us.  Considering what we have been through the past several years, we could really use a time of peace.  Sadly, as I write this article it appears that more war is inevitable.  But where will it erupt first?  In recent days, the mainstream media has suggested several potential candidates… (Read More...)

Here Are 21 Tweets That Will Make You Smile As You Endure The “Once In A Generation” Storm That Is Roaring Across America

At times like these, it helps to smile.  As if we hadn’t already gone through enough in 2022, now a “once in a generation” winter storm is ripping across the country.  Thousands of flights have been cancelled, and “the coldest air in decades” is pouring into the Midwest.  This is truly a very bitter end to a very bitter year.  I wish that I could tell you that 2023 will be better, but that wouldn’t be the truth.  The consequences of literally decades of incredibly bad decisions are now catching up with us all at once, and so there will be a lot of pain in the year ahead.  But for the moment, let’s take a break from all of the troubling things that are happening and look back at some of the tweets that made us smile in 2022… (Read More...)

Is Russia Preparing To Conduct A Massive New Invasion Of Ukraine From The North?

The top general in Ukraine is warning that Russia is currently putting together an enormous new army.  Will Vladimir Putin try to bring about a decisive end to the war by sending this new army into Ukraine from the north?  In recent weeks the Russians have regained the initiative in Ukraine, but if they try to win the conflict by slowly slogging through the heavily fortified plains of eastern Ukraine it could be years before the fighting finally ends.  Obviously Putin would like to be able to declare victory at some point in 2023, but the only way that is going to happen is if the Russians can find a way to cut off the Ukrainian forces in the eastern half of the country from their NATO suppliers.  The way to do that would be to conduct a lightning strike from the north that literally slices Ukraine in half.  The flow of mercenaries and equipment would stop, and the surrounded Ukrainian forces in the east would either be forced to surrender or would eventually be wiped out. (Read More...)

5 Global Flashpoints Which Could Absolutely Explode During The Early Stages Of 2023

Will 2023 be a year when extremely destructive conflicts erupt all over the world?  We are certainly already living in a time of “wars and rumors of wars”, and tensions are approaching the boiling point in a number of key global flashpoints right now.  If several more major conflicts were to suddenly begin next year, we could potentially witness an extended period of geopolitical instability that would be unlike anything that we have ever witnessed.  It is easy to start wars, but it is much harder to end them.  If you doubt this, just look at what is going on in Ukraine.  There is no end in sight for that conflict, and there are several other wars that could literally erupt at any time.  The following are 5 global flashpoints which could absolutely explode during the early stages of 2023… (Read More...)