We sure have been experiencing a lot of “coincidences” lately, haven’t we? On Friday, Israeli forces conducted their first localized raids inside Gaza. Then on Saturday, the path of a spectacular “ring of fire” solar eclipse marched across the continental United States. Is it just a coincidence that this eclipse has happened just as the Great Middle East War is commencing? Throughout human history, eclipses have often coincided with tragic events and major historical turning points. For example, earlier today I came across an article that took a look back at “the World War I eclipse”… (Read More...)
The “Global Day Of Jihad” On Friday The 13th Will Only Be Just The Beginning…
Law enforcement agencies all over the United States are deeply concerned about the potential for chaos during the “global day of jihad” on Friday the 13th, and I think that there is good reason for them to be on high alert. There are more radical Muslims in the United States than ever before, and many of them are rabid supporters of Hamas and Hezbollah. But this “global day of jihad” is only just the beginning. Once the Great Middle East War really gets rolling, I expect that we will see terror attacks throughout the western world on a scale that we have never seen before. So I am not just concerned about one day. Ultimately, I believe that we are entering a period when Islamic terrorism in the western world will become more common than ever. (Read More...)
Get Ready, Because The U.S. Is Going To War In The Middle East…
We are on the precipice of a major regional war in the Middle East, and the U.S. military is going to be involved. Of course if this war was just limited to a fight between Israel and Hamas, there would be no need for the U.S. military to intervene, because the IDF can handle Hamas quite easily. But Hezbollah is another matter entirely. Hezbollah possesses an extremely powerful military, and they have an arsenal of approximately 130,000 missiles ready to be fired at Israel. If Hezbollah enters the war and starts firing thousands upon thousands of missiles at Israel, the United States will take action. (Read More...)
There Will Be An Explosion Of Terrorism In The Western World Unlike Anything We Have Ever Seen Before
I believe that the war that has just erupted in the Middle East is the biggest news story in decades. This is bigger than the war in Ukraine, the pandemic, 9/11 or the Iraq War. Once Israel sends troops into Gaza, the Great Middle East War will have begun. There is going to be so much death and destruction in the months ahead, and it will not just be limited to the Middle East. There will be violence in the United States and other western nations that support Israel. In fact, I believe that eventually we are going to see an explosion of terrorism in the western world unlike anything we have ever seen before. (Read More...)
When Hamas Decided To Kill And Abuse Women, Children And The Elderly, They Made Peace Impossible
Hamas has crossed lines that can never be uncrossed, and they have nobody to blame but themselves for what is about to happen. Throughout human history, it has always been acceptable for soldiers to attack other soldiers. But when they launched their surprise attack against Israel, Hamas showed no restraint whatsoever. Even though they knew that the whole world would be watching, they mercilessly killed and abused women, children and the elderly. And now footage has been released of them beheading captives. From this point forward, Hamas will be considered the moral equivalent of ISIS, and that is because they have behaved just like ISIS did. (Read More...)
Henry Gruver: “When Israel Sends Troops Into Gaza, It Will Be A Sign The Middle East War Has Started.”
We just witnessed the biggest attack on Israel in 50 years, and as a result the Israeli government has declared war on Hamas. The IDF is already striking strategic targets all over Gaza, but it also appears that a ground invasion could be imminent. As I was reflecting on these events today, the words of Henry Gruver came to mind. All the way back in 2018, Gruver issued a very ominous warning. According to James Bailey, Gruver stated that “when Israel sends troops into Gaza, it will be a sign the Middle East War has started”… (Read More...)
Putin Warns That When Russia Nukes America “There Is No Chance Of Survival” And “There Will Be No Single Enemy Left”
The Russians are feverishly preparing to fight a nuclear war, but our leaders continue to insist that nuclear war is not a threat because the Russians would never use their nuclear weapons against us no matter how much we may provoke them. In fact, I was just reading an article on the official NATO website that was authored by a former U.S. defense official in which he openly admitted that he is assuming “that the war in Ukraine will end without Russian nuclear use”. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin continues to make public statements about nuking America. This week, he told the entire world that there will be “no chance of survival” once he launches his nuclear missiles at us… (Read More...)
Support For A New Third Party Gains Ground
The 2024 election cycle is likely to be the most chaotic election cycle that we have ever seen. So will this create an opportunity for a new third party to try to pull off a historic upset? Unless something really dramatic happens, Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee and Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee in 2024. But I don’t think that they will be the only two choices. There are rumors that one or two prominent third party candidates could soon enter the race, and it appears that large numbers of Americans may be willing to embrace such a candidate. In fact, a Gallup survey that was just released discovered that a whopping 63 percent of U.S. adults believe that “a third major party is needed”… (Read More...)