In recent weeks, the poll numbers for Newt Gingrich have absolutely skyrocketed. Many now believe that he has a legitimate shot at winning the Republican nomination. But the truth is that he would be a really, really bad president. Gingrich is a big time Washington insider who believes in individual health care mandates, who supported the bailouts, who was instrumental in cramming NAFTA down the throats of the American people and who is either soft or wrong on just about every single issue that conservatives care about. His personal life has a history of being a mess, his finances have a history of being a mess and his campaign was such a mess a few months ago that most observers considered his candidacy to be completely dead. He has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for two decades and he has been spotted attending meetings at the Bohemian Grove. He sounds good during a debate, but it really boggles the mind that anyone would consider voting for someone with such a nightmarish track record. (Read More...)
How Can The American People Ever Trust Congress Again After Learning Of The Rampant Insider Trading That Has Been Going On?
Will the shocking insider trading revelations that have come to light in recent days finally be enough to motivate the American people to start throwing all of the con men and charlatans out of Congress? On Sunday, 60 Minutes opened up a huge can of worms when it did a feature story on insider trading by members of Congress. Up until now, the vast majority of Americans had no idea that insider trading was actually legal for members of Congress. In fact, as will be documented later on in this article, members of Congress have been using secrets that they have learned during the course of their duties to make huge amounts of money in the stock market. If you can believe it, during the financial crisis of 2008 some members of Congress were making huge stock moves that would only pay off if the stock market crashed really hard at a time when they should have been focusing on creating legislation that would help the U.S. financial system survive. Why haven’t we heard more about this scandal from the mainstream media? It is hard not to feel sick after learning how low some of our “leaders” have stooped to enrich themselves. Now that the American people are learning the truth, how can they ever trust Congress again? (Read More...)
Mathematical Proof Of Dramatic Media Bias And Favoritism During The Republican Debates
It should be evident to anyone with half a brain that the recent Republican presidential debates have been incredibly slanted in favor of certain candidates. The candidates that the mainstream media favor are receiving far more talking time than the other candidates during the debates. It is hard to defend the legitimacy of our political system after watching what a farce the race for the Republican nomination has become. First, the major news networks dedicate thousands of hours of “programming” to telling us that candidates such as Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are “top tier” and that nobody else has a legitimate chance. Then, once the poll numbers are skewed by that relentless coverage, they use those polls to justify giving the “favored candidates” more questions during the debates. The funny thing is that even if support for a favored candidate drops off dramatically (such as with Rick Perry), that candidate will still be given extra time during the debates. What you are about to see is mathematical proof of dramatic media bias and favoritism during the Republican debates. After reading this information, it will be hard to keep believing that our political system is fair. (Read More...)
Out Of The Ashes Of The Collapse Of The Eurozone Will A “United States Of Europe” Arise?
All over Europe, headlines are declaring that the eurozone is on the verge of collapse. Many people falsely assume that this will mean the end of the euro and a return to national currencies. Unfortunately, that is not going to be the case at all. Instead, this is going to be yet another example of how the elite attempt to bring order out of chaos. The European elite have no intention on giving up on a united Europe. Rather, they hope to be able to bring to life a new “United States of Europe” out of the ashes of the existing eurozone. Over the coming months we will see widespread panic and fear all across Europe. The euro will likely sink like a rock and there will probably be huge financial problems in Europe and all around the globe. But for the European elite, a great crisis like this represents a golden opportunity to tear down the existing structures and build new ones. The solution that the European elite will be pushing will not be to go back to the way that Europe used to be. Instead, they will be pushing the idea of a much more tightly integrated Europe really hard. (Read More...)
If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster For America
Over the past couple of months, the mainstream media has been telling us that Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are the “top tier” candidates and that none of the other Republicans that are running really have a legitimate shot at winning the nomination. Well, if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination it is going to be an absolute disaster for America. The United States cannot afford another four years of Barack Obama. But we cannot afford four years of Romney, Cain or Perry either. All three of them have deep ties to the establishment, all three of them are clueless about how to fix what is wrong with this country and all three of them would continue most of the failed policies of the Bush/Obama era. The United States is running out of time, and if we are going to turn things around we need to make fundamental changes right now. But if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination we will almost certainly be guaranteed four more years of rapid decline. (Read More...)
Major Earth Changes Coming? Earthquakes Are Becoming Much More Frequent And Much More Powerful
Are earthquakes becoming more frequent and more powerful? With only two months to go, we are on pace to have more earthquakes of magnitude-5.0 or greater this year than we have had during any other year over the past decade by far. In fact, as you will see in this article, since the year 2000 there has been a very clear upward trend in the number of major earthquakes. So is this an indication that major earth changes are coming? Is our planet becoming increasingly unstable? We are currently witnessing tremendous political, social and financial upheaval all over the globe. Every week the economic crisis in the United States and elsewhere seems to get even worse. So what is going to happen if the shaking of the earth becomes even more intense and major cities all over the planet start getting leveled? For most of human history we have seriously underestimated the awesome destructive power of natural disasters, and the fact that the number of earthquakes around the world seems to be going up consistently should be a huge wake up call for all of us. (Read More...)
15 Statistics Which Prove That The U.S. Economy Is In Much Worse Shape Than Most Americans Think
Yes, most Americans realize that the economy is not doing well right now, but most of them also believe that this is just a “temporary” downturn. The mainstream media tells us over and over that a “recovery” has either already begun or that one is right around the corner. Sadly, the truth is that the U.S. economy is in much worse shape than most Americans think. Yes, there will be economic “peaks and valleys” as we move along, but it is absolutely imperative that all of us understand that we are in the middle of a long-term economic decline that has been caused by decades of horrendous decisions. Thousands of businesses and millions of jobs have left the country and they aren’t coming back. Last year, 23 manufacturing facilities a day were shut down in the United States and we have lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001. Without enough good jobs to go around, millions of American families have lost their homes and millions of American families have been pushed into poverty. Less good jobs also means that there are less people to pay the taxes we need to keep government services going. Government debt at the local, state and federal levels has exploded as the tax base has dwindled. We have become a nation that is very good at consuming wealth but that is not very good at creating wealth. Just “tweaking” a couple of things here or there is not going to get our economy back “on track”. We need fundamental changes to the way that we are doing things, and there are currently no signs that this kind of change is going to happen any time soon. (Read More...)
The Herman Cain Sex Scandal Is Going To Reveal If Character Still Matters To The Republican Party
Does character still matter to the Republican Party? We are about to find out. Today, a woman named Sharon Bialek fundamentally altered the race for the Republican nomination in 2012. The Herman Cain sex scandal is not going away, and either Herman Cain is lying or all of these women that are accusing Cain of sexual misconduct are lying. Normally, I would not write about unproven sex scandal rumors. And it is very important to note that the charges against Herman Cain have not been proven yet. But Bialek now represents the fourth alleged incident of sexual misconduct by Herman Cain. What makes things a lot worse is the Cain was married when all of these alleged incidents took place. At this point, Cain is denying that any sexual harassment ever took place. Cain says that he is perfectly innocent. So will we find out the truth? More importantly, will Republican voters demand the truth or will they just allow this whole thing to be brushed under the rug? Back during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Republicans insisted over and over that “character still matters” when it comes to selecting our leaders. Well, now that a candidate that millions of Republicans have fallen in love with has been accused of sexual misconduct we will see what Republicans actually do believe about character. (Read More...)