What are we supposed to think when rather large earthquakes start happening in places that aren’t supposed to have large earthquakes? 2019 has been quite a year for seismic activity already, and I understand that we should expect to see earthquakes in diverse places, but if someone told me that the U.S. was just hit by a significant quake one of the last places that I would check would be Kansas. The state of Kansas is certainly known for a lot of things, but earthquakes are not one of them, and that is why what we just witnessed is so startling. According to the Kansas City Star, one county in central Kansas alone has been hit by 11 quakes within the past five days… (Read More...)
According To The Federal Government, 19 Million Acres Of Farmland Were Not Planted With Crops This Year
If that headline sounds really bad to you, that is because the situation that we are facing is really bad. Over the past few months, I have written article after article about the unprecedented crisis that U.S. farmers are facing this year. In those articles, I have always said that “millions” of acres of farmland did not get planted this year, because I knew that we did not have a final number yet. Well, now we do, and it is extremely troubling. Of course there are some people out there that do not even believe that we are facing a crisis, and a few have even accused me of overstating the severity of the problems that U.S. farmers are currently dealing with. Sadly, things are not as bad as I thought – the truth is that they are even worse. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, crops were not planted on 19.4 million acres of U.S. farmland this year. The following comes directly from the official website of the USDA… (Read More...)
Guess Who China Is Blaming For The Riots In Hong Kong?
This is not going to end well. As a result of our ongoing trade war, U.S. relations with China were already rapidly deteriorating, but now the chaos in Hong Kong threatens to completely wreck them. Violence between political protesters and riot police is making headlines all over the globe, and as you will see below, the Chinese are squarely blaming the United States for what is happening. On Tuesday, flights at Hong Kong International Airport were canceled for a second day in a row, and riot police stormed the airport in an attempt to evict the thousands of protesters that were occupying it. This resulted in extremely violent clashes, and you can see raw video of one of these confrontations right here. Needless to say, the Chinese government is extremely alarmed by these developments. According to ABC News, one top official told the press that these protests in Hong Kong “have begun to show signs of terrorism”… (Read More...)
The Average U.S. Farm Is $1,300,000 In Debt, And Now The Worst Farming Crisis In Modern History Is Upon Us
We haven’t seen anything like this since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Leading up to this year, farm incomes had been trending lower for most of the past decade, and meanwhile farm debt levels have been absolutely exploding. So U.S. farmers were desperate for a really good year, but instead 2019 has been a total disaster. As I have been carefully documenting, due to endless rain and catastrophic flooding millions of acres of prime farmland didn’t get planted at all this year, and the yields on tens of millions of other acres are expected to be way, way below normal. As a result, we are facing the worst farming crisis in modern American history, and this comes at a time when U.S. farms are drowning in more debt than ever before. In fact, the latest numbers that we have show that the average U.S. farm is 1.3 million dollars in debt… (Read More...)
7 Unanswered Questions About Jeffrey Epstein’s Death That The Mainstream Media Needs To Be Talking About
Did Jeffrey Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered? This is a question that is being debated by millions of Americans right now, and without a doubt this is the biggest story of this news cycle. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is already dropping the ball. Instead of going wherever the evidence leads them, there already seems to be a tremendous effort to marginalize any explanations for his death other than “suicide”. And it may turn out that “suicide” is where the evidence takes us, but while things are unclear we should not be afraid to ask the hard questions. (Read More...)
Is China Hoarding Food, Gold And Other Commodities In Anticipation Of A Global Collapse?
Does China believe that we are on the verge of a major global crisis? The communist Chinese government has always been very big into planning, and it appears that they have decided that now is the time to hoard food, gold and other commodities. Of course in recent days the fact that China is completely cutting off U.S. agricultural imports has made headlines all over the globe, but at the same time China is dramatically increasing the amount of food that it is importing from the rest of the world. The end result is actually a substantial surge in Chinese imports, and this is starting to show up in the official numbers. For example, we just learned that Chinese soybean imports in July were actually up 8 percent compared to last year… (Read More...)
Why Is Saudi Arabia Giving Up A Tract Of Land The Size Of Massachusetts For “The World’s First Independent International Zone”?
Under the leadership of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a $500 billion “mega-city” is being constructed in the northwestern corner of Saudi Arabia. This city has been named “Neom”, and when it is fully completed it will be approximately “the size of Massachusetts”. The Wall Street Journal was able to recently examine 2,300 pages of classified documents related to this project, and what they discovered is absolutely stunning. This “city of the future” will feature an artificial moon, flying taxis and robot maids, but there will also be gene-editing in order to make humans stronger and smarter, and everyone living there will be subjected to 24 hour surveillance. In addition, we are being told that this will be “the world’s first independent international zone”, and many are concerned about what exactly that is going to mean. (Read More...)
Stock Market Crash Imminent?: “We May Well Be At The Most Dangerous Financial Moment Since The 2009 Financial Crisis”
Volatility has returned to Wall Street in a major way, and many investors are extremely nervous right now. In recent days we have seen a dramatic escalation in our trade war with China, and there is a lot of chatter that another stock market crash could be imminent. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 767 points on Monday, that definitely freaked a lot of people out, but then the Dow bounced back 311 points on Tuesday. Some are taking this as a sign that things are going to be okay, but we need to remember that during any stock market crisis we would expect to see both large up days and large down days. In fact, several of the largest single day stock market rallies in U.S. history happened right in the middle of the financial crisis of 2008. So please don’t think that the crisis is “over” just because stocks rise on a particular day. This party is just getting started, and once it fully gets rolling nobody is going to be able to stop it. (Read More...)