Food Prices To Soar Higher As California Farmers Destroy Crops Because Dust Bowl Conditions Continue To Spread

What is happening in California right now is going to affect every man, woman and child in the entire country.  Today, California has 24.6 million acres of farmland, and the state produces more of our fruits and vegetables than anyone else by a very wide margin.  So if agricultural production is dramatically reduced because of the endless megadrought that currently has the state in a death grip, that is going to be a major problem for all of us.  If you visit the official U.S. Drought Monitor website, you will see that nearly all of California is experiencing either “extreme drought” or “exceptional drought” right now.  Things have been so hot and so dry for so long that Governor Gavin Newsom has decided to declare a “drought emergency” in more than two-thirds of the counties in the state… (Read More...)

3 Giant Financial Companies That The Global Elite Use To Control 88% Of The Corporations Listed On The S&P 500

There is no question that large corporations absolutely dominate our society today.  They control what we eat, they control what we watch on television, they own most of the stores that we shop at, they provide the energy that our nation depends upon, and they make almost all of the products that we use.  Tens of millions of Americans make a living by serving these colossal firms, and at this point some of the biggest corporations are larger than many small countries.  But of course the corporations aren’t the top of the food chain.  They have owners, and there are 3 giant financial companies that the global elite use to control 88 percent of the corporations that are currently listed on the S&P 500. (Read More...)

More Than 1,000 Earthquakes In The Past Week – Is California Gearing Up For The “Big One”?

Have you noticed that there has been a whole lot of shaking going on around the world lately?  A major volcanic eruption in Congo made headlines all over the globe, China was just hit by a couple of very large earthquakes, and Mt. Etna in Italy erupted four times in a six day stretch this month.  But to me, one of the most alarming developments has been the extended sequence of earthquakes that has been rattling Lake Tahoe over the past several weeks(Read More...)

Are We On The Verge Of The Most Significant UFO Disclosure Ever?

In June, U.S. intelligence agencies are expected to deliver a blockbuster report about the existence of UFOs to Congress.  Needless to say, we have never seen anything like this before in U.S. history.  In the old days, government entities would go to great lengths to try to marginalize anyone that spoke up too loudly about UFOs.  In fact, anyone that was too effective in sharing the truth about UFOs would likely get a visit from shadowy government agents.  But now everything has changed.  In this day and age, current members of Congress such as U.S. Senator Marco Rubio openly talk about UFOs on television.  Former Senate majority leader Harry Reid just had an article about UFOs published by the New York Times, and even Barack Obama is publicly answering questions about their existence. (Read More...)

The Insidious Agenda Of The Global Elite Is Moving Forward Very Rapidly

The global elite have an entirely different perspective on things than most of the rest of us.  Most people are not focused on “global issues” because they have enough to deal with just trying to run their own day to day lives.  But the global elite have so much money that they don’t have to endlessly work long hours in order to “make a living”, and others take care of mundane daily tasks for them.  So the global elite are able to pour an inordinate amount of time and energy into the issues that they consider to be important, and population issues are right at the top of the list for many of them. (Read More...)

What Is Your Plan As Major U.S. Cities Devolve Into Lawless Wastelands Dominated By Violent Criminals?

Our cities are filled with extreme violence, and the blood of the innocent flows in our streets, and yet most Americans still seem to be in denial about what is happening.  This isn’t just a momentary spike in violent crime that we are witnessing.  The increase in violent crime that we experienced in 2020 was unprecedented, and things have been even worse in 2021.  If you are not familiar with those numbers, here is a reminder(Read More...)