A North Korean Defector Says That The Brainwashing In U.S. Schools Is Similar To The Brainwashing In North Korean Schools

A long time ago, the left decided that one of the best ways to transform U.S. society would be to take over the education system, and that conquest is now complete.  From the very top to the very bottom, the left completely and utterly dominates our system of education, and at this point our schools are little more than public indoctrination centers.  I spent more than a third of my life in those schools, and so I know what I am talking about.  Unfortunately, things have continued to spiral downhill since I received my last degree in 2003. (Read More...)

Now They Are Warning That The “Delta Variant” Will Cause The Biggest COVID Wave Of The Entire Pandemic

A lot of people thought that the pandemic was almost over.  For a while there, case numbers were falling, restrictions were being rolled back, and life was starting to return to normal all over the globe.  But even in the midst of all the good news, global health authorities kept insisting that big trouble was brewing in India.  We were told that extremely dangerous new mutant strains of the virus had emerged there, and this is something that I have written about previously.  Now, one of those strains which has come to be known as “Delta” is rapidly spreading all over the planet, and global health authorities are warning us that the biggest wave of the entire pandemic is still ahead of us. (Read More...)

Frustrated Homebuyers Are Competing With Investment Funds That Are Literally Buying Up Entire Neighborhoods

Home prices have been rising aggressively all over the nation this year, and this has caused a tremendous amount of frustration among ordinary Americans that are looking for something to buy.  As I have detailed in previous articles, we have often seen ferocious bidding wars break out for the most desirable properties, and many homes end up selling for way over asking price.  Unfortunately, many potential home buyers don’t even realize that they may be competing with investment funds, billionaires and wealth foreigners.  Gobbling up homes is now considered to be a way to make huge returns very rapidly.  Once homes are purchased, they are either flipped quickly for a large profit or they are rented out at very aggressive rates.  Meanwhile, it is becoming a lot more difficult for ordinary Americans to find affordable places to live. (Read More...)

Over 90% Of The News You See On Television Is Owned And Controlled By Just 5 Giant Corporations

The way that people view the world is greatly shaped by the “news” that they see on television and read on the Internet.  Unfortunately, much of that “news” is produced by just five enormous corporations.  In fact, although the numbers vary from month to month, more than 90 percent of the “news” that Americans watch on television is controlled by those five corporations.  Smaller outlets such as Newsmax are trying to make a dent, but it is an uphill battle.  Internet news is more diversified, but in conjunction with the 15 billionaires that own and control America’s newspaper industry, the same five corporations have come to dominate online as well.  The tech giants have certainly helped their cause by designating them as “trusted sources” and by adjusting algorithms to ensure that we get a steady diet of the “news” that the media giants are constantly putting out.  The entire system is designed to direct us to certain voices, and those voices are constantly working very hard to alter what we think about things. (Read More...)

The Shaking In California Is Getting WORSE As Hundreds And Hundreds Of Earthquakes Cause Alarm On The West Coast

Are we getting close to a major seismic event on the west coast?  Within the past several days, we have seen hundreds of earthquakes happen in southern California, there have been large earthquakes offshore near the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and there has been a very alarming swarm of earthquakes at Mt. Hood.  We haven’t seen this much seismic activity along the west coast in quite a long time, and many are concerned that this could be leading up to something really big. (Read More...)

As Police Brace For A “Summer Of Violence”, Murder Rates Are Absolutely Exploding All Over America

It appears that the violence in major U.S. cities is about to escalate even further.  Summer is usually the worst season for violent crime in America, and authorities are openly warning us that a “summer of violence” is approaching.  But at this point it is difficult to imagine things getting worse because we are already in the midst of a horrific crime wave.  According to the New York Times, homicide rates were up by an average of “more than 30 percent” in 2020, and on average they are up “another 24 percent” so far in 2021.  Never before in U.S. history have we seen homicide rates rise so quickly on a nationwide basis. (Read More...)