By now, you have probably heard that the Minneapolis City Council plans to completely disband the Minneapolis Police Department, and other major cities are considering significant cuts to the funding that their police departments receive. Needless to say, such moves will only make our streets even more unsafe, but a lot of people out there are so upset about police brutality that they are ready to support such drastic measures. In the aftermath of 9/11, police departments all over the country were heavily militarized, and thousands of troops returning from our wars overseas were hired as officers. This shift in policing culture caused enormous problems, and complaints about police brutality soared. But instead of reforming law enforcement, many have now decided that the best approach would be to get rid of the police altogether. (Read More...)
Cry For This Country, Because The Streets Of America Have Become A War Zone
It has truly been disheartening to watch how rapidly our major cities have descended into complete and utter chaos. At a moment when our nation should be coming together like never before, we have open warfare in the streets. The violence has shocked the entire world, and even more violence is expected this weekend. But anyone that is causing violence is actually dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I wish that many of the “leaders” that are encouraging these protests would make that point a lot more loudly. The truth is that the vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of police brutality. Personally, I have written countless articles about police brutality over the years, and I never want to see another police officer kneel on someone’s neck ever again. But I also never want to see these sorts of riots ever again either. Unfortunately, many people believe that this is just the beginning of the civil unrest in this country. (Read More...)
The DOJ Has Launched An Investigation As More Evidence Emerges That Someone Is Orchestrating The Violent Riots
The Department of Justice has announced that it is attempting to determine if there is a “coordinated command and control” behind the violent riots that have erupted all over the United States. In recent days, officials all over the country have used words such as “organized” and “organizers” to describe the orchestration that they have been witnessing in their respective cities. And all over the U.S., law enforcement officials have reported finding huge piles of rocks and bricks pre-staged at protest locations in advance, and scouts have often been used to direct rioters to locations where police are not present. In addition, something that we have been hearing over and over again is that many of the people that are involved in the violence are not known by any of the locals. At this point, the evidence appears to be so overwhelming that some sort of national coordination is taking place that the Department of Justice has decided to launch a formal investigation… (Read More...)
Protesters Showed Up In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho But The Locals Made Sure That There Would Be No Riots…
When word started spreading that the same protesters that had just broken windows and looted stores in Spokane were going to come to Coeur d’Alene, hundreds of citizens mobilized to protect their community. So when the protesters did show up on Monday night, they quickly discovered that a very heavily armed “welcoming committee” was waiting for them. Just like most Americans all over the country, most residents of north Idaho were absolutely horrified by the death of George Floyd, and there seems to be an overwhelming consensus that the police officer that killed him needs to be brought to justice. But most residents of north Idaho have also been absolutely horrified by the violent riots that have erupted in cities from coast to coast, and they sure don’t want the same thing to happen in their neck of the woods. (Read More...)
Shocking Evidence That Indicates That Somebody Is Trying To Orchestrate An Internal Uprising Inside The United States
Violence has erupted in major cities all over America yet again today, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead. The death of George Floyd was a great tragedy, and the vast majority of Americans agree that we do not want to see that sort of police brutality in our nation, and so this should actually be a moment that brings our country together. But instead, America is being torn apart. The protests against police brutality have been hijacked by sinister forces, and they are attempting to channel the outrage over George Floyd’s death in a very violent direction. As you will see below, law enforcement authorities all over the U.S. are telling us that they have identified a highly organized effort to orchestrate violence, and this appears to be happening on a nationwide basis. (Read More...)
A Society On The Brink Of Complete And Utter Chaos
It is heartbreaking to watch the violence that is taking place on the streets of Minneapolis. I have quite a few relatives that live in the Twin Cities area, and I have been there many times. In the old days it always felt so peaceful, but not anymore. The tragic death of George Floyd has unleashed a massive wave of anger, and the riots have made headlines all over the globe. Originally, many had anticipated that Thursday night would not be as violent as Wednesday night was, but that was not a safe assumption to make. Around 10 o’clock, protesters stormed into the Minneapolis Police Department’s 3rd Precinct building and set it on fire… (Read More...)
The Big War Between Israel And Her Enemies Could Begin As Soon As July 1st
The level of tension in the Middle East is sky high right now, and it is about to go even higher. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he would move ahead with a plan to annex portions of the West Bank in the months ahead. The coalition agreement that he reached with Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz allows him to submit annexation for a vote as early as July, and if Netanyahu is actually going to do this it will almost certainly happen before the U.S. election in November. The Trump administration is prepared to support Israel’s annexation under certain conditions, but a Biden administration would be 100 percent opposed to such a move. So Netanyahu realizes that this opportunity may never come again, and he is fully prepared to seize the moment. But of course if Israel does annex large portions of the West Bank, that could easily spark a huge regional war. (Read More...)
The High Cost Of Locking Down America: “We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks”
Locking down much of the country may have helped to “flatten the curve” a bit, but it has also had some very serious consequences that public health officials did not anticipate. Humans were created to be social creatures, and forcing us to isolate ourselves from one another for weeks on end has turned out to be quite problematic. This has especially been true for those that live alone. Today, the U.S. has a higher percentage of one person households than ever before, and keeping those individuals totally isolated in their own homes is not that different from putting prison inmates in solitary confinement for an extended period of time. In both cases, it can be just a matter of time before people mentally break. (Read More...)