Do Not Let The Establishment Divide Us – We Are All Americans

Have you ever noticed how almost all the mainstream news stories carried on the major news networks are slanted in a way that is intended to divide Americans?  The truth is that the “establishment” is constantly trying to divide us and get us fighting with one another.  They pit the Republicans against the Democrats (even as though control both sides).  They pit one race against another.  They pit one gender against another.  We are told that the rich are against the poor, the north is against the south, urban is against rural and that there are even “generational battles” going on.  Frustration and hate are rapidly growing in the United States today, and a lot of that frustration and hate is unfortunately aimed at the targets that the mainstream media has programmed all of us to hate.  Meanwhile, those at the top of the pyramid who are controlling the whole game love it when we are divided because we can never become united and challenge their control. (Read More...)

Is Illegal Immigration Destroying The Southwest United States? 19 Immigration Facts That Very Few People Are Talking About

Immigration is not a bad thing.  In fact, the United States is a nation that is made up of immigrants.  However, the truth is that rampant, unchecked illegal immigration is a really, really horrible thing and it is permanently destroying many areas of the southwest United States.  The U.S. government has refused to control the U.S. border with Mexico for decades, and this has allowed millions of criminals, drug dealers and gang members to cross freely into the United States.  Not only that, but our refusal to secure the border has allowed thousands (if not millions) of people that have very serious diseases into the country.  After illegal immigrants arrive they either try to make a living legally (by directly competing with blue collar American workers and driving their wages down) or illegally by selling drugs or being involved in other kinds of criminal activity.  The economic burden that these tens of millions of illegal immigrants has put on our system is almost incalculable. (Read More...)

Is Sarah Palin’s Political Career Almost Over?

In the United States today, perhaps only Barack Obama is more of a polarizing political figure than Sarah Palin is.  When it comes to Sarah Palin, the vast majority of Americans seem to either absolutely love her or absolutely hate her.  Unfortunately, the number of Americans that can’t stand her seems to be increasing, and this is really bad news for Palin as she considers making a run for the White House in 2012.  A staggering 59 percent of the respondents to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll said that they would not even consider voting for Sarah Palin in 2012.  The same poll found that just 8 percent of registered voters said that they would “definitely” vote for Palin and 31 percent of registered voters said that they would possibly consider voting for Palin.  Those are really, really dismal numbers.  Sarah Palin has tried to cast herself as the leader of the Tea Party movement, but right now it is just not working.  In fact, it seems that Palin can’t do much of anything right lately.  At one time Sarah Palin was considered the clear front-runner for the Republican nomination in 2012, but now all that is ancient history. (Read More...)

Are You Ready For The Universal Internet ID That Barack Obama Wants To Impose On All Of Us?

The Obama administration is developing a “universal Internet ID” program that would watch, track, monitor and potentially control your activity on the Internet. These “trusted identities” are being touted as a way to increase safety and security on the Internet and as a way to eliminate the need for dozens of different usernames and passwords.  But is a universal Internet ID that is issued and controlled by the U.S. government really a good idea?  Right now, Obama administration officials are trying to make it seem as non-threatening as possible.  They are insisting that it will not be mandatory.  They are insisting that it would be impossible for hackers to steal the universal Internet identities.  They are insisting that none of our personal information will be gathered or used by federal agencies.  But in light of how regularly the government has abused our liberties and freedoms in recent years in the name of “security”, should we really believe what they are saying about this new universal Internet ID? (Read More...)

25 Hard Questions That You Will Not See Asked On CNN, MSNBC Or Fox News

There is a reason why so many millions of people are turning to the alternative media for their news today.  The truth is that there are a whole lot of important things that the mainstream media will simply not talk about.  There are a whole lot of other important issues that the mainstream media will tease their viewers with but then subsequently “whitewash” with the “official story” that none of us is supposed to question.  Have you ever noticed how CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ABC, NBC and CBS all seem to come up with the exact same version of “the truth”?  But over the past several years we have seen a great awakening take place.  Millions of Americans are sick and tired of being spoon-fed establishment propaganda like a bunch of small children and they are searching on the Internet for alternative media outlets that are asking the hard questions and that are willing to at least explore answers that are not part of “the officially sanctioned” version of the truth. (Read More...)

Here They Come For Your Money – Dozens Of States Are Raising Taxes In 2011

You didn’t think that state governments would rack up all of this debt without eventually coming after your money, did you?  In 2011, dozens of U.S. states are either implementing tax increases that have already been passed or are debating new tax increases that have recently been proposed.  In most states, the actual state income tax is not being raised.  State politicians have learned that voters really tend to get angry when that happens.  Rather, our politicians on the state level are looking for taxes and fees that won’t be “noticed” that they can raise.  For example, cigarette taxes, alcohol taxes, gas taxes, carbonated beverage taxes and phone taxes get raised a lot because the voters do not pay them directly to the government and typically they do not get noticed as much.  Another huge area where state politicians love to raise money is through various “fees”.  For instance, millions of Americans have noticed that car registration fees and license fees have absolutely soared in recent years.  Instead of our politicians coming at us with one big, huge tax increase that we would surely notice, they are hitting us with dozens of smaller tax hikes and fee increases that they are hoping we will not get upset about.  The truth is that the average American pays literally dozens of different kinds of taxes each year, and it still isn’t nearly enough to cover the horrific debts that our politicians have piled up. (Read More...)

Unfortunately, Obamacare Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2010, It Is Not Going To Be Repealed In 2011 And There Is A Good Chance That It May Never Be Repealed

Right now the mainstream media is paying a lot of attention to the effort by Republicans in the House of Representatives to repeal the health care reform law that Barack Obama and the Democrats crammed down the throats of the American people during the last session of Congress.  House Republicans are calling their legislation the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”, and the House of Representatives is expected to pass the legislation on January 12th.  However, there are two huge problems.  One is that Democrats control the U.S. Senate and they have declared that there is not a chance in the world that a repeal of the health care reform law will get through them.  Secondly, even if a repeal of the health care law did somehow magically get to Barack Obama’s desk, he has sworn that he would veto it.  So unfortunately, Obamacare is not going to be repealed any time soon. (Read More...)

The Debt Ceiling Debate Really Doesn’t Matter – Either Way U.S. Government Finances Are Going To Crash

Congratulations America, you are now 14 trillion dollars in debt.  The U.S. national debt is now more than 14 times larger than it was just 30 short years ago.  The federal government is literally drowning in debt.  Now some members of Congress are actually debating whether we should raise the debt ceiling again.  At the moment, the U.S. government debt ceiling is is set at $14.294 trillion, and considering the fact that the U.S. government is borrowing approximately 2.63 million more dollars every single minute, that cap will be reached very quickly.  The U.S. Congress has raised the federal debt ceiling six times in just the past three years, so you would think that raising it again would not be that big of a deal for our debt-addicted politicians.  But this past November a significant number of Tea Party candidates were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are eager to prove that they are serious about fiscal responsibility. (Read More...)