A List Of 28 Things That Will Make You Think That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With This Country

What in the world is happening to America?  Perhaps you have asked yourself that question from time to time.  Today it seems like everything is falling apart.  Our economy is crumbling, our politicians are incompetent, we have just gotten involved in another war, corruption is everywhere and the Americans people are so addicted to entertainment that hardly anything can wake them from their stupor.  It is enough to make you think that there is just not much hope for America.  But the truth is that we should never give up.  It is when the times are darkest that the greatest heroes arise.  We truly do live in challenging times, but that just means that there are great victories to be won and great stories to be written.  There may be a whole lot of things that are very wrong with America right now, but that doesn’t mean that the game is over quite yet. (Read More...)

Drowning In Debt

An ancient proverb that is oft-repeated even in our time is that you will always end up reaping what you sow.  Well, the U.S. government has been sowing seeds of debt for decades and our politicians have endlessly attempted to assure us that everything is going to be just fine.  Well, everything is not going to be just fine.  The truth is that the U.S. government is literally drowning in debt.  Right now, the total debt of the U.S. government is  $14,223,730,274,180.80.  It is a debt that is so large that it defies comprehension.  It is also a debt that is absolutely impossible to pay off under our current financial system.  Someday the weight of this debt will completely collapse our entire economy.  The only thing that is keeping that from happening already is our ability to borrow even more money. (Read More...)

The 31 Most Ridiculous Quotes Of 2011 So Far

If you really want to find out what someone is all about sometimes all you need to do is to shut up for a while and let them talk. The truth is that the mouth always eventually reveals what is in the heart.  Most politicians and world leaders are highly skilled at “filtering” what they say to the public, but even most of them will eventually break down and tell us exactly what they are thinking.  Posted below are 31 of the most ridiculous quotes from politicians, celebrities and world leaders so far in 2011.  Some of the quotes are very funny but others are very troubling.  The sad reality is that the more you listen to politicians and world leaders the more you realize that they really are quite clueless.  When I was growing up I assumed that those in positions of power actually did know more than the rest of us, but unfortunately the opposite seems to be true in many cases.  We really do have a bunch of idiots and morons in positions of power around the globe. (Read More...)

25 Bizarre Examples That Show That The U.S. Government Is Absolutely Brimming With Idiots, Incompetents And Incredibly Corrupt Politicians

If our founding fathers could see us today, what would they think?  Unfortunately, they would probably come to the exact same conclusion that so many of us have come to – the U.S. government is absolutely brimming with idiots, incompetents and incredibly corrupt politicians.  Today it is very rare to come across a politician that still has any integrity left.  Washington D.C. has become such a cesspool that it seems to corrupt even most of the politicians that originally go there with good intentions.  We have created the most complicated government in the history of the world and we have hundreds of thousands of pages of laws, and yet nothing seems to work right.  Our economy is dying, our relationships with the rest of the world are a mess and we have accumulated the largest debt in the history of mankind.  Meanwhile, our politicians openly hand out our money to their friends and to those that have donated money to their campaigns and they waste our money on some of the stupidest things imaginable.  Have we now gotten to the point where our system of government has become so corrupted that it is almost impossible to repair it? (Read More...)

Government Shutdown 2011? 5 Reasons Why It Wouldn’t Really Matter Either Way

Is the U.S. government going to shutdown on March 4th, 2011?  Possibly.  The current temporary funding extension expires on that day.  Speaker of the House John Boehner has pledged that the Republicans in the House will not pass another temporary funding extension that does not include “deep” cuts.  Barack Obama has pledged that he will veto the 61 billion dollars of budget cuts that the House of Representatives has just passed.  So now Boehner and Obama are playing a really bizarre game of chicken, and if neither of them blinks the U.S. government will shut down on March 4th.  So what will that mean?  Well, in a “government shutdown”, the entire government does not actually shut down.  Rather, only “essential personnel” are kept on during a shutdown and only “essential services” are provided.  Barack Obama would keep showing up at the White House and the U.S. military would continue to do their thing.  But it would cause a temporary disruption to a lot of government activities that people normally rely on. (Read More...)

Debt, Debt, Debt – 15 Facts About U.S. Government Finances That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

If your family started spending nearly twice as much as it brought in every single year, how long do you think it would be before your family was completely and totally broke?  Well, that is essentially what the federal government is doing.  The U.S. government is so deep in debt at this point that it is hard to even try to describe it.  Where do you even begin?  Trying to put the vastness of U.S. government debt into words is kind of like trying to describe a great work of art by Michelangelo to a blind person.  This year the U.S. government is going to go 1.645 trillion more dollars into debt.  How can one possibly accurately convey just how large that amount of money really is?  If you went out today and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you over 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.  Who can even comprehend such an amount?  The U.S. government has mismanaged our finances so badly that it is hard to believe.  We have sold our children and our grandchildren into perpetual debt slavery and not that many people really seem very upset about it.  It is as if most of the nation is in a massive state of denial. (Read More...)

12 Reasons Why Ron Paul Is Very Different From Most Of The Other Contenders For The Republican Presidential Nomination In 2012

Even though most of the potential contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 have not formally announced their intentions yet, the truth is that the race has already begun.  Just look at all of the Republican politicians that have scheduled visits to Iowa.  Potential candidates are gearing up their campaigns and it should be one of the most interesting primary seasons in ages.  But is there anyone in the field that is really that much different from George W. Bush and John McCain?  Is there anyone that is not just going to trot out the same tired old ideas?  Is there anyone that would actually do something substantial about government debt?  Is there anyone that actually wants to shut down the Federal Reserve?  Is there anyone that would actually work to restore our civil liberties?  Well, the truth is that most of the potential Republican candidates are virtual clones of George W. Bush and John McCain.  There are very few in the field that offer any hope whatsoever.  But there is one man that does stand out as being very different.  His name is Ron Paul. (Read More...)

4 Ways Barack Obama And The Federal Reserve Are Destroying Our Long-Term Economic Future For Their Short-Term Gain

Many people have been stumped as they have attempted to find a coherent theme in Barack Obama’s economic policies.  But the truth is that what the Obama administration is trying to do is not that difficult to figure out.  Just like so many other previous administrations, the Obama administration is motivated by self-preservation.  All of Barack Obama’s economic policies are designed to produce a short-term economic burst that will help him win the next election in 2012, and the Federal Reserve has been cooperating every step of the way.  Perhaps the Federal Reserve is motivated by self-preservation as well.  The American people are becoming extremely disenfranchised with the Federal Reserve, and so those inside the Fed likely realize that they better get the economy on track or face even more scrutiny.  In any event, Obama and the Fed are working together to do whatever they can to improve the short-term economic situation.  Unfortunately, everything that they are doing is making our long-term economic problems even worse.  But Barack Obama and the Federal Reserve are not really concerned with what is going to happen down the road.  What the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve are concerned about is protecting their rear ends in the here and now. (Read More...)