12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The United States once had safe, beautiful cities that were the envy of the entire world, but now many of them are degenerating into rotting, festering, crime-ridden hellholes.  All over the country there are communities where crime, drugs, gangs and human trafficking have gotten completely and totally out of control.  Once upon a time you could walk down the streets of most U.S. cities at night without much fear, but these days there are many large American cities where it would be absolutely crazy to wander around the streets at night unless you want to be mugged, shot or sexually assaulted.  If you end up at the wrong place at the wrong time you might end up being abducted by a human trafficker or have your face eaten off by a crazed drug addict high on bath salts.  With each passing day our cities degenerate just a little bit more, and life in many of our worst communities truly has become a living hell.  Sadly, this comes at a time when the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world by far.  We have tried to lock as many people away as possible and our communities are still turning into hellholes.  So where do we go from here? (Read More...)

Verbally Abusive Middle School Kids Make A 68 Year Old Bus Monitor Cry

A video of a bunch of verbally abusive middle school bullies making a 68 year old bus monitor cry has gone viral all over the Internet.  This video is a perfect example of the social decay that is destroying this nation.  We are raising a generation of young people that do not have respect for anyone or anything.  In the video, 68 year old Karen Klein is repeatedly called poor, fat, ugly and a whole bunch of other things that I cannot repeat in this space.  The bullies refer to “her sweat” and “her flab” over and over throughout the ten minute video.  They call her a troll and an elephant and make numerous sexual comments about her.  This video is beyond horrifying, but the truth is that this is the kind of thing that happens in classrooms and in school buses all over America every single day.  If you have not seen it yet, you have got to see this incredibly disturbing video…. (Read More...)

These Two Traps Are Absolutely Destroying The Next Generation Of Young Men In America

Have you ever noticed that our young girls seem to be far ahead of our young boys and that our young women seem to be much more “together” than our young men are?  Have you ever noticed how many young American men almost seem like zombies and find even the most basic human interactions extremely awkward?  Well, this didn’t happen by accident.  Researchers are finding that there are two traps in particular that are absolutely destroying the next generation of young men in America.  One is video game addiction and the other is pornography.  In the old days, the parks and ball fields of America would be flooded with young boys after school was done for the day, but now our parks and our ball fields are very quiet.  So where did all the boys go?  Well, they are all sitting at home staring into computer screens.  Yes, there are also young girls and young women that are addicted to these things, but the truth is that these addictions are far more prevalent among young men.  Unfortunately, it is not going to be easy to reverse the damage that is being done to the next generation of young men in America, and that is very frightening. (Read More...)

Pastor Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison For Teaching That Parents Should Spank Their Children

Do you believe that parents should be able to spank their children?  Do you ever express that opinion to others?  If so, then you could be sent to prison.  Sadly, that is exactly what happened to one pastor up in Wisconsin recently.  A minister named Philip Caminiti was sentenced to 2 years in prison for simply teaching that parents should spank their children when they misbehave.  Please note that Caminiti was not accused of spanking anyone or of physically hurting anyone.  He was put in prison simply for his speech.  He was put in prison simply for what he was teaching others to do.  Whether you agree with spanking or not, this should be incredibly sobering for all of us.  Increasingly, speech is being penalized in the United States.  Much of the time, the focus of the attacks by the forces of political correctness is on religious speech.  If this trend continues, many of you that are reading this article might be put in jail for the things that you say in the coming years. (Read More...)

20 Signs That Society Is Breaking Down And That America Has Been Overrun By Psychos

In order for a society to function successfully, people need to be able to trust one another.  Unfortunately, we are rapidly getting to the point where it is very difficult to trust anyone and society is breaking down.  Just think about it.  Do you trust most politicians?  Do you trust most lawyers?  Do you trust most bankers?  Do you trust the police?  As you will read about below, even doctors are going absolutely bonkers these days.  So if the “upper crust” of society cannot even be trusted, then what about everyone else?  Sadly, the truth is that America has been overrun by psychos.  Most people look somewhat “normal” when you meet them, but unfortunately very few people have pure motives these days.  You never know when someone is going to stab you in the back (literally or figuratively).  These days, most people simply do whatever is right in their own eyes, and that makes society a very unpredictable place.  As the economy continues to fall apart in future years, people are going to become even more desperate, and that is going to cause all of this craziness to get even worse. (Read More...)

The Elite Believe That You Are Ruining Their Planet And They Want You To Stop Reproducing

Today, there are more than 7 billion people living on earth.  For the global elite, that is problem number one.  The vast majority of us don’t spend much time thinking about global population issues, but for many among the elite it is an absolute obsession.  Many of them truly believe that you are ruining their planet and they desperately want you to stop reproducing so much.  Among the elite, the belief that the world is grossly overpopulated and that this is causing most of our major global problems crosses all political, cultural and social boundaries.  This philosophy is taught as gospel at the vast majority of all colleges and universities on the planet, and it is being relentlessly pushed by the United Nations, the WHO, the World Bank and national governments all over the globe.  When most people think of “overpopulation”, they think of places such as India, but the truth is that those of us living in America are considered to be the worst offenders because our lifestyles are “polluting” the planet so rapidly.  In fact, one scientist recently estimated that a child born in the United States has a “carbon legacy” 55 times greater than a child born in India.  The elite are convinced that if they can reduce the global population far enough and get the remaining people living on earth to switch over to “sustainable lifestyles” that they will be able to save “their” planet.  But the draconian measures that would be necessary to achieve this dystopian dream would not be very palatable to the vast majority of us.  In fact, if the most radical population control advocates get their way, we will experience global tyranny on a scale never seen before. (Read More...)

24 Facts That Prove That America Is A Nation Of Slobs

What would our founders say if they could see us now?  Americans like to believe that the rest of the world looks up to us, but the truth is that the rest of the world is laughing at us.  It may be very difficult for us to admit, but the reality is that America has become a nation of slobs.  And I am not just talking about being overweight.  Today, Americans are physical, mental, emotional, moral, financial and political slobs.  We are addicted to entertainment, we are addicted to shopping, we are addicted to food, we are addicted to prescription drugs, and we are addicted to anything else that gives us the pleasure that we crave.  We allow our televisions to do our thinking for us and our families are falling apart.  Our lives center around pleasing ourselves, and we have become one of the most narcissistic societies in the history of the world.  We are like a middle-aged man that has totally let himself go.  You know the guy who shows up for an important event in sandals, sweatpants and a stained t-shirt?  That is us.  We are only a shadow of what we once were as a nation, and we desperately need to change course. (Read More...)

The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Islam

Do you know what the fastest growing religion in America is?  It isn’t Christianity.  According to the latest U.S. Religion Census that was just released on May 1, 2012, the fastest growing religion in America is Islam.  The data for the census was compiled by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, and the results were released by the Association of Religion Data Archives.  From the year 2000 to the year 2010, the census found that the number of Muslims living inside the United States increased by about 1 million to 2.6 million – a stunning increase of 66.7 percent.  That is an astounding rate of growth.  Meanwhile, most Christian denominations had rates of growth that were far below the overall rate of population growth in the United States, and some Christian denominations actually lost members.  Sadly, when Barack Obama once said that “we are no longer a Christian nation” he wasn’t too far off the mark.  Christianity is rapidly losing influence and other religions such as Islam are rapidly gaining members and building new places of worship.  As other major religions such as Islam continue to grow in the United States, it is inevitable that this will reshape America in many different ways in the years ahead. (Read More...)