It’s Independence Day, But Are We Really Free As Long As A Privately-Owned Central Bank Controls America’s Currency And Runs Our Economy?

Today is July 4th – America’s Independence Day.  But are we really a free nation?  The truth is that it is really hard to argue that we are “free” when our currency system and our economy are run by an unelected privately-owned central bank.  You see, the truth is that the U.S. government does not “print money” whenever it wants.  Under the current system, in order to get more U.S. currency, the U.S. government has to borrow it.  The Federal Reserve creates the new currency out of thin air and then either keeps the “U.S. Treasury bonds” they get in return from the U.S. government or they sell them off to others.  But what kind of sense does that make?  Why does a “free government” have to go into debt to print its own currency?  It is the U.S. government that should be printing U.S. currency – not a privately-owned bank called the Federal Reserve.  The truth is that the Federal Reserve is about as “federal” as Federal Express is.  And no unelected private central bank should be “running” our economy.  Actually the free market should be running our economy, but if anyone is going to run it, it should at least be the government that we have elected.  But instead we have a group of unelected bureaucrats making our interest rate decisions, determining our money supply levels and deciding which of their friends get big bailouts.  That isn’t the American Dream!  What kind of “democracy” and “freedom” is that?  The sad truth is that as long as we allow an unelected privately-owned central bank to run our economy we will not be truly free. (Read More...)

The United Nations Declares War On The U.S. Dollar And Publicly Calls For The Establishment Of A New World Currency

Are you ready for a world currency?  If the United Nations has anything to say about it, that is exactly what we are all going to have shoved down our throats.  A new United Nations report released on Tuesday essentially declares war on the U.S. dollar and publicly calls on the nations of the world to abandon it as the global reserve currency.  This new report entitled “The U.N. World Economic and Social Survey 2010” is one of the most blatant attempts yet that we have seen from a major international organization to move us in the direction of a world currency.  For years it was denial after denial after denial that a global currency was being considered.  Of course we knew all along by reading their policy papers that the eventual goal of the globalists was indeed to move us over to a global currency.  Finally, in just the past year, the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights (SDRs) were promoted by the G20 as “an international reserve asset” that could be used as a unit of payment for IMF loans.  SDRs are currently made up of a basket of various currencies from around the world, but now there are much bigger plans for the SDRs.  (Read More...)

California Bankrupt?

Is the state of California bankrupt?  Well, an increasing number of politicians and economic analysts are answering that question in the affirmative.  The truth is that California is a complete and total economic disaster area.  The state government of California is projected to have a budget deficit of at least 19 billion dollars this year, and next year the budget gap is projected to grow to 37 billion dollars.  To put that in perspective, the entire budget for the government of California is only about $125 billion per year.  Already, California’s credit rating is the lowest of all 50 states, and there are persistent rumors that it is about to go lower.  If California’s credit rating is slashed, it will be very expensive for them to borrow the money that they desperately need.  Once upon a time, the state of California was the poster child for the American Dream, but now it is on the leading edge of America’s rapidly unfolding economic nightmare. (Read More...)

14 Reasons Why The U.S. Government Will Never Have A Balanced Budget Ever Again

The United States government will never have another balanced budget again.  Yes, you read that correctly.  U.S. government finances have now reached a critical “tipping point” and things are going to spin wildly out of control from this time forward.  Why?  Spending on entitlement programs and interest on the national debt are now accelerating at exponential rates.  Some time around 2020 they will eat up every single dollar of federal revenue that is brought in before a penny is spent on anything else.  Of course the solution to all of this would be to radically cut entitlement programs, but no U.S. politician in his or her right mind would do that.  After all, do you think elderly people (who vote in droves by the way) would vote for you after you just cut their Social Security checks in half?  That is not the way the world works.  You see, democracies always get into trouble once the people realize that they can vote for the candidates that promise them the largest gifts out of the public treasury.  That is where the United States is at now.  Over 100 million Americans now receive direct payments from the United States government.  For millions of Americans, the American Dream now means getting a government check and kicking back and enjoying life.  We have become a nation that is chock full of people that can’t take care of themselves and that are totally dependent on the monolithic nanny state that the U.S. government has created. (Read More...)

Why Is U.S. Government Spending So Wildly Out Of Control?

As the world watches in horror as the financial nightmares in Greece, Spain and Portugal unfold, most Americans are oblivious to the fact that a great day of financial reckoning is soon coming to the United States as well.  The truth is that the United States is not “the richest nation in the world” anymore.  What the United States actually has become is the biggest debtor in the history of the planet.  In our lust for the “good life” and the American Dream we have spent ourselves into a financial black hole from which there is no escape.  U.S. government spending has been wildly out of control for decades, but over recent months Obama, Pelosi, Reid and their cohorts have taken things to an entirely new level.  Certainly it cannot be denied that the Bush administration badly mismanaged America’s national finances, but budget deficits during his administration were generally in the three to five hundred billion dollar range. (Read More...)

20 Quotes About The Economic Collapse In Europe That Will Make Your Hair Stand On End

Most Americans have been paying very little attention to it, but right now Europe is desperately fighting to avoid a complete financial and economic collapse.  As the euro continues to fall precipitously, European leaders are openly declaring that this is the biggest financial crisis that Europe has experienced since at least World War II.  So exactly what is causing all this?  Well, just like the United States, countries throughout Europe responded to the economic crisis of the last several years by spending a ton of money.  The problem is that quite a few of these European nations got into debt way over their heads.  In particular, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy are literally drowning in debt.  There is a very real possibility that several of them may soon default on their debts.  If that happens it could set off a financial shockwave that could encircle the entire world.  Because of the interconnectedness of the global economy, a financial meltdown in Europe would have a dramatic impact on the U.S. economy.  In fact, the continued ability of millions of Americans to enjoy the American Dream is dependent on events that are currently playing out in Europe.  Most Americans completely do not understand this, but it doesn’t make it any less true.  If Europe’s economy goes down hard, the already very fragile U.S. economy will be crushed as well. (Read More...)

How Does Any American Family Make It On Less Than $50,000 A Year?

A rapidly increasing number of American families are finding it really, really hard to make ends meet each month.  The price of food, gas, health insurance and other basic necessities has continued to escalate, but wages have not followed suit.  So more Americans are finding themselves squeezed financially at the end of every month.  Instead of having extra money with which to enjoy the American Dream, millions of families are now experiencing the American Nightmare of working too hard but never having quite enough.  But what can be done?  Certainly we can all cut back on unnecessary expenditures, but there are some expenses that just cannot be eliminated entirely.  We all have to eat, we all have to drive to work and we all have to pay the rent.  In fact, it is very hard to imagine any American family making it on less than $50,000 a year.  Of course millions of American families are making it on far less than that,  but it isn’t easy.  The truth is that $50,000 doesn’t go nearly as far as it used to. (Read More...)

Banking System Collapse: Wake Up America Your Banks Are Dying

U.S. banks are being shut down by federal regulators at a staggering pace this year, and yet most Americans seem completely oblivious to it.  In fact, federal officials have already shut down 81 U.S. banks this year, which is about double the number that were shut down at this time last year.  So why aren’t more people upset about this?  Well, part of the reason is because the FDIC is doing it very, very quietly.  The bank closings for each week are announced every Friday, which means that they pass through the news cycle over the weekend almost unnoticed.  For example, banks in Nebraska, Mississippi and Illinois with total deposits of almost $2.3 billion were shut down by federal regulators on Friday.  So did you hear about it before now?  If not, why not?  Shouldn’t the fact that we are experiencing a banking system collapse be headline news?  But most Americans are more than happy to remain blissfully ignorant of what is going on.  In fact, most Americans seem far more interested in what is happening on American Idol or Dancing With The Stars.  But when the American Dream starts dying for tens of millions of Americans as the economy collapses perhaps more people will start to care. (Read More...)