Government Surveillance Of American Citizens Goes Far Beyond What You Are Being Told

Big Brother Is WatchingEvery single day, the U.S. government gathers and stores more than a billion phone calls, emails, text messages, photographs and Internet searches.  Just about every form of electronic communication that you can possibly imagine is being harvested.  In fact, it has been reported that NSA personnel gather 2.1 million gigabytes of data every hour.  This is being done even though it is a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution.  Sadly, most Americans do not even know what the Fourth Amendment actually says.  For those that do not know, the Fourth Amendment says the following: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”  Unfortunately, our leaders have totally abandoned the Constitution.  They seem to believe that they have the right to look through our electronic communications any time they want and that we should not complain about it.  As you will see below, workers at the NSA have even eavesdropped on very intimate conversations between soldiers serving in Iraq and their female loved ones back home.  What kind of sick person would do such a thing?  Sadly, the truth is that we have allowed ourselves to become a “Big Brother society”, and we are an utter disgrace to the millions of brave men and women who have died to defend our freedoms. (Read More...)


Why - Photo by NikopoleyWhy does it seem like America is getting crazier with each passing year?  It has become glaringly apparent that very deep corruption has taken root in our society from the lowest levels of society all the way up to the highest levels of society.  In fact, some of the worst behavior of all is being exhibited by those that are supposed to be “examples” for our young people – politicians, bankers, lawyers, CEOs, etc.  As we enter 2013, the American people are greedy, selfish, boastful, proud, arrogant, disrespectful, ungrateful, materialistic, unforgiving, without self-control and they are completely and totally addicted to entertainment.  They believe that America will always be “the greatest nation on earth” just because of who we are, and they believe that the rest of the world should look up to us as a bright, shining example of everything that is good in the world.  Meanwhile, we lead the world in a large number of negative categories and our society is decaying right in front of our eyes.  It reminds me of what happened during the waning days of the Roman Empire.  The Romans just assumed that Rome would always be dominant forever, and they became extremely complacent and extraordinarily decadent.  We all know how that turned out, and at this point things are not looking good for America either. (Read More...)

22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham

After what we have seen this November, how is any American ever supposed to trust the integrity of our elections ever again?  There were over 70,000 reports of voting problems on election day, and there are numerous eyewitnesses that claim that they saw voting machines change votes for one candidate to another candidate right in front of their eyes.  In several of the swing states there were counties where the number of registered voters exceeded the total voting age population by a very wide margin.  How in the world does that happen?  Some of the vote totals that were reported in some of the most important swing states were completely and totally absurd, and yet we are just supposed to accept them on blind faith without ever being able to ask any questions.  Of course the Romney campaign has already totally given up, so it isn’t as if there is any chance that the results of the presidential election could be overturned anyhow.  But if massive election fraud did take place and nobody is held accountable, what kind of message will that send for the future?  Will we ever be able to have faith in the integrity of our elections ever again? (Read More...)

U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

The future of war is going to look really, really weird.  The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.  If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.  Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days?  DARPA is working on that?  Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs?  DARPA is working on that.  Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically?  DARPA is working on that.  Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them.  But at what cost? (Read More...)

70 Reasons To Mourn For America

Every single year, Americans take the day off on July 4th and they celebrate everything that is good about America.  We tend to be very proud of our achievements and we generally are not shy about talking about them.  For example, today CNN is running a piece entitled “100 great things about America“.  And you know what?  There are a lot of great things about this country.  I am not afraid to say that I love America.  In many ways it has been a great light for the rest of the world since it was founded.  However, things have changed.  The United States has greatly fallen from where it once was.  The truth is that America is rotting and decaying in thousands of different ways.  We need to repent and go back to doing the things that once made this country great.  The road that we are currently on is a path that leads to national suicide.  So to be honest now is not really the time for happy celebrations.  Rather, now is the time for weeping, mourning and deep reflection.  We need to turn from our profligate ways and we need to return to the fundamental principles that the early Americans understood so well.  As a nation we need to look into the mirror and understand just how bad our decline has been.  We are a complete and total mess, and it is time to admit that. (Read More...)

Can You Answer 25 Difficult Questions That The Mainstream Media Does Not Seem To Have Answers To?

The mainstream news just seems to get sillier and shallower with each passing day.  Our world is becoming incredibly unstable, corruption is everywhere, we are on the verge of another massive economic crisis, government debt is absolutely exploding, war could erupt in the Middle East at any time and signs of deep social decay are everywhere and yet the mainstream media seems absolutely obsessed with reporting on celebrities and scandals.  It would be nice if the mainstream media would do a lot more true investigative reporting and would actually try to answer some of the difficult questions that we are being faced with.  Unfortunately, most of what passes for “news” these days is essentially just “infotainment”.  That is one of the reasons why we have seen such a surge in the popularity of alternative news outlets in recent years.  People are searching for the truth, and they know that they are not getting much of it from the mainstream media these days. (Read More...)

Millions Of Illegal Immigrants Are Using A Massive Scam To Get Much Bigger Tax Refunds Than You Are

Did you know that illegal immigrants all over the United States are using a massive scam to receive tax refunds from the federal government that are often in excess of $10,000?  It is estimated that 2 million illegal immigrants are filing fraudulent tax returns each year and that they are pulling in more than 4 billion dollars in tax refunds every year that they are not entitled to.  They are doing this by abusing the additional child tax credit and the IRS knows all about it and yet they refuse to do anything to stop it.  Illegal immigrants are filing tax returns that sometimes claim 10 or 12 nieces and nephews as dependents, and most of the time those nieces and nephews do not even live in the United States.  So while you and I are being taxed into oblivion, many illegal immigrants are often pulling in tax refunds that are well into five figures.  At a time when the federal government is absolutely drowning in debt, this is the type of fraud that desperately needs to be cracked down on, and yet the IRS refuses to take action. (Read More...)

25 Signs That America Is A Seething Cesspool Of Filth And Corruption

Do you believe that America is a seething cesspool of filth and corruption?  If not, you might change your mind after reading this article.  Sadly, the truth is that the United States is absolutely corrupt to the core.  This is true from the very top of our society all the way to the very bottom.  The current occupant of the White House will likely go down in history as the most corrupt president in history, and that is really saying something.  Almost every single day he adds something new to his list of corrupt deeds.  He is a con man that deserves to be impeached for a whole host of reasons, but that will never happen because we have a Congress that is also deeply corrupt.  But it is not just our politicians that are corrupt.  Even the men that are supposed to be in charge of protecting the president are corrupt.  A whole bunch of them were recently discovered sleeping with prostitutes in Colombia.  We also find very deep and very pervasive corruption in our financial institutions, in our judicial system, in our police departments and in our religious institutions.  It is almost as if nearly the entire nation is saturated with filth and depravity.  It is becoming harder and harder to find men and women of integrity, and our young people have very few positive role models to look up to.  How long is our society going to be able to continue to function normally if all of this corruption gets even worse? (Read More...)