An Unusual Swarm Of Earthquakes Is “Raising Fears Of A Serious Seismic Incident On The San Andreas Fault”

Will “the Big One” soon hit the west coast?  While most people are fixated on the political drama that is currently unfolding in Washington, very important events are happening elsewhere too.  Within the past 7 days, California and Nevada have been hit by more than 900 earthquakes.  And just within the past 24 hours, there have been four notable earthquakes in southern California.  We are being told that these quakes are “raising fears of a serious seismic incident on the San Andreas fault”(Read More...)

Global Famine Is Literally Inevitable As 77.6% Of The Earth Becomes More Arid And The Ground Beneath Our Feet Becomes More Unstable

Did you know that more than three-quarters of the land on the surface of our planet has been steadily getting drier?  All over the world, forests are being ripped out, greenery is disappearing and once vibrant soil is being degraded.  Meanwhile, governments are monkeying around with the weather and conducting all sorts of secretive geoengineering experiments.  As a result, we now have an unprecedented crisis on our hands.  Approximately half of the population of Africa now lives on drylands, and that continent is being plagued by endless famines right now.  Unfortunately, much of the rest of the world is headed in the exact same direction.  In particular, Europe, Brazil and the western half of the United States are drying out at a very alarming rate.  If current trends continue, global famine is literally inevitable. (Read More...)

The Greatest Heist Of All Time: The Level Of Corruption That Elon Musk And His DOGE Team Are Uncovering Is Absolutely Mind Blowing

Did you know that approximately $1,000,000,000 in obviously fraudulent payments flow through the U.S. Treasury’s payment system every week?  Until Elon Musk and his DOGE team stepped in, nobody in the government was doing anything about this theft.  Please read all the way to the end of this article for the details.  Suspiciously, the Democrats are desperately trying to get the courts to keep Elon Musk and his team out of the U.S. Treasury’s payment system.  Why is that?  What are they working so hard to hide? (Read More...)

Democrats Cry As “Liberal Supply Chains” Are Wiped Out And Their Favorite Multi-Billion Dollar Money Machine Is Shut Down

How much power would you have if you had a giant money machine that showered your political allies and political causes that you favor with tens of billions of dollars every year?  The corruption that is being uncovered at USAID is truly historic.  USAID has a budget that is larger than the CIA and the State Department combined, and much of that money was funding a vast network of liberal activists and liberal causes all over the globe.  When Laura Ingraham of Fox News asked U.S. Senator Josh Hawley about this, Hawley explained that Democrats “are just losing their minds” because “liberal supply chains” are being cut off… (Read More...)

Thanks To DOGE, We Have Been Learning That Our Government Has Been Doing Lots Of Very Bad Things

The entire world is watching in horror as the crimes of the United States government under the Biden administration are being revealed by DOGE for all the world to see.  Election interference, overthrowing governments, ruthless censorship of ideas, funding terrorism, funding abortion, targeting politicians for harrassment and promoting the exploitation of children are just some of the crimes against humanity that our government has been committing.  In an article that I posted earlier, I documented how government agencies have literally been buying off major media outlets.  If you have a conscience, you should be deeply sickened by what our government has been doing. (Read More...)

The “Trump Revolution” Has Thrown The Largest Government In The History Of The Planet Into A State Of Pure Chaos

Our founders intended for us to have a very small, very limited federal government.  Instead, we have the largest and most bloated government in the entire history of the world.  So we should all be glad that someone is finally attempting to get it under control.  For far too long, ultra-powerful government agencies have been running around doing whatever they want and making our lives miserable in the process.  Congress has been able to exercise very little control over these monstrosities, and their leaders had little fear of ever being held accountable for their actions.  But thanks to Donald Trump and Elon Musk, a day of reckoning has arrived. (Read More...)

A Cancer That Is One Of The Core Epicenters Of Evil In The U.S. Government Is Being Ripped To Shreds

Every year, tens of billions of our tax dollars have been used by USAID to exert “soft power” and cause chaos all over the globe.  Most Americans that have heard of it think that USAID’s primary purpose is to deliver humanitarian assistance to nations that desperately need it.  But the truth is that only a very small fraction of USAID’s budget goes to help the poor, and even when that is the case there are usually very alarming strings attached.  Ultimately, any humanitarian assistance provided by USAID is simply a cover story for the real purpose of the organization.  It has evolved into a multi-billion dollar slush fund that has been used to relentlessly push globalist goals and promote regime change around the world.  Do you remember the coup in Ukraine in 2014 that precipitated the conflict that has brought us to the brink of World War III?  USAID funded it.  Do you remember the research in a lab in Wuhan, China that ended up throwing the entire globe into a state of turmoil for several years?  USAID funded it.  The truth is that USAID is a cancer that desperately needs to be removed, and it is finally happening. (Read More...)

‘The Purge’: It Is Mass Carnage As Trump And Musk Ruthlessly Gut Corrupt Government Agency After Corrupt Government Agency

The largest and most bloated bureaucracy in the history of the world has been thrown into a state of complete and utter chaos.  I have no idea how all of this is going to end, but it sure is entertaining to watch.  President Trump is firing people left and right, and Elon Musk is storming around Washington D.C. like a bull in a china shop.  I think that the words “shock and awe” don’t even begin to describe what we are witnessing.  Nobody has ever dared to go into these ultra-powerful government agencies and start turning the tables over.  When I decided to write this article, I was feeling quite overwhelmed, because there is just so much going on right now.  This is going to be a very long article, and I will take it one step at a time.  With all that being said, let’s take a look at some of the highlights… (Read More...)