President Trump Wants Tax Cuts, But Once Again The RINOs In Congress May Block His Agenda

It has become exceedingly clear that we need to try to remove as many establishment Republicans from Congress as we possibly can in 2018. Even though the Republicans are in control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, the “Make America Great Again” agenda is not being implemented, and the blame for that lies entirely with the RINOs (Republicans in name only). Obamacare still has not been repealed, the wall has not been built, and now there is talk that the RINOs plan to block Trump’s tax reform bill. It was expected that the Democrats would try to obstruct Trump’s agenda, but Trump’s biggest problem so far in his presidency has been his fellow Republicans. If they won’t go along with what he is trying to do, we will kick them out and put in people who will. (Read More...)

Is The Deep State Plotting To Remove President Trump From Office Within The Next 6 Months?

Is Donald Trump even going to make it to the 2020 election? The rumors that the deep state is planning to make a big move to try to remove President Trump have become a deafening roar, and if they are ultimately successful they are going to unleash a time of chaos and civil unrest unlike anything this nation has ever seen before. At the outset of this article I want to make it exceedingly clear that I do not know what is going to happen over the next six months. I am simply passing along what is being reported by others. Perhaps everyone is wrong and the deep state will back down in their war against Trump, but I wouldn’t count on it. (Read More...)

President Trump: ‘In America We Don’t Worship Government – We Worship God!’

Donald Trump just continues to become even more bold about his faith in Jesus Christ. On Wednesday, he posted a message to Twitter about his faith which has already been liked more than 81,000 times and retweeted more than 23,000 times. I know that a lot of people have complained that Trump is on Twitter too much, but I love it. It gives him an opportunity to speak directly to the American people without having to rely on the gatekeepers in the mainstream media. If I was in his position, I would be doing the exact same thing. (Read More...)

Congressman Luis Gutierrez Calls Donald Trump A ‘Major Criminal’ That Must Be ‘Eliminated’

Is it proper for a sitting member of Congress to call for the president of the United States to be “eliminated”? Despite all of the chaos and all of the violence that we have seen so far, Democrats continue to stir up even more anger and even more hatred. Words have power, and our leaders need to be very careful about how they use them. Our nation is the most divided that it has been in my entire lifetime, and it isn’t going to take too much to push America into a state of full-blown civil unrest. (Read More...)

Do You Stand With President Trump?

What do you think of the job that President Trump has done so far? According to Real Clear Politics, Trump has an average approval rating of just 40 percent right now, and that is extremely low for a new president. Traditionally, the American people have given new presidents a “honeymoon period” of at least six months to show what they can do. But that hasn’t happened this time, and the attacks against Trump from the Democrats and from the mainstream media have been absolutely relentless. (Read More...)

We Need To Build Trump’s Wall, And We Need To Build It Tall And Strong

Did you know that Mexico is the second deadliest nation on the entire planet? The drug war down there continues to spiral completely out of control, and often the violence spills over to our own side of the border. Thanks to President Trump, security along the border is improving, but we still have a long, long way to go. Ultimately what we need is a physical barrier, because large numbers of illegal immigrants continue to pour through the soft spots in our border security. I know that a lot of liberals don’t like the idea of a wall, but that is the only way that we are going to make sure that everyone comes into this country through the front door. (Read More...)

Even If Everything James Comey Is Claiming Is True, There Is Still No Evidence That Trump Is Guilty Of Any Crime

Democrats are hoping that the testimony that former FBI Director James Comey will deliver on Thursday will be enough to take Donald Trump down for good. Comey released a written preview of his testimony on Wednesday, and it was obviously intended to draw even more attention to what is already being described as “the most highly-anticipated Congressional hearing in decades”. CNN is breathlessly declaring that “James Comey just went nuclear on Donald Trump”, and Texas Democratic Representative Al Green is already planning to draft articles of impeachment even though the testimony hasn’t even happened yet. Unfortunately for those that would like to see Trump go, even if every single thing that James Comey is claiming is true (and that is a very big “if”), there is still no evidence that Trump is guilty of any crime. (Read More...)

New Undercover Video Shows An Abortionist Joking About An Eyeball Rolling Down Into Her Lap

An incredibly shocking new undercover video that was recently released by the Center For Medical Progress shows various abortionists joking about the gruesome realities of performing abortions. This undercover footage was taken during the annual conventions of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015, and perhaps the most disturbing moment is when one abortionist jokes about an eyeball rolling into her lap. All of the undercover videos that have been released by the Center For Medical Progress are very startling and very graphic, but it is absolutely imperative that the American people be told the truth about what is actually happening in these abortion clinics. If these crimes against humanity do not stop, there is no hope and no future for our nation. (Read More...)