We Have Entered A Time When Islamic Terrorists Will Be Specifically Targeting Christians And Churches In America

One Sunday morning you may be sitting there peacefully with your family during what seems like a perfectly normal church service when a team of men dressed in camo comes storming in and starts shooting at people indiscriminately with automatic weapons.  Once upon a time, such a thing would have been absolutely unimaginable in America, but now things have completely changed.  In fact, as you will see below, something like this almost happened a little over a week ago at a hotel in South Dakota where approximately 500 people had gathered for a Christian conference.  This is a time when ministries are going to have to start paying extra attention to security, because Islamic terrorists are going to be specifically targeting Christians and churches. (Read More...)

#NoWarInSyria: If You Don’t Want World War III In The Middle East You Need To Let Your Voice Be Heard NOW

We are closer to the start of World War III than we have been in decades.  In part 3 of this series of articles, I discussed the fact that President Trump’s team was preparing a “military response” in Syria and that a “coalition” is being formed to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power.  Well, as I am writing this article the missiles have started flying.  Cruise missiles from a U.S. Navy vessel in the Mediterranean Sea have hit multiple targets inside Syria, and many fear that what we have just witnessed could be the beginning of a broader conflict. (Read More...)

Now That Trump’s ‘Red Line’ Has Been Crossed, Will He Turn Damascus Into A ‘Ruinous Heap’?

Will a false flag chemical attack in Syria’s Idlib province be the trigger that causes World War 3 to erupt in the Middle East?  In Part I of this series, I discussed how previous chemical attacks that were blamed on the Assad regime actually turned out to be false flag attacks conducted by Syrian rebels that were absolutely desperate to draw the United States into the Syrian civil war on their side.  And considering the fact that the Syrian rebels have been consistently losing territory in recent months, they are now more desperate than ever.  So even though it didn’t work before, they probably figured that a false flag chemical attack was worth one more try, and so far the Trump administration appears to be buying it hook, line and sinker.  Trump has called the attack a “terrible affront to humanity”, and he is placing all of the blame on the shoulders of the Assad regime.  But now that Trump has committed the U.S. to take military action in Syria, what is that actually going to look like? (Read More...)

Trump Defunds The Agency Responsible For Implementing The Sick Population Control Agenda Of The United Nations

All over the world, the United Nations Population Fund has been promoting abortion and sterilization as ways to slow down the rate at which the population of the planet is growing.  In some cases, the United Nations Population Fund has actually partnered with countries that have conducted forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations.  In other words, those procedures were being done to women against their will.  The United Nations Population Fund is the tip of the spear when it comes to implementing the UN’s twisted population control agenda, and so Donald Trump should be greatly congratulated for defunding them. (Read More...)

In Anticipation Of The Coming American Apocalypse, 2 Lawmakers Plan To Create ‘Christian Survivalist Centers’ In Rural Areas

A couple of lawmakers from South Carolina want to establish a network of self-sufficient communities in their state in preparation for “societal collapse”.  In the long-term, they hope to “train and equip one million neighborhood leaders” that will be able to establish “a fresh beginning for America” in the aftermath of the great crisis that is coming.  State Representatives Josiah Magnuson and Jonathon Hill are both relatively young, they were both home-schooled, and each of their fathers are pastors.  They are calling their dream the “Virtue Solution Project”, and they are examples of a new breed of American politician that recognizes that the system is failing and that we desperately need to return to the values that this nation was founded upon. (Read More...)

You Do Not Go To War With Your Own People

Donald Trump is making the exact same tragic mistake that other prominent leaders have made in the past. You never, ever, ever go to war with your own people. Yes, you may have some very serious disagreements with your own team sometimes, but you never go to war with them. When Trump openly declared war on the Freedom Caucus, he immediately lost the support of millions of conservatives. And now Trump is going to have a tremendously difficult time getting anything on his agenda through Congress, because without Freedom Caucus votes the Democrats will be able to block just about everything that Trump wants to do. (Read More...)

Why Does The Beast In ‘Beauty And The Beast’ Look Eerily Similar To Baphomet?

Beauty And The Beast Baphomet - FacebookDoes it upset anyone else that the “beast” in Disney’s new remake of “Beauty and the Beast” is a goat-man with very long horns that bears quite a resemblance to Baphomet? In Disney’s 1991 animated version of “Beauty and the Beast”, the “beast” looked very much like a gentle lion. There were a couple of small horns poking out of his head, but those could have easily been mistaken as tufts of hair. But this time around, the “beast” has been depicted as a hybrid goat-man that has enormous goat horns sticking out of his head. And of course anyone that is familiar with the occult knows that the most famous goat-man in the entire world is Baphomet – the official symbol of the Church of Satan. Could it be possible that the similarity between this “beast” and Baphomet is more than just a coincidence? (Read More...)

Trump’s First War? ‘All Options Are On The Table’ As The U.S. And North Korea Prepare For The Second Korean War

Nuclear War Explosion - Public DomainThis may be the closest that we have been to war with North Korea since the original Korean War ended in 1953. The North Koreans are feverishly working to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that could strike the U.S. mainland, and meanwhile Donald Trump has not moved from his position that North Korea will simply not be allowed to have ICBMs. If North Korea does not blink, it means that we are literally counting down the days until we go to war. Unfortunately, North Korean leaders appear to literally be insane and they have shown absolutely no signs of backing off. In 2016, North Korea tested two nuclear bombs and test-fired 24 missiles, and so far this year they have test-fired five ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan. (Read More...)