When Technology Becomes Religion And Science Becomes God

Internet Worship - Public DomainAre we in love with how smart we are?  In America today, there are technology companies that have a much larger “cult following” than any religious organization.  And there are millions upon millions of Americans that freely confess that they “believe in science”.  So what does this say about us?  Does it say that we have discarded ancient “superstitions” and instead have embraced logic and reason?  Sadly, in most cases the truth is that we have simply traded one form of religion for another.  Scientists and technology gurus have become our new high priests, and most of us blindly follow whatever they tell us.  But in the end, just like with so many religious organizations, it is all about the money.  Those with the money determine what the science is going to say, who the high priests are going to be, and what messages are conveyed to the public.  For example, once upon a time the big tobacco companies had armies of doctors and scientists that swore up and down that smoking cigarettes was not harmful.  In fact, many doctors and dentists in America once personally endorsed specific brands of cigarettes.  Of course millions of Americans were getting sick and dying, but this was dismissed as “anecdotal evidence”.  And over in Germany, “science” was once used to prove that the Germans were the master race.  We look back in horror now, but at the time the best “science” in the world was used as justification to promote some horrible untruths.  And of course the same thing is happening today.  We are told over and over that “the science is settled” regarding genetically-modified food, climate change and vaccine safety, and yet those of us that think for ourselves know that isn’t the case at all.  But if you do not believe in the “official story”, you don’t get to be part of the “scientific establishment”.  By definition, the only people that get to be “scientific experts” are the ones that embrace the “doctrine” of those that control the big corporations, that fund the research studies at the major universities and that own the big media outlets.  Everyone else is not permitted to be part of the discussion. (Read More...)

Janet Yellen Is Freaking Out About ‘Audit The Fed’ – Here Are 100 Reasons Why She Should Be

Great Seal - Photo by IpankoninJanet Yellen is very alarmed that some members of Congress want to conduct a comprehensive audit of the Federal Reserve for the first time since it was created.  If the Fed is doing everything correctly, why should Yellen be alarmed?  What does she have to hide?  During testimony before Congress on Tuesday, she made “central bank independence” sound like it was the holy grail.  Even though every other government function is debated politically in this country, Yellen insists that what the Federal Reserve does is “too important” to be influenced by the American people.  Does any other government agency ever dare to make that claim?  But of course the Federal Reserve is not a government agency.  It is a private banking cartel that has far more power over our money and our economy than anyone else does.  And later on in this article I am going to share with you dozens of reasons why Congress should shut it down. (Read More...)

Bush v. Clinton In 2016? New World Order Dream Matchup Being Touted As ‘Inevitable’

Hillary Clinton - Photo by Marc NozellThe next presidential election is still nearly two years away, and yet the mainstream media is already telling Americans who they are supposed to vote for.  Now that Jeb Bush has all but officially declared that he is running for president, a “dream matchup” between Bush and Hillary Clinton is being touted as “inevitable”.  But is this what the American people actually want?  Most liberals seem to truly dislike Clinton, and most conservatives can’t stand Bush at this point.  And yet when the time comes, the big money donors will line up behind them and they will get far more media coverage than the other candidates.  Yes, there is still a chance that another establishment candidate such as Mitt Romney could jump ahead of Bush on the Republican side, and there is also a chance that Hillary Clinton may decide not to run at all (more on that below).  But when it is all said and done, it is virtually certain that Americans will have a choice between establishment candidate #1 and establishment candidate #2 on election day 2016, and that is absolutely sickening. (Read More...)

The Real Unemployment Rate: In 20% Of American Families, EVERYONE Is Unemployed

Family Eating MealAccording to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working.  So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh.  One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job.  That is absolutely astonishing.  How can a family survive if nobody is making any money?  Well, the answer to that question is actually quite easy.  There is a reason why government dependence has reached epidemic levels in the United States.  Without enough jobs, tens of millions of additional Americans have been forced to reach out to the government for help.  At this point, if you can believe it, the number of Americans getting money or benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million. (Read More...)

18 Stats That Prove That Government Dependence Has Reached Epidemic Levels

Heritage FoundationDid you know that the number of Americans getting benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million?  In other words, the number of people that are taking money out of the system is far greater than the number of people that are putting money into the system.  And did you know that nearly 70 percent of all of the money that the federal government spends goes toward entitlement and welfare programs?  When it comes to the transfer of wealth, nobody does it on a grander scale than the U.S. government.  Most of what the government does involves taking money from some people and giving it to other people.  In fact, at this point that is the primary function of the federal government. (Read More...)

Why John Boehner And Paul Ryan Should Immediately Resign

U.S. Capitol - Photo by Lance CheungThomas Jefferson once said that “the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”  In other words, he believed that government debt was the equivalent of stealing money from future generations on a massive scale.  Right now, the U.S. government is stealing roughly $100,000,000 from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.  And it is being projected that the U.S. national debt will more than double during the 8 years of the Obama administration.  In other words, the federal government will pile more debt on to the backs of our children and our grandchildren during the Obama years than had been accumulated during all of the rest of U.S. history combined.  The federal government is literally destroying the future of America, and what we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is beyond criminal.  If there was one thing that the Republicans in Congress were supposed to do, it was to do something about all of this debt.  These days Republicans can’t seem to agree on much, but the one issue that virtually all “conservatives” were supposed to agree on was the national debt.  The American people gave the Republicans control of the House in 2010 and 2012 for a reason.  Unfortunately, nothing has been done.  Our debt has continued to spiral out of control and now John Boehner and Paul Ryan are pushing a “budget deal” that will essentially give the free-spending Democrats virtually everything that they want for the next 10 years.  That is why John Boehner and Paul Ryan should immediately resign. (Read More...)

The Chinese Want To Spend Billions Constructing A 600 Acre “China City” In New York State

America For SaleThe Chinese have made trillions of dollars flooding our shores with super cheap products, and now they are using some of that money to buy land and property all over America.  For example, there is now a proposal to construct a multibillion dollar “China City” that would span approximately 600 acres in a remote area of New York state.  This “China City” (that is actually what it would be called) would be located on Yankee Lake in Sullivan County, New York.  The plans anticipate large numbers of Chinese businesses, plenty of homes for Chinese immigrants, a Chinese high school, a college, a casino and even a theme park.  And the first 600 acres is only for “phase one” of the plan.  Ultimately, the goal is for “China City” to cover more than 2,000 acres.  Those promoting this plan say that it will be a great way for New Yorkers to learn to appreciate Chinese culture. (Read More...)