Obamacare Architect Says Society Would Be Better Off If People Only Lived To Age 75

Medical Care For The Elderly - Public DomainDr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, says that society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past age 75.  His new article entitled “Why I Hope To Die At 75” has the following very creepy subtitle: “An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly”.  In the article, Emanuel forcefully argues that the quality of life for most people is significantly diminished past the age of 75 and that once we get to that age we should refuse any more medical care that will extend our lifespans.  This is quite chilling to read, considering the fact that this is coming from one of the key architects of Obamacare.  Of course he never uses the term “death panels” in his article, but that is obviously what Emanuel would want in a perfect world.  To Emanuel, it is inefficient to waste medical resources on those that do not have a high “quality of life”.  So he says that “75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop”. (Read More...)

Is It Wise For Obama To Send Thousands Of U.S. Troops Into The Ebola Death Zone?

Ebola Cases And Deaths Per Day - Photo by Leopoldo Martin RWhen there is a major problem somewhere in the world, Barack Obama loves to show that he is “doing something” by sending a contingent of U.S. troops to the affected area.  But is it really wise for Obama to send thousands of young American men and women into the Ebola death zone?  What are our troops going to do – shoot the virus?  Of course not.  The UN already has 6,000 uniformed peacekeepers in the region, and they are not doing much good.  The truth is that this is a medical crisis that requires medical personnel.  By sending thousands of troops into the heart of the Ebola pandemic, we make it much more likely that Ebola will be brought back to the United States.  Obama should keep in mind that hundreds of health workers have become infected even though they wear protective gear and are trained to deal with Ebola patients.  Our troops have not been trained to deal with Ebola patients and they probably will not be wearing full protective gear when dealing with the general population.  But there are sick people among the general population that could pass Ebola to them. (Read More...)

Will An Ebola Panic Be Used As An Excuse To Put Large Numbers Of Americans In Camps?

Prison Camp In America - Public DomainNow even the mainstream media is admitting that during an Ebola panic “people could be detained for long periods, merely on a suspicion they might have been exposed to some pathogen.”  As you will read about below, federal law contains some very vague provisions which could be used to indefinitely quarantine large numbers of Americans in the event of a significant Ebola outbreak in the United States.  So where would all of those people be put?  Certainly they would not be mixed in with prison populations, and our hospitals would only be able to handle a very limited number of Ebola patients.  Once our medical facilities are overwhelmed, it is inevitable that those that have Ebola or that are suspected of having Ebola would be housed in temporary holding centers, tent cities, sports stadiums, old military bases and FEMA camps.  Of course strict measures would be taken to ensure that the quarantine is not broken.  So no matter what official name is given to these facilities, they would in essence be prison camps.  No unauthorized personnel would be going in or out.  And since the federal government already has the power to round up and detain anyone “reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease”, the potential for abuse is staggering. (Read More...)

There Already Is A Government Health Care System In America And It Is The Medical Version Of Hell

Injured VetWhat would happen if the entire health care system in the United States was run by the federal government?  Would such a system be better or worse than what we have today?  To get an answer to these questions, all we have to do is take a look at what is already happening.  The truth is that there already is a government health care system in America and it is the medical version of hell.  You are about to read about the horrifying state of health care being provided by the federal government at VA hospitals and on Indian reservations around the country.  Injured military veterans and those that live on Indian reservations are some of the most vulnerable members of our society, and the government is doing an absolutely nightmarish job of taking care of them. (Read More...)

Scientists: We Can’t Do Anything About The Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs That Will Soon Kill Millions Of Us

Image courtesy of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C., United StatesThe “wonder drugs” that we have been using since the middle of the last century are rapidly losing their effectiveness, and medical authorities are warning that the emergence of very powerful antibiotic-resistant superbugs represents “one of the gravest threats in the history of medicine“.  Of course the “wonder drugs” that I am talking about are known today as antibiotics.  These drugs attack bacteria, and when they first began to be developed back in the 1950s and 1960s they were hailed as “miracles” that would save countless numbers of lives.  Well, it turns out that nature is having the last laugh.  All over the planet bacteria are developing resistance to these drugs, and scientists are warning that they can’t really do anything to stop these superbugs.  With each passing year these superbugs are gaining ground, and there appears to be not much hope on the horizon of being able to fight them.  In fact, no new classes of antibiotics have been invented since 1987, and none are being developed right now.  Meanwhile, scientists are telling us that many current antibiotic treatments will be completely obsolete by the year 2030.  Are you starting to understand why so many high profile members of the scientific community are using the words “catastrophic threat” to describe this crisis? (Read More...)

12 Incredible Obamacare Quotes That Show That Our Wretched Healthcare System Is Headed Directly Into The Toilet

You might as well stick a fork in the U.S. healthcare system because it is finished.  Even before Obamacare, Americans paid far more for healthcare than anyone else in the world.  Now thanks to Obamacare we will be faced with much higher health insurance premiums, much higher taxes, much longer waits to see doctors and more government bureaucrats involved in our lives than ever before.  As I have written about previously, the U.S. healthcare industry is a horrible mess, and now Obamacare is going to take the entire system directly into the toilet.  All over America today, families are going broke because of outrageous health insurance costs and suffocating medical debt, doctors are going broke and leaving the profession because they can’t make a living, and sick people are dying because they cannot get the care that they need.  So what solution does Obama give us?  A nearly 3,000 page monstrosity that will destroy what is left of our crumbling healthcare system and that will unleash 16,000 new IRS agents to hunt down the millions of Americans that do not currently have health insurance.  For those that love Big Brother socialist totalitarianism, Obamacare is a dream come true.  For the rest of us it is a total nightmare. (Read More...)

15 Reasons Why The Obamacare Decision Is A Mind Blowing Disaster For America

You can almost always count on the Supreme Court to do the wrong thing.  In fact, just about every major decision by the U.S. Supreme Court over the last 40 years has been bad for America.  Many were hoping that the Supreme Court would strike down Obamacare, but the truth is that we all should have known better than to expect them to get something right.  So now America is headed for a complete and total disaster as Obamacare is fully implemented over the next several years.  Obamacare is going to absolutely shred the infrastructure of our medical system, it is going to send health insurance premiums soaring, it is going to dramatically expand the size and the scope of government, it is going to fundamentally alter the relationships between doctors and their patients and it is one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history.  Not only that, it is also going to add about a trillion dollars to our national debt over the next decade.  So no, the Obamacare decision is not good news.  Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in American history, and now we are stuck with it. (Read More...)

After The Government Microchips Our Soldiers, How Long Will It Be Before They Want To Put A Microchip In YOU

What would you do if someday the government made it mandatory for everyone to receive an implantable microchip for identification purposes?  Would you take it?  Such a scenario may not be as far off as you might think.  In the United States today, millions of dogs and cats have been microchipped, thousands of elderly Americans with Alzheimer’s disease have been microchipped, and the U.S. military is developing “medical devices” that contain microchips to monitor the health of soldiers.  Once the government has microchips implanted in all of our soldiers, how long will it be before they want to put a microchip in all government employees for the sake of national security?  Once the government has microchips in all government employees, how long will it be before they want to put a microchip in you?  Of course this technology is not going to be “required” for average citizens any time soon.  For now, it will creep into our lives at an incremental pace.  But after enough people have voluntarily accepted the “benefits” of implantable microchips, it will only be a matter of time before they become mandatory.  Are you ready for that? (Read More...)