America 2012: The Supreme Court Has Made It Legal For The Police To Strip Search You Any Time They Want

Last week the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that police in the United States can strip search anyone that they arrest.  It doesn’t matter how minor the crime is and it doesn’t matter if they suspect that you have contraband on you or not.  The Supreme Court even said that you can be strip searched if you have been arrested for a traffic violation.  Any type of arrest will do.  Once you are arrested, if the police want to strip off your clothes and see you naked there is not a thing you can do about it.  You can read the entire Supreme Court decision right here.  Considering the fact that 13 million Americans are put in jail at some point each year, this is a very frightening thing.  The notion that we are all “innocent until proven guilty” is rapidly becoming a thing of the past.  Thanks to the Supreme Court, it is now legal for the police to strip search you any time they want.  All they have to do is find some excuse to arrest you.  And considering the fact that almost everything is illegal in America, that is not hard to do.  America continues to become a very dark place in 2012, and very few people are speaking up in defense of liberty and freedom. (Read More...)

The Obama Flag: Who Decided That It Was Okay To Replace The Stars On The American Flag With The Face Of Barack Obama?

Democrat Party headquarters in Lake County, Florida has been flying an American flag with a face of Barack Obama on it.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The “Obama flag” features a huge picture of the face of Barack Obama in the area where the stars are usually located.  To many Americans today, the American flag may be “just a piece of cloth”, but when I was young I was taught that one must never desecrate the American flag.  The American flag is our highest national symbol.  Millions of Americans have fought and died defending freedom and liberty under that banner.  To see a photo of Barack Obama plastered on it is an absolute disgrace.  Sadly, there are lots of these flags floating around.  In fact, you can buy them online for $12.95.  Down in Florida, the chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party took down the “Obama flag” after a group of veterans protested, but she also said that she is not promising that she will not put it back up and that she is going to consult an attorney about all of this. (Read More...)

12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs

Do you love liberty and freedom?  If so, you better watch your back.  The control freaks that run our society are stripping away our liberties and freedoms a little bit more each day, and lately they seem to be particularly focused on coming after those that are not “integrating” into the system.  Just like the rest of the western world, America is being transformed into a “Big Brother” police state control grid.  Nearly everything that you do is being watched and monitored.  A whole host of organizations know that you are on this website right now.  If you want to go to an NFL game next weekend, there is a good chance that you will be on the receiving end of an “enhanced pat-down” and if you are producing raw milk on your farm there is a good chance that the feds will show up for a pre-dawn raid on your property.  In many areas of the country, the government forces us to shoot our kids full of vaccines and implant dangerous microchips in our pets.  Virtually wherever we go there is a camera that is watching us or there are other Americans that are evaluating whether or not we are engaged in “suspicious activity” that needs to be reported to the government.  Once upon a time, America was all about liberty and freedom, but today our nation is undergoing a radical cultural shift.  America is being “locked down”, and those who love liberty and freedom should watch their backs. (Read More...)

Big Brother 2.0: 10 New Ways That The Government Will Be Spying On You And Controlling Your Behavior

Are you ready for Big Brother 2.0?  If you think that the hundreds of ways that the government watches, monitors, tracks and controls us now are bad, just wait until you see what is coming.  We live in an age when paranoia is running wild.  As technology continues to develop at an exponential pace, governments all over the globe are going to discover a multitude of new ways to spy on us and control our behavior.  In a world where everyone is a “potential terrorist”, we are told that things like liberty, freedom and privacy are “luxuries” that we can no longer afford.  We are assured that if we just allow the government to watch all of us and investigate all of us that somehow that will keep us all safe.  But it isn’t just the government that is watching us.  Now we are being taught to spy on one another and to report any trace of “suspicious activity” to the government immediately.  The entire civilized world is being transformed into one giant prison grid, and many of the new technologies that are now being introduced are going to make things even worse. (Read More...)

Police Shut Down Lemonade Stands And Cookie Stands Run By Kids All Over America – Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission?

If you plan on using the bathroom before you get done reading this article, you might want to check with the government to see if you are still allowed to do that.  There are very, very few things that Americans still have the freedom to do today without government permission.  Back in the old days, if young kids wanted to earn some extra money they would set up a little stand outside and sell some lemonade or some cookies.  For many little kids, this was their very first practical experience with making money.  Once upon a time, you would see lemonade stands all over the place during the summer in America.  In fact, “lemonade stands” became such a part of American culture that people knew exactly what you were talking about the moment you mentioned them.  Even up until a couple of decades ago, nobody would have ever dreamed that little kids would need the permission of the government in order to set up a little stand to sell some lemonade or some cookies.  But today, everything has completely changed.  If you are a little kid and you try to sell some lemonade in “Amerika” today, the authorities will swoop in and shut you down in a heartbeat. (Read More...)

The Elite Are Not Even Trying To Hide How Much They Hate The U.S. Constitution Anymore

In the United States today, it is becoming increasingly fashionable to openly trash the U.S. Constitution.  Many among the elite are not even trying to hide how much they hate the U.S. Constitution anymore.  As the Patriot movement and the Tea Party movement call for a return to the principles that this nation was founded upon, many among the elite and in the mainstream media are responding by publicly dumping on the U.S. Constitution.  The level of vitriol that we are seeing for our founding fathers and for our Constitution is unprecedented.  It turns out that the U.S. Constitution does not fit very well with the benevolent futuristic “Big Brother” totalitarianism that they want to impose on all of us.  All of that talk about “freedom” and “liberty” in the Constitution does not exactly square with the centralized global planning that the elite have in mind.  The ruling elite believe that the “rights of the individual” must be greatly restricted for the “good of society” and for the “good of the environment”.  Right now the “constitutional revival” that is happening in the United States is a direct threat to what the elite are trying to accomplish, so they are responding by openly attacking the Constitution. (Read More...)

10 Examples That Should Convince Anyone That We No Longer Live In The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave

Do you know people that still believe that America is a free country?  Do you have friends or family that are proud to live in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”?  If you do, just show them this article.  The things that you are about to read are enough to make the blood of any red-blooded American boil.  We don’t live in a free country anymore.  Instead, we live in a “Big Brother” police state control grid that is becoming more restrictive every single day.  Most of our politicians seem to be control freaks that are obsessed with running every single little detail of our lives.  These days there has to be a “rule” or a “regulation” for everything.  The radical social engineers in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and communist China never even dared to try some of the things that are going on in America today.  We are all being treated little better than cattle and we are all being taught that it is best to just sit in our homes and absorb all of the television “programming” that is being provided for us.  Meanwhile, our public schools have become little more than prison grids.  Our children are being taught to enjoy living as docile slaves in a world where imagination, liberty, freedom and adventure are all greatly discouraged. (Read More...)

Isn’t It About Time That The United States Got The Heck Out Of The Middle East?

In Afghanistan right now, a one-legged Afghan Red Cross worker named Said Musa is sitting in a prison cell awaiting his sentence.  Musa, a father of six children, was arrested by the Afghan government as he attempted to seek asylum at the German embassy last year.  He was sentenced to death by an Afghan court that was established by the new Afghan government that the United States worked so hard to set up.  He has been horribly mistreated for months.  An Afghan judge has told him that he will be killed within a matter of days.  So what was his crime?  He was a Muslim that has become a Christian.  Under Sharia law, that is punishable by death.  Is this is the “freedom” that we have sacrificed so many American lives to bring to Afghanistan?  This Christian father of six will be hung by the Afghan “democracy” that the United States has been “nurturing” and that U.S. soldiers have been working so hard to defend. (Read More...)