The Biggest Deadline For Our Campaign So Far Is In 7 Days, And I Am Praying For A $25,000 Miracle

I really need your help. As most of you already know, I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district, and because there is no incumbent the race is totally wide open. I announced that I was running on July 4th, and so September 30th is my very first FEC quarterly reporting deadline. All over the country, prominent Republican donors and key conservative organizations will be judging the strength of my campaign based on how much money I raise this quarter. If I don’t raise enough, I risk losing national support that I otherwise could have received. And even though hundreds of people have been donating from all over the country, we are lagging behind where we need to be, and so I am praying for a $25,000 miracle over the next seven days. If you would like to help this miracle become a reality, you can contribute at this link… (Read More...)

If You Stand With Trump, Please Support #TeamTrump Candidates For Congress

Do you stand with President Trump? If so, I would like to ask you to support #TeamTrump candidates for Congress all over the nation. I am running on a pro-Trump platform in Idaho’s first congressional district, and so far I have created an enormous amount of buzz all over the state. But in order to win, I have to get my message out to hundreds of thousands of potential voters that are not familiar with my work, and that is going to take a lot of time, effort, energy and resources. It is humbling to be in a position where I am forced to rely on others, and I am learning how to reach out and ask for help. If you would like to contribute to the campaign, you can do so right here. Every single dollar makes a tremendous difference, and no donation is too small. (Read More...)

Why Does The Left Hate Us So Much?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Ever since I decided to run for Congress, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about how divided our nation is. Donald Trump has become the most hated person in America, earlier this year a gunman tried to kill as many Republican members of Congress as possible at a baseball field in Virginia, and the mainstream media is fueling more hatred for conservatives on a daily basis. I think that I was more than a bit naive in thinking that I wouldn’t be caught up in all of this when I decided to run for public office. It has only been about a month, and so far I have been slandered repeatedly, my wife and daughter have been called all sorts of names, and even our faith has been attacked. I have never seen the left so energized in my entire lifetime, but meanwhile those of us that are trying to move the United States in a more conservative direction are facing an uphill battle when it comes to raising funds. If you believe that people like me should be running for Congress, I hope that you will support my campaign financially. Since there is no incumbent running in my district, the race is completely wide open, and if I raise enough money I will win because I have the strongest message by a very wide margin. (Read More...)

If America Does Not Turn Back To God, There Isn’t Going To Be An America

I know that politicians aren’t supposed to talk like this, but I don’t care. I am not a politician and I never will be. And I am not running for Congress because I want a career in politics. We have enough career politicians right now, and so we definitely don’t need another one. So I am not going to carefully craft a message that I think that the voters want to hear. Instead, I am just going to tell the truth, and I believe that people all over America are going to stand with me. And the truth is that if America does not turn back to God, there isn’t going to be an America. (Read More...)

The Republicans In Congress Have Betrayed Us Again

I guess by now we should be accustomed to politicians lying to us. For years, Republicans have been promising to repeal Obamacare if we would just give them control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives. We did that, and now they are breaking that promise. Because even if “Obamacare 2.0” miraculously gets through the Senate, most of the essential elements of Obamacare will survive. If you look at the latest Senate bill, most of the Obamacare subsidies are still in there, many of the Obamacare taxes are still in there, and most of the Obamacare regulations are still in there. On top of everything else, the bill would create an absolutely massive health insurance company bailout superfund, and that is something that the Democrats never even dared to do. The bill being pushed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wouldn’t actually fix much of anything, and it certainly cannot be called a “repeal” of Obamacare. (Read More...)

When I Found Out How Members Of Congress Really Spend Their Time, I Just About Threw Up

Did you know that many members of Congress spend three or four hours a day “dialing for dollars” in cramped call centers that both parties have set up in Washington? I promised that I would keep all of you updated on what I am learning as I run for Congress, and what I learned the other day just about had me losing my lunch. I always imagined members of Congress spending long hours in their offices working on legislation and other important matters, but the truth is that most members of Congress are little more than glorified telemarketers at this point. Winning the next election is everything for most of these Congress critters, and so they spend far more time making cold calls to potential donors than doing anything else. (Read More...)

A 21-Year-Old Man Has A Baby, And Doctors Say ‘Womb Transplants For Men’ Will Soon Be Possible

Do you think that men should be having babies? Years ago I remember being told that someday we would see these sorts of headlines, but such a thing seemed so impossible to me at the time. Well, now it is actually happening. Over in the UK, a 21-year-old British man named Hayden Cross has just given birth to a baby girl. But of course Hayden was not actually born a man. Hayden used to be known as “Paige Cross”, but eventually a decision was made to embrace a transgender lifestyle. However, Hayden put his transition on hold in order to become pregnant and give birth. (Read More...)

A Sign? A Badly Wounded Bald Eagle Was Rescued On The Streets Of Washington D.C. Right Before The 4th Of July

I don’t know if you believe in signs, but I do. So when I heard that a very badly injured bald eagle had been found wandering the streets of Washington D.C. right before the 4th of July, that definitely got my attention. Today, bald eagles are actually quite rare. There are only about 5,000 nesting pairs in the lower 48 states, and it is especially uncommon to spot one in one of our major cities. When I was first told that a bald eagle has been rescued on the streets of our nation’s capital right before the most patriotic day of the year, I was immediately skeptical. But this is actually a true story. The following was reported by NPR(Read More...)