72 Percent Of Americans Believe “The Nation’s Moral Compass Is Pointed In The Wrong Direction”

A new survey has found that the vast majority of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track morally, but meanwhile the nation continues to move away from organized religion at an unprecedented rate.  Needless to say, America’s moral decline has been a focus of mine for a very long time.  Our society has been steadily decaying for decades, and our culture is now radically different than it was when I was growing up.  I would love to see our culture return to the way that it was 50 or 60 years ago, but I don’t think that is ever going to happen.  Instead, the numbers seem to indicate that our culture is going to continue to deteriorate as older Americans die off and younger Americans gain more power in society. (Read More...)

Now Even The White House Is Admitting That A Global Food Crisis Is Here

When I started warning of an emerging global food crisis a number of months ago, many out there assumed that I must be exaggerating things.  Sadly, I was not exaggerating one bit.  The soaring price of fertilizer, extreme global weather patterns, shocking crop failures and an epic global supply chain crisis had combined to create a “perfect storm” even before the war in Ukraine began.  Of course the war has made things far worse, because Russia and Ukraine collectively account for about 30 percent of all worldwide wheat exports under normal conditions.  For a while, the mainstream media and our leaders in Washington were in denial about what was happening, but now everyone is finally admitting the truth.  In fact, at this point even the Biden administration is conceding that a global food crisis is here(Read More...)

You Don’t Have To Go To The Other Side Of The Globe To See Horrific Violence In The Streets

Footage of the violence that is happening on the other side of the planet is shocking Americans on a daily basis, but the truth is that the violence in our own streets is out of control as well.  In 2020, we witnessed the worst single year spike in the national murder rate in U.S. history.  It truly was “unprecedented”, and many experts expected the murder rate to start falling back down in 2021.  But that didn’t happen.  Instead, the murder rate went even higher.  So what is happening in 2022?  Well, many cities are reporting that murder rates are even higher than they were in 2021.  For example, Portland has seen a 10 percent increase in the murder rate compared to last year’s record number… (Read More...)


My name is Michael, and I am an example of how God can literally use anyone. I have an undergraduate degree in Commerce from the University of Virginia, I have a law degree from the University of Florida law school, and I also have an LLM from the University of Florida law school.  I worked as an attorney in Washington D.C. for a number of years, but while I was working in D.C. I became increasingly frustrated that I was having no impact on the world around me.  Fortunately, God took me and my wife out of there and brought us to a very quiet location in the middle of nowhere.  But from the middle of nowhere we have touched millions of lives all over the planet through the Internet. (Read More...)

The Gun Bill That Is Going Through Congress Could Significantly Increase The Number Of Americans Banned From Buying Guns

When news that a “concealed-carry reciprocity law” had been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, gun owners all over the nation rejoiced.  But what most people didn’t realize is that there had been a last minute change to the bill that could substantially increase the number of Americans that are banned from buying guns.  This poison pill completely ruins the bill, and it must be voted down.  What we need is a clean “concealed-carry reciprocity bill” that does not include “Fix-NICS” in it. (Read More...)

Our Dec. 31st Federal Fundraising Deadline Is At The End Of The Month, And We Desperately Need A $30,000 December Miracle

December 31st is the most important deadline that our campaign for Congress has faced so far. All over the country people will be watching to see how much money we raised in the fourth quarter, and a good result could mean lots of support and contributions from Republican organizations all over the country. But a bad result would be disastrous. The key will be to show that we raised more money during our second quarter than we did during our first quarter, and right now we are behind that pace. This time of the year people are so preoccupied with holiday preparations, and so many political campaigns go into “hibernation mode” until after the first of the year. But we cannot afford to do that, because what will happen over the next few weeks could be the deciding factor in whether we win or not next May. If we can raise $30,000 by December 31st we will be where we need to be, and if you would like to help you can do so right here(Read More...)

Help! Here Is What We Need In Order For Our Campaign For Congress To Be Successful, And It Is Going To Take All Of Us

When I first started running for Congress, I would often use the phrase “my campaign”, but I have completely removed that term from my vocabulary.  What I have come to realize is that this must be “our campaign”, because it would literally be impossible for me to win if I tried to do this on my own.  Last week we launched our very first “money bomb”, and it got off to a great start, but giving has dwindled down to almost nothing over Thanksgiving weekend.  We desperately need your help, because if we stay at the current pace there is no way that we are going to meet our top goal.  If you would like to help make this “money bomb” a success, you can do so right here(Read More...)

6 Months To Go Until Election Day, And I Am Praying For Some Help

I need your help if I am going to overcome the vicious attacks that are coming from the left and win on May 15th. I know that most people are focused on preparing for the upcoming holidays this time of the year, but for this campaign crunch time has officially arrived. Idaho’s first congressional district is extremely conservative, and so whoever wins the Republican primary next May is almost certainly going to be the next member of Congress. Since Raul Labrador is running for governor, there is no incumbent in this race, and that means that it is totally wide open. The numbers are telling us that we have a very clear path to victory, but the only way that we will be able to emerge victorious is if we have enough resources to finish the race. This month we were running so low that we actually had to cut back on some of the things that we were planning to do. If this continues, we won’t be able to get our message out as effectively as we need to and another candidate could try to pull an upset victory by simply outspending us. I am praying for some help, and if every one of my readers were to make just a small donation today we would have everything that we need for the rest of the campaign by tomorrow(Read More...)