Red Rust On The Moon, Red Heifers In Israel, And A Red Horse That Is Preparing To Ride

What does the color red mean to you?  Today, I was thinking about several recent news stories that are related to Bible prophecy, and I realized that they all had something to do with the color red.  So I asked Google what the color red symbolizes, and I was sent to a Wikipedia article that explains that red “is the color of blood” and that it “has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage”.  In addition, the color red is often used to convey some sort of a warning.  Just imagine what it would be like if all stop signs were colored yellow.  That wouldn’t work nearly as well.  The reason why stop signs are red is because the color red gets your attention. (Read More...)

The Record-Breaking Natural Disasters That We Are Witnessing In Texas And California Right Now Are Truly Historic

If you think that what we are witnessing is “normal”, I honestly don’t know what to say.  Over the past few years, the United States has been getting pummeled by one major natural disaster after another.  The number of billion dollar natural disasters in 2023 established a new all-time record high for a single year, and 2024 is certainly off to a roaring start.  It seems like each new week brings multiple new disasters, and right now we are watching a couple of whoppers.  The blizzard that has started to hammer the state of California is so immense that it is difficult to believe that it is actually real, and the Stonehouse Creek Fire in the panhandle of Texas has officially become the largest fire in the entire history of that state(Read More...)

3 Existential Threats That We Are Facing Right Now Which Could Potentially Result In Millions Of Dead Americans

In recent years, there has been one enormous crisis after another.  We live at a time of major wars, global pestilences and billion dollar natural disasters.  Millions have died over the last several years, and I believe that millions more will die during the years ahead.  In fact, there are several existential threats that we are facing right now which could potentially result in millions of dead Americans.  I wish that I was exaggerating but I am not. (Read More...)

California And Nevada Have Been Rocked By 945 Earthquakes In Just The Past Week

Have you noticed that the state of California has been getting absolutely monkey-hammered by earthquakes lately?  According to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center, California and Nevada have been hit by a total of 945 earthquakes within the last seven days.  That is a whole lot of shaking!  As you can see from this map, southern California has been getting pummeled more than anywhere else.  Could it be possible that the trillions of gallons of rain that were dumped on the region earlier this month have something to do with all of this?  As I have discussed previously, scientists have determined that flooding can put an enormous amount of stress on fault lines.  And without a doubt we have seen an unusual level of activity along California’s fault lines in recent days. (Read More...)

IDF Airstrikes Pound Damascus As Syria Warns That It Is Ready For War With Israel

If you haven’t been paying close attention to what is going on in the Middle East, you need to start doing so.  As I have discussed previously, I believe that a Great Middle East War will be one of the conflicts that defines World War III.  For months, the fighting has mostly been limited to Israel and Hamas, but events on the northern front are really starting to heat up.  In fact, as you will see below, the IDF just pummeled Damascus with more airstrikes and the Syrian government is saying that it is ready for war with Israel.  So could we soon see a scenario where Israel is fighting an all-out war with Hezbollah and the Syrian army simultaneously? (Read More...)

Have You Seen Tucker’s Interview With Vladimir Putin? The Reason Why The Elite Are Freaking Out Is Because They Don’t Want Peace

This week, the biggest news story in the entire world is Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin.  Honestly, it was kind of a bizarre interview, and  you can watch it for yourself below.  But I give Tucker Carlson a ton of credit for going to Russia and sitting down with Putin.  I think that the real reason he did this is because he wanted to see for himself if there is any hope of avoiding a cataclysmic conflict between our two nations.  Every day we get even closer to the unthinkable, and so it would make sense for both sides to pursue a peaceful way out of this mess.  But at this point the western elite are not interested in peace, and they don’t want any talk of peace in the media.  So they are going to great lengths to discredit Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin, because they don’t want their carefully crafted narratives to be disrupted. (Read More...)

8 Signs That Demonstrate How Truly Bizarre Our Society Is Becoming

In “The Wizard of Oz”, at one point Dorothy tells her dog that she has “a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”.  She had been dropped in a strange new world that was crazier than anything she had ever imagined.  Needless to say, many of us feel the exact same way.  We’re not in the America that we grew up in anymore.  Instead, we now live in a country that appears to be a cross between a really bad science fiction movie and a freak show.  Sadly, the pace of change has now reached an exponential rate, and things will get even more insane during the years that are ahead of us.  The following are 8 signs that demonstrate how truly bizarre our society is becoming… (Read More...)

A Time Of Wars And Rumors Of Wars, Famines, Pestilences And Major Natural Disasters

On some level, most people can feel what is coming.  That is why sales of emergency food are at record levels, shows about survival are among the most popular on television, and Mark Zuckerberg is building a “self-sustaining doomsday bunker” in Hawaii.  Millions of us realize that we are on the brink of an extremely chaotic chapter in human history.  Of course the past several years have already been pretty wild, but I believe that the years immediately in front of us will take things to an entirely new level. (Read More...)