Is This “Super Pink Passover Moon” Another Harbinger Of Things To Come?

If you look up into the sky tonight, you will witness something truly unusual.  The full moon that you will see will also be a “Supermoon”, a “Pink Moon” and a “Passover Moon”.  In fact, it will be the largest “Supermoon” of the entire year.  A British news source created quite a stir by suggesting that this moon could be an “end of days’ omen”, and it is true that the Bible does say that there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars in the last days.  But at this point we don’t know if this full moon will have any special significance or not.  However, there are people out there that do believe that the very unusual full moon that we witnessed on 12/12 at exactly 12:12 AM that was precisely 6,666 days from 9/11 was a harbinger of the great troubles that we would see in 2020.  If that very weird celestial event was actually some sort of a sign, could it be possible that this “Super Pink Passover Moon” is also some sort of a sign? (Read More...)

Why Are So Many People That Have “Recovered” From The Coronavirus Testing Positive Again?

The mysteries surrounding this COVID-19 pandemic just keep getting deeper and deeper.  When you catch a virus, you are not supposed to test positive, fully recover and test negative, and then some time later start testing positive again.  But this is actually happening in an alarming number of cases, and scientists are absolutely baffled by this.  The information that I am about to share with you is quite disturbing, and hopefully scientists will eventually be able to explain to us precisely why this is taking place. (Read More...)

For A Glimpse Into Your Dystopian Police State Future, Just Visit Your Local Walmart

Things are really starting to get crazy out there.  All over the country, “non-essential” businesses have been forced to shut down, but because Walmart sells food and other basic supplies it gets to be one of the “essential” businesses that stays open.  However, a trip to your local Walmart now will be far different from what you remember previously.  When you arrive, you will find that a very narrow entry corridor has been taped off with yellow security tape, and only a very limited number of shoppers are being allowed in at any one time.  And once you get inside, you will discover that there are very strict limits on what you are permitted to purchase. (Read More...)

The Prime Minister Of Australia Warns That Life Will Not Return To “Normal” Until A Coronavirus Vaccine Arrives

It is starting to look like there will not be a return to normalcy for a very long time.  Even though about half of the world is currently under some sort of a “shelter-in-place” order, COVID-19 continues to spread at an alarming rate.  Of course the U.S. is seeing far more newly confirmed cases than anyone else at this point, and that is a huge concern.  The United States now has more confirmed cases than Italy and China combined, and the daily death toll in our nation just hit another new high.  Sadly, one of the big reasons why the U.S. is having such a problem is because a whole lot of people are completely disregarding the “shelter-in-place” orders.  As a result, a lot of them are getting sick and spreading the virus. (Read More...)

New York City Is Running Out Of Places To Put All The Dead Bodies

It wasn’t supposed to happen this rapidly.  It seems like the coronavirus pandemic has been raging in New York for a really long time, but it was only just over a month ago when the first case in the state was confirmed.  Of course now the entire state has been put under a “shelter-in-place” order and New York City is quieter than it has ever been in modern American history.  And just like we saw in China and in northern Italy, dead bodies are piling up so quickly that authorities don’t know what to do with them all.  In both China and Italy it got to the point where cremation centers were running around the clock, and now that is happening in New York City too(Read More...)

Coronavirus Is Now The Third Leading Cause Of Death In The United States

More than 1,000 Americans died from the coronavirus on Wednesday.  As you will see below, that now makes COVID-19 the third leading cause of death in the United States on a daily basis.  Unfortunately, the number of Americans dying from the coronavirus is expected to rise even more in the weeks ahead.  As the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases globally gets ready to cross the one million mark, many of those that initially attempted to downplay this pandemic are now changing their tune.  I think that it really startled a lot of people when President Trump warned that 240,000 U.S. citizens could potentially die during this pandemic.  Trump is taking COVID-19 very seriously, and everyone else should be as well.  This is truly a major national crisis, and it is just getting started. (Read More...)

The Huge Magnitude 6.5 Earthquake That Just Hit Idaho Continues Alarming Trend Of Western Quakes

Why has the western United States suddenly been shaking so violently over the past several weeks?  On Tuesday, the constant barrage of headlines about the coronavirus pandemic was interrupted by an enormous earthquake that hit central Idaho.  Of course Idaho is not exactly known for earthquakes, and so this was quite a surprise.  In fact, the largest quake in Idaho history was the magnitude 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake in 1983.  So when a magnitude 6.5 earthquake stuck not too far from Boise on Tuesday, it really stunned a whole lot of people.  And according to the Spokesman-Review, this quake could be felt as far away as Calgary(Read More...)

Supplies Are Starting To Get Really Tight Nationwide As Food Distribution Systems Break Down

All across America, store shelves are emptying and people are becoming increasingly frustrated because they can’t get their hands on needed supplies.  Most Americans are blaming “hoarders” for the current mess, but it is actually much more complicated than that.  Normally, Americans get a lot of their food from restaurants.  In fact, during normal times 36 percent of all Americans eat at a fast food restaurant on any given day.  But now that approximately 75 percent of the U.S. is under some sort of a “shelter-in-place” order and most of our restaurants have shut down, things have completely changed.  Suddenly our grocery stores are being flooded with unexpected traffic, and many people are buying far more than usual in anticipation of a long pandemic.  Unfortunately, our food distribution systems were not designed to handle this sort of a surge, and things are really starting to get crazy out there. (Read More...)