22 Statistics That Prove The Elite Are Becoming Fabulously Wealthy While The Middle Class Is Being Ripped To Shreds

In the United States today, the only group that is “doing better” each year financially is the folks at the very top of the income pyramid.  Everyone else has seen their incomes decline.  Once upon a time, America had a relatively egalitarian system where just about anyone could “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” if they just worked hard enough.  But today, there are millions of Americans that can’t seem to get jobs no matter how hard they try.  Millions of others feel their tenuous hold on the American Dream slipping out of their grasp just a little bit more each month.  The truth is that we don’t have true capitalism in the United States anymore.  Over the past several decades, the financial system in the U.S. has been carefully molded and shaped in such a way that all the wealth is funneled to the elite at the very top and to the monolithic predator corporations that now dominate the global economy.  Power has become concentrated in the hands of very few individuals, and they are nearly impossible to compete against.  If you doubt this, go set up a general store right next to your local Wal-Mart and see how long you can survive.  In America today, the elite are becoming fabulously wealthy and the middle class is being ripped to shreds.  One of the things that our Founding Fathers were extremely concerned about was not allowing too much power to be accumulated in the hands of any one person or institution, but today we have turned our backs on that principle and now we are paying the price.  (Read More...)

16 New Records That The American Economy Has Set During The Past 12 Months – And They Are All Bad

Over the past twelve months, the U.S. economy has continued to come apart like a 20 dollar suit.  During that time it seems like more bad economic news has been coming out nearly every single day.  Instead of getting better, the problems facing the U.S. economy only seem to be multiplying.  The U.S. government and the U.S. financial system continue to absolutely drown in debt.  Factories, jobs and massive amounts of wealth continue to fly out of the United States every month at an astounding pace.  Meanwhile, the number of Americans enrolled in anti-poverty programs continues to shatter records and the U.S. housing industry continues to set records for futility.  The truth is that less Americans are living the American Dream today than were living it twelve months ago.  The U.S. economy is in a serious state of decline, and it is time for all of us to wake up and admit the truth. (Read More...)

What Do The American People Believe About Government?

As the November elections draw near, a number of polling organizations have been asking the American people fundamental questions about what they believe about politics and what they believe about government.  So what have these polls shown?  Well, it is undeniable that distrust and dissatisfaction with the government is growing.  The American people are getting fed up with what is going on in Washington.  It is also clear that the number of Americans that are in favor of big government is decreasing.  But it is actually more complicated than that.  It appears that the American people want the government to get off their backs, but they also want the government to do more and to provide more services.  The American people apparently want fewer laws but more protections.  The American people seem to want lower taxes but also more government spending to stimulate the economy.  In other words, the American people want to have their cake and eat it too.  (Read More...)

One Out Of Every Six U.S. Taxpayers Will Be Hit By A Tax Increase Averaging $3,900 This Year And Most Of Them Don’t Even Realize It

Did you know that there are two different sets of federal income tax rules in the United States?    It’s true.  Each year, most U.S. taxpayers either pay income tax under the system that most of us are familiar with or they pay the “Alternative Minimum Tax” – whichever amount ends up being greater.  For years, the U.S. Congress has passed one year “fixes” that have exempted millions of middle class American families from the Alternative Minimum Tax.  This has essentially been a huge tax cut each year for those millions of American families.  But this year, the Democrat-controlled Congress has not passed a “patch” for the Alternative Minimum Tax.  So now one out of every six U.S. taxpayers is going to be hit by the Alternative Minimum Tax.  The taxpayers most likely to be affected are married couples, very large families, home owners and taxpayers in states that have high state and local taxes.  The average tax increase that these taxpayers will be facing is going to be approximately $3,900 and most of them have no idea that it is coming.  At a time when an increasing number of families is barely getting by, a tax increase of this magnitude is simply going to crush the American Dream for literally millions of families.  Talk about a cruel surprise for tens of millions of Americans this upcoming tax season!  (Read More...)

Median Household Income Is Falling In Almost Every Single Major American City

Median household income is falling in the vast majority of U.S. states and in virtually every single major U.S. city.  According to the Census Bureau’s annual survey of income and poverty in the United States, of the 52 largest metro areas in the nation, only the city of San Antonio did not see a decline in median household income in 2009.  Needless to say, that is not good news.  If incomes are falling from coast to coast, then how in the world can anyone claim that we are experiencing a “recovery”?  The truth is that we are not in the middle of an economic recovery.  What we are in the middle of is a long-term economic decline.  Incomes are going down and middle class American families find themselves squeezed like never before.  Meanwhile, unemployment has skyrocketed in recent years and it has become much harder to get a good job.  Less Americans than ever are able to achieve anything even close to resembling the American Dream.  Things are getting really tough out there, and as more jobs and factories leave the United States, as the U.S. government goes into even more debt and as the economy continues to implode things are going to get even worse. (Read More...)

Banks Are Failing At A Record Pace, The FDIC Bank Problem List Continues To Grow And Most Americans Don’t Even Realize The U.S. Banking System Is Dying

In the mainstream media, all the talk is about how the “recession” is over.  But the truth is that our economic problems are far from over.  In fact, the U.S. banking system is dying.  U.S. banks continue to fail at a record pace.  The FDIC list of problem banks continues to grow at an alarming pace.  Loans and mortgages continue to go bad at an accelerating rate at banks across the United States.  The truth is that we are in deep, deep trouble, and the vast majority of the American people do not even realize it.  But the American people better wake up soon, because if the U.S. banking system dies, the American Dream is going to die along with it for tens of millions of Americans. (Read More...)

15 Bone Chilling Signs That Part Two Of The Double Dip Housing Crash Has Begun

These are harrowing times for anyone trying to sell a home or for anyone who is trying to make a living in the housing industry.  But unfortunately, there are a whole lot of signs that things are about to get quite a bit worse.  U.S. home sales have hit record lows in recent months.  An increasing number of sellers have started to reduce their asking prices, and there are signs that home prices are already starting to slip substantially in many areas of the country.  Meanwhile, the inventory of unsold homes in the United States continues to rapidly increase. Home foreclosures and bank repossessions of homes continue to set all-time records.  What this all means is that the U.S. housing market is being absolutely flooded with homes for sale at a time when there are very few buyers.  There is way too much supply and not nearly enough demand and as a result home prices are being pressured downward.  The home buyer tax credits that the U.S. government was bribing home buyers with helped stabilize the U.S. housing market for a while, but now the tax credits have expired and things are getting scary out there. (Read More...)

If Everything Is Going To Be Okay, Then Why Is The Number Of Preppers In The United States Absolutely Exploding?

A rapidly growing number of Americans believe that the United States has veered very far off the right track in recent years and they have begun preparing for “the end of the world as we know it”.  For many of these “preppers”, the complete and total collapse of the U.S. economy is now such a certainty that it would be foolish not to get prepared.  For others, the prospect of another major natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina is motivation enough to stock up on food and supplies.  Still other Americans are deeply concerned about potential terror attacks, the outbreak of deadly pandemics or even the start of the next world war. The truth is that there are a lot of reasons to be concerned about the state of the world, and as Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrated, the U.S. government is not often very good at picking up the pieces once disaster strikes.  Millions of Americans are starting to wake up and are realizing that when the chips are down nobody else is going to take care of them.  Instead of moving to Montana and building a nuclear fallout shelter like the hardcore survivalists of old did, many modern preppers are converting extra bedrooms into food storage pantries, they are learning how to grow survival gardens and they are stocking up on everything from gas masks to auxiliary generators. (Read More...)