Come To America! We Have Flesh Eating Bacteria, Open Air Drug Markets, Millions Of Rats And Lots Of Fentanyl

Once upon a time, Ronald Reagan described America as a “shining city on a hill” that the rest of the world could look to for inspiration.  Well, those days are gone.  So what is our pitch now?  Come visit America where you can watch people buy fentanyl-laced drugs in our open air drug markets and where addicts are free to defecate on the sidewalks whenever they want?  And don’t forget about the rats.  We have armies of those, and I’m not just talking about the politicians.  In the middle of the 20th century, most of our major cities were safe, clean and full of hard working industrious people.  But now many of our major urban areas have become crime-infested hellholes that are absolutely teeming with predators. (Read More...)

The Next Great “Mass Extinction” Is Already Here

Death is all around us, but most of us are so focused on our own little worlds that we can’t even see it.  There have been other mass extinctions throughout history, but the one that is happening right now is much different from all those that have come before.  That is because it is happening very gradually.  Over the past 50 years, billions of creatures have been wiped off the face of our planet, but it didn’t happen all at once.  It has been a slow, steady process, and the mainstream media hardly ever talks about it.  So most people don’t pay any attention to this crisis, even though it truly is an existential threat to our existence. (Read More...)

The Ebola Lockdowns Have Begun

Is a new outbreak of the Ebola virus about to cause widespread panic all over the globe?  The Zaire strain of the disease is fairly common, and in recent years scientists have developed effective treatments for it.  Unfortunately, the new outbreak that has just erupted in Uganda is of the Sudan strain.  There had not been a case of that strain in a decade, but now it is spreading rapidly.  So far, there have been 63 confirmed cases, and 29 of those individuals have died.  There is no treatment and no cure for the Sudan strain.  So if this virus were to start spreading widely around the world, the death toll could potentially be catastrophic. (Read More...)

Did We Just Witness Some Sort Of A Supernatural Phenomenon On The Temple Mount?

Whenever something unusual happens on the Temple Mount we should pay attention, and it appears that something extremely unusual may have just taken place there.  On the morning of October 16th, which also happened to be the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles, some sort of a bright white “anomaly” could be seen hovering over an open area in front of the Dome of the Rock.  Video footage of this “anomaly” was captured by a man that lives on the Mount of Olives named Josh Wander.  Since he actually lives there, Wander is very familiar with the Temple Mount and he says that he has never seen anything like this before.  I have watched Wander’s video several times now, and I do not know what it is.  Hopefully someone else captured video of this “anomaly” from another angle, and if anyone out there is able to find such a video please send it to me.  Ultimately, this may turn out to be nothing, but on the other hand we should not just dismiss this video evidence for no reason.  If we did just witness some sort of a supernatural sign on the Temple Mount, that should definitely be a wake up call for all of us. (Read More...)

This Is The Next Stage Of Cancel Culture

We are rapidly sliding down a very dangerous slippery slope.  If we keep destroying lives simply because we don’t like what those individuals are saying, eventually we will end up with a society where most people are afraid to say anything meaningful at all.  Such societies already exist in our world today, and they are nightmares.  If you want to see a perfect example of what I am talking about, just take a trip over to North Korea.  Everyone over there is scared to death of being shipped off to a concentration camp for doing or saying the wrong thing.  Unfortunately, if we ultimately decide to stay on the path that we are currently on there is a chance that we could eventually end up just like North Korea. (Read More...)

There Are Clues That Indicate Russia Could Be Preparing A Surprise Lightning Strike To Take Kiev

Is the war in Ukraine about to pass the point of no return?  When Russia announced that it would be mobilizing large numbers of troops, a lot of people assumed that those troops would be sent to bolster existing defensive lines.  But it appears that may not be necessary.  The Ukrainian counter-offensives have mostly petered out at this point, and the Russians have even taken some new territory in recent days near Bakhmut.  In order to make the gains that they did in September, the Ukrainians were forced to sacrifice a staggering amount of personnel and vehicles, and now their forces are over-extended and exhausted. (Read More...)

Violent Crime Has Become A Hot Political Issue This Election Season – Perhaps That Is Because There Is Blood All Over Our Streets

Millions upon millions of Americans are starting to realize that we simply cannot continue down the path that we are currently on.  Communities all over the nation are degenerating into crime-infested hellholes, and a lot of us have decided that enough is enough.  We don’t want to raise our families in cities that resemble war zones.  We don’t want to walk on city streets that are soaked in blood.  Unfortunately, just electing new politicians won’t stop the rising tide of violence.  The truth is that social decay is systematically eating away at the foundations of our culture, and that is not such an easy thing to fix. (Read More...)

Elon Musk: “Nuclear War Probability Is Rising Rapidly”

One of the wealthiest men in the entire world is deeply concerned about the possibility of a nuclear war.  On Sunday, Elon Musk posted a tweet in which he stated that “nuclear war probability is rising rapidly”, and he is right.  Western leaders continue to tell us that this war will not end until the Russians have been pushed out of every inch of “Ukrainian territory”, but the Russians will use nuclear weapons to defend Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk if that becomes necessary.  And once the Russians use nuclear weapons, the west will almost certainly respond in kind.  So what scenario do we have left for the war in Ukraine that does not end in a horrifying nuclear conflict? (Read More...)