21 Reasons Why You Should Support Michael Snyder’s Run For Congress

We are starting to take our country back, and good men and women are rising up to run for office all over America.  I want to be part of this movement, and so I am running for Congress in Idaho’s first congressional district.  So how are things going so far?  Well, a brand new online poll conducted by the largest political talk radio station in the state shows that there is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm for my campaign.  People are sick and tired of the status quo in Washington, and the fact that I am not a professional politician is appealing to a lot of people.  But it is still very early, and we need as many people to get involved and to contribute as possible.  It is going to take a tremendous effort to win this race, but there is definitely a very clear path to victory if we work really hard. (Read More...)

Hordes Of Anti-Trump Democrats Are Lining Up To Run For Congress In 2018

If Republicans don’t wake up, there is a very real possibility that we could lose control of the House of Representatives in 2018. And if that happens, Donald Trump’s agenda will be dead in the water because the Democrats will use their majority to block everything. Trump’s surprise election victory last November was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for grassroots Democrats in this generation. Just as the election of Barack Obama gave rise to the Tea Party movement, we are now seeing a tremendous amount of energy among liberals all over the nation. If Republicans cannot match this energy, we are going to be in for quite a shock in November 2018. (Read More...)

The Deep State’s Political Coup: A Special Prosecutor Means The 2018 Elections Are Life Or Death For The Trump Presidency

The deep state is orchestrating a political coup against President Trump, and this latest move makes it clear that they are going for the jugular. Now that former FBI director Robert Mueller has been appointed as “special counsel” to investigate the scandals swirling around the Trump administration, the mid-term elections in 2018 have become of the utmost importance. There is a reason why most people refer to a “special counsel” as a “special prosecutor”. Special prosecutors usually spend years digging around even if there is absolutely no evidence that any crimes have been committed, and in the end they are always going to find someone to prosecute to justify all of the time, money and energy that they have expended. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mueller “will now have unlimited time and resources to investigate more or less anything and anyone he wants.” So in the end someone is almost certainly going to get charged with something, and it could ultimately be Trump himself. (Read More...)

Debt Insanity: Does Anyone In Washington Even Care That We Are 20 Trillion Dollars In Debt?

There has been a tremendous amount of talk about the spending deal that was just reached in Congress. Most of the focus has been on who “won” and who “lost” politically, and if you have been keeping up with my articles you definitely know my opinion on the matter. But what nobody is really talking about is that this deal actually increases spending at a time when our debt has been absolutely exploding. We added more than a trillion dollars a year to the U.S. national debt during Obama’s eight years in the White House, and our debt binge actually accelerated toward the end of his second term. In fact, the national debt increased by more than 1.4 trillion dollars during fiscal 2016(Read More...)

Jimmy Carter Urges Barack Obama To Divide The Land Of Israel At The United Nations Before January 20th

jimmy-carter-public-domainIn an absolutely stunning editorial for the New York Times, former president Jimmy Carter has publicly called for Barack Obama to divide the land of Israel at the United Nations before Inauguration Day. While he was president, Carter negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt, and ever since that time he has been a very strong advocate for a Palestinian state. Carter is completely convinced that a “two-state solution” will bring lasting peace to the Middle East, but now that Donald Trump has been elected Carter knows that his dream of seeing a Palestinian state while he is still alive is rapidly slipping away. In a desperate attempt to salvage the situation, Carter is urging Barack Obama to take bold action while he still has the power to do so. (Read More...)

18 Reasons Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween

Halloween Fire - Public DomainThis year, 64 percent of all Americans will celebrate Halloween, but I will not be one of them.  For me, it is a wretched, horrible holiday that celebrates the darkest side of humanity, and it is deeply rooted in ancient pagan traditions that would get people thrown in prison if they attempted to duplicate them today.  With each passing year, the sexually suggestive costumes being marketed to our young girls become even skankier, the horror movies become darker and even more demonic, and the number of Americans that participate in occult ceremonies just continues to grow.  In fact, it has been estimated that the number of self-identified witches in the United States is doubling every 30 months.  Those that are deeply into the occult take this holiday very seriously, and the dark forces that they are dealing with are very real.  So no, I don’t want anything to do with this festival of death.  In no particular order, the following are 18 reasons why I don’t celebrate Halloween… (Read More...)

September 23, 2015: Why Are So Many Warning That This Date Is An Extremely Significant Deadline?

September 23, 2015 - Public DomainOver the past year or so, there has been an unprecedented amount of buzz on the Internet about the month of September 2015.  And of all the days during that month, no date has gotten more attention than the date of September 23rd.  So precisely what will happen on September 23, 2015?  Well, we do know that it is Yom Kippur – the most solemn of all the festival days that we find in the Scriptures.  September 23rd is also the last day of the summer, and as I have discussed previously, it is when Pope Francis will be arriving at the White House to meet with Barack Obama.  Other than that, I do not know of any specific major event that either will or will not happen on that day, but I do believe that September 23rd is going to be extremely significant. (Read More...)

What Is Going To Happen In September 2015? Why Are So Many People Storing Food And Supplies?

Time September 2015 - Public DomainHave you noticed that there is a tremendous amount of Internet buzz about the month of September 2015?  Never before have I seen so much speculation about what would happen in one particular month.  Some people believe that we will see an economic collapse next month, others believe that there will be some sort of historic natural disaster, and others are convinced that the judgment of God is coming.  So right now, large numbers of Americans are stocking up on emergency food and supplies like crazy.  Personally, I have never been more concerned about any period of time as I am about the last six months of 2015.  Several weeks ago, I expressed my belief that chaos will begin once the summer ends.  These are the last days of “normal life” in America, and just about everything that we currently take for granted is about to be shaken. (Read More...)