12 Absolutely Insane Examples That Show Just How Far The U.S. Has Fallen

When I was young, I often wondered what it must have been like to live during the fall of the Roman Empire.  Unfortunately, now I have a pretty good idea.  Just like the Roman Empire, the United States is falling.  Every day our decline gets even more pronounced, and you can see evidence of this all around us.  Virtually all of our major institutions are crumbling, and virtually all of our most critical systems are failing.  We tend to blame our problems on our politicians, but the truth is that the rot that is rapidly spreading throughout our society runs a lot deeper than that.  Millions upon millions of us have completely rejected the values that this nation was founded upon, and so now we have a giant mess on our hands.  The following are 12 absolutely insane examples that show just how far the U.S. has fallen… (Read More...)

Your Vehicle Is Spying On You, And Now They Are Going To Start Installing ChatGPT In New Volkswagen Models

Be careful what you say while you are driving your vehicle, because you are being watched.  Today, we live in a giant surveillance prison in which virtually everything that we do is being monitored, tracked, recorded and analyzed.  In this day and age, you should just assume that nothing that you do is ever private.  When I was much younger, if I really wanted to have a private conversation with someone I thought that taking a long drive with that person was a great way to do that.  But those days are long gone.  Unless you have a vehicle that was manufactured quite some time ago, it is spying on you.  In fact, a report that has been released by the Mozilla Foundation actually states that vehicles are “the official worst category of products for privacy” that Mozilla has ever reviewed… (Read More...)

The Reality Of The Supernatural

If you are trying very hard to ignore any evidence of the supernatural, you are probably not going to like this article.  Our society has trained us to view literally everything through the lens of Darwinism.  Therefore, any supernatural events that may happen are to be regarded with extreme skepticism or are to be ignored entirely.  In other words, if there isn’t a perfectly acceptable natural explanation, it didn’t happen.  Those that reject the supernatural are thought to be “reasonable”, while those that openly talk about supernatural things are thought to be “unreasonable”.  But the truth is that supernatural events really are happening around us all the time.  We just need to open up our eyes and acknowledge them. (Read More...)

We Wanted Our Lives To Be Just Like What We Saw On Television, And Now We Have The Demonic Society That We Were Wishing For

Americans have had a love affair with their televisions for decades.  Most of us consume more than a thousand hours of “programming” each year, and the vast majority of that “programming” literally celebrates evil.  Just think about it for a moment.  When is the last time that you watched a program on television that focused on things that are noble, true, honest, pure and virtuous?  From time to time you can find a show like that, but most of the content on our televisions is full of garbage.  And if you pour thousands of hours of garbage into the minds of the American people, you are going to get a demonic society in which just about every form of wickedness that you can possibly imagine is exploding all around us. (Read More...)

A Virus That Has A Death Rate Of 40 To 75 Percent Is Infecting And Killing People In India

For years, the World Health Organization has considered the Nipah virus to be a “priority pathogen” because it has the potential to cause a worldwide pandemic.  Thankfully, up to this point that has not happened, but now an outbreak in India is making headlines all over the globe.  Two victims have already died, and there are four others that have tested positive.  A five kilometer containment zone has been established around the homes of the two men that died, and schools and businesses in the region are being forced to shut down.  Authorities are hoping that such extreme measures will stop this outbreak before it can really get going.  But as you will see below, that may not be so easy. (Read More...)

Is Bizarre Activity On The Sun Causing Catastrophic Disasters All Over The Globe?

When you see a graphic that depicts the Sun as just about as large as the Earth, you should just chuckle.  The truth is that we are a tiny little rock compared to the giant ball of fire that we revolve around.  And whenever that giant ball of fire become more active, that greatly affects what is happening on our planet.  This is not a revolutionary concept, but a lot of people out there just can’t seem to grasp it.  Yes, the Sun is a long distance away, but without it none of us could survive for long, and to say that it is absolutely enormous would be a massive understatement(Read More...)

The UN Has Come Up With A Shockingly Insidious Plan For Global Domination

Under a shocking new plan that is scheduled to be adopted two months before the U.S. presidential election in 2024, all it would take is some sort of a major “global shock” for the United Nations to literally take authority over the entire planet.  I realize that this may sound like the plot to a really bad science fiction movie, but this is actually what is being proposed, and the Biden administration is fully behind this insidious plan.  Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is not covering this at all, and so most people have absolutely no idea that this is going on. (Read More...)

Another Alarming Societal Trend That Was Accelerated By The Lockdowns…

Looking back, we can see that the lockdowns did so much damage.  They greatly affected our mental health, the economy, and even the education of our children.  But one thing that is not talked about a lot is the impact that the lockdowns had on church attendance in America.  In 1958, a Gallup survey found that 49 percent of Americans had attended church within the past 7 days.  That number started to decline during the ensuing years, and by 1972 only 40 percent of Americans said that they had attended church within the past 7 days.  From 1972 all the way until 2012, church attendance within the past 7 days hovered right around that 40 percent figure.  Unfortunately, over the past decade it has started to fall once again.  Just prior to the pandemic, a Gallup survey found that 34 percent of Americans had been to church within the past 7 days, and now a new survey has discovered that it is down to just 31 percent(Read More...)