Can You Explain What Has Gone Wrong With America?

At this point, nobody can deny that we are a society in decline.  In America today, you can buy a U.S. Senator for 10,000 dollars, test scores for 13-year-olds have dropped to alarmingly low levels, and the CDC is telling us that more people than ever are getting depressed.  Our streets are filled with crime, the ranks of the homeless are absolutely surging, and we are facing the worst drug crisis in the entire history of our nation.  Meanwhile, corruption is seemingly everywhere.  The guy in the White House and his son have made millions of dollars in an epic influence-peddling scheme that stretched over many years, and the mainstream media doesn’t seem to care.  Of course they know exactly what it is like to be bought and paid for, because the only reason the big news networks can survive is because of the millions of advertising dollars that the pharmaceutical industry continues to inject into their dying carcasses. (Read More...)

Schools Are Now Allowing Children To Identify As Cats, Horses, Dinosaurs And All Sorts Of Other Things

I seriously should have thought of this when I was a kid.  If I could have answered every question a teacher asked by meowing like a cat or roaring like a dinosaur, there is no way they could have ever accused me of getting an answer wrong.  And when it was time for a quiz or a test, I could have just responded to every question with a paw print.  Of course nobody would have actually been able to get away with such a thing decades ago.  When I was a kid, anyone that tried to pull this kind of a stunt would have been immediately marched down to the principal’s office.  But now we live at a time when we are supposed to allow people to identify as anything that they want. (Read More...)

This Is Why We Need Other Countries To Fight Our Wars For Us…

Let’s just hope that the U.S. does not need to fight a major war any time soon.  Right now, the U.S. Army is actually shrinking because so few young people are being recruited.  Interest in serving in the military has plummeted dramatically, and meanwhile the percentage of our young adults that actually qualify to serve has fallen to a depressingly low level.  According to a recent Pentagon study, 77 percent of all Americans from age 17 to age 24 are ineligible to serve in the military for one reason or another.  That is a pathetically low figure, and it is the main reason why we need other countries to fight our wars for us at this point.  Just look at Ukraine.  We are providing the funding, the equipment, the ammunition and the intelligence, but they are providing the warm bodies.  If that changes and our young people are actually forced to fight in a major conflict, they will quickly find out that a real war is nothing like Call of Duty or Fortnite. (Read More...)

No School In America Will Ever Be 100 Percent Safe Again

If you are a parent, you need to understand that the world has changed.  When I was growing up, I never had any concern that a deranged lunatic would come into my classroom and start shooting.  I attended public schools throughout my entire education, and I always felt perfectly safe.  Of course this was long before the Columbine school shooting and the hundreds of other school shootings that have taken place since that time.  But if I was a child in this day and age, I would be absolutely horrified to be put in any school, because they simply are not safe.  In fact, no school in America will ever be truly safe again because we have way too many dangerous predators running around now. (Read More...)

Have We Reached “Peak Idiocracy” Yet?

We should all be absolutely horrified by what has happened to our society.  Everywhere you look, people seem to be going completely and utterly nuts.  Once upon a time, the crazy people were a very small segment of the population that could be easily ignored.  But now the lunatics are literally running the asylum.  If you doubt this, just look at our statehouses around the nation and the current crop of politicians that we have in Washington.  Sadly, the truth is that the people that are representing us are a very accurate reflection of what we have become as a nation.  We truly have become a raging “idiocracy”, and the rest of the world is literally laughing at us. (Read More...)

Yes, Kids Really Would Drink Water Directly From A Garden Hose In The Old Days…

Is this really so shocking?  Yes, when I was growing up I would drink water directly from the garden hose that was used to water the lawn.  In fact, kids all over America would drink water directly from a garden hose in the old days.  It wasn’t a big deal.  In fact, if I get thirsty later I might just go outside and take a few sips.  Apparently there are some people on social media that find this quite unacceptable.  They seem to think that drinking out of a garden hose is unsafe, and they wonder what we were thinking.  Well, the truth is that it was a completely different world back then.  The following video really helps to put everything into perspective… (Read More...)

If You Have Ever Wondered Why So Many Young Men Are So Frustrated With Dating, Here Is The Truth…

Have you noticed that a lot of young men seem to be angry, bitter and frustrated all the time?  It isn’t just your imagination.  There really are millions upon millions of young men that are in a state of deep discontent because they can’t find love.  Thanks to certain societal trends which I will discuss below, the number of available single young men greatly outnumbers the number of available single young women in America today.  In fact, it is being reported that single young men are unattached at “nearly twice the rate” that single young women in the United States are… (Read More...)

Why Are Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Moving From California To The Interior West?

Vast throngs of people have been relocating from California and other coastal states to the region of the country known as “the Interior West”.  The states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Arizona have all seen a tremendous influx of new residents in recent years, and this has especially been true since the start of the pandemic.  So what is causing this mass exodus?  Without a doubt, there are multiple factors at work, but one of the most important is a growing consensus that our society is headed for big trouble.  Millions of Americans can see that events are starting to spiral out of control all around us, and they don’t want to be stuck in a highly populated area when the big meltdown inevitably happens. (Read More...)