Why Is There Such A Frenzy To Buy Up The Properties That Were Just Burned Down During The Fires In Hawaii?

Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value?  This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale.  Grieving property owners are being bombarded with calls from very greedy people, and I think that says a lot about the current state of our society.  We literally worship material possessions and financial gain, and the sheer greed that we are witnessing at this moment is absolutely staggering. (Read More...)

9 Questions That We Should All Be Asking About The Catastrophic Fires In Hawaii

The tragic disaster that we just witnessed in Hawaii should break all of our hearts.  The death count just keeps going up, and it is being reported that these were the deadliest fires in the United States in more than 100 years.  In addition, Hawaii Governor Josh Green is telling us that this was actually “the largest natural disaster” that his state has ever experienced.  More than 2,700 structures have been burned down in Lahaina alone, and it is being estimated that the value of the property that has been destroyed is over 5 billion dollars.  We have never seen anything quite like this before, and I believe that the following are 9 questions that we should all be asking about the fires in Hawaii right now… (Read More...)

The Biden Administration Plans To Use “Huge Vacuum Cleaners” To Suck Carbon Dioxide Out Of The Air

The Biden administration plans to do what?  Yes, you read the headline correctly.  Joe Biden and his minions are moving forward with a plan to use “huge vacuum cleaners” to remove millions of metric tons of carbon dioxide from the air.  If that sounds like a really stupid idea to you, that is because it is a really stupid idea.  We are in the very early chapters of a horrific global food crisis, and crops need carbon dioxide to grow.  If we were able to find a way to remove all carbon dioxide from our atmosphere, all plants would die and humanity would rapidly go extinct from starvation.  So when we are messing around with carbon dioxide, we are literally messing around with a life-giving gas that makes life on this planet possible. (Read More...)

Why Are So Many Apocalyptic Natural Disasters Suddenly Happening All Over The Globe?

Almost every day there is another “apocalyptic” natural disaster in the news.  Have you ever wondered why this is happening?  This year there has been an endless parade of unprecedented fires, floods, earthquakes, storms and droughts.  On Wednesday, it was Hawaii’s turn.  An absolutely horrifying wildfire ripped through the heart of the island of Maui like a lawnmower, and it happened so suddenly that many were not able to evacuate in time.  One pilot that has spent 52 years flying over Maui says that he has “never seen anything like that in my life”(Read More...)

9 Signs That The U.S. Consumer Is About To Break

When the U.S. consumer is in healthy financial shape, the outlook for the U.S. economy is generally positive.  But just like we witnessed prior to the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, when the U.S. consumer is not in healthy financial shape, bad things tend to happen.  Unfortunately, the numbers are telling us that current conditions are eerily similar to what we experienced during the run up to the Great Recession.  Households don’t have enough money coming in, debt levels are soaring, delinquency rates are rising, and tens of millions of us are just barely scraping by from month to month.  The following are 9 signs that the U.S. consumer is about to break… (Read More...)

The Entire Globe Is Being Gripped By A Really Bad Case Of War Fever

Most of us just want to live in peace, but leaders all over the world are preparing for more war.  In fact, at this point it appears that the entire globe is being gripped by a really bad case of war fever.  As I write this article, the Economic Community of West African States is warning that it could invade the nation of Niger if coup leaders do not reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum.  Of course the leaders of the coup do not intend to back down, and so there will probably be war.  But that will be a relatively small conflict compared to others that are looming on the horizon. (Read More...)

What Are They Going To Do When They Are Extremely Hungry And There Isn’t Enough Food To Go Around?

I am so concerned about America’s young people.  Police are telling us that a YouTuber named Kai Cenat sparked a “full-on riot” on Friday when he announced that he would be giving away PlayStation 5 consoles and various video game accessories in New York City’s Union Square.  Thousands upon thousands of young people showed up, and the crowd quickly turned extremely violent.  If our young people are going to riot over a few video game consoles, how are they going to behave when economic conditions in this country become extremely harsh?  And what in the world is going to happen when they are extremely hungry and there isn’t enough food to go around someday? (Read More...)

A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping The Democrats Competitive

If it wasn’t for single women, the Democrats would be in a world of hurt.  During the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans won married men, married women and unmarried men by wide margins.  But their overwhelming success with unmarried women enabled the Democrats to avoid the “red wave” that so many had been talking about.  I think that the numbers that I am about to share with you say a lot about the current condition of our society.  And if we are not able to find a way to reverse certain trends, the outlook for the future is quite bleak. (Read More...)