15 Signs That The U.S. Housing Market Is Headed For Complete And Total Collapse

The U.S. housing market is dying.  You will only hear hints of this on the mainstream news and from the politicians in Washington D.C., but as statistic after statistic continues to roll in, the reality of what is happening is becoming very difficult to deny.  Up until the end of April, the giant tax credit that the U.S. government was bribing home buyers with helped stabilize the real estate market, but now that the tax credit has expired the decline of the U.S. housing market has resumed.  Mortgage defaults continue to set new records.  Foreclosures continue to set new records.  Home repossessions by banks continue to set new records.  The number of homes being constructed and the number of Americans applying for home loans is at stunningly low levels.  For decades, owning a home has been touted as the very heart of “the American Dream”, but today that dream is out of reach for an increasing number of Americans.  Why?  It is because there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone.  Without a jobs recovery, there simply is not going to be a housing recovery.  Unfortunately, as the U.S. economy continues to come apart like a 20 dollar suit, even more Americans are going to lose their jobs and the U.S. housing industry will continue to experience a very painful decline. (Read More...)

As The U.S. Economy Implodes, Should We Ditch Our Debt Or Is Paying Off Our Debts The Morally Right Thing To Do?

As the U.S. economy implodes, a lot of American families are being faced with some incredibly heartbreaking choices.  Many of them piled up massive amounts of debt during the good times as they chased the American Dream, but now that hard times have arrived they find that they just can’t handle the huge mountain of debt that they have accumulated.  Other Americans are looking at the crumbling economy and are trying to prioritize where to spend their money.  They wonder whether they should pay off their debts or whether that money would be better spent on stocking up on necessities for the incredibly hard times that are ahead.  The truth is that this article is going to raise a lot of questions but not provide a lot of answers.  In the end, each person has to make their own choices.  In addition, some of the viewpoints in this article are going to be controversial to many of you.  It is okay if you disagree.  In fact, if you find something that you disagree with, please leave a comment.  This is a topic that hits home with a lot of Americans, and a lot of people have some incredibly strong opinions about paying off debt. (Read More...)

Shocking Red Flags! 25 Signs That Wickedness And Evil Are Rapidly Growing In America

Americans have typically viewed themselves as some of the most “good” and “moral” people on the face of the earth.  But is this actually still true today?  Or have things fundamentally changed?  The truth is that so many of us are so busy trying to make money and chasing after the American Dream that we don’t even realize what is happening to our society.  The reality is that the United States is facing a moral crisis of unprecedented magnitude.  Wickedness and evil are rapidly growing in America, and as much as people don’t want to hear it, no “political solution” is going to work unless the United States finds a way to stop this horrific moral decline as well.  A lot of people out there think that they have “an economic formula” or a “political philosophy” that will “fix” America, but every single one of them is wrong.  Nothing will “fix” America unless the moral and spiritual problems are addressed as well.  Unfortunately, each year things just seem to get even worse.  The following are 25 signs that wickedness and evil are out of control in America…. (Read More...)

How Are U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Supposed To Defeat The Taliban When Iran Keeps Sending Them Arms And The Saudis Keep Sending Them Money?

How in the world does anyone expect the U.S. military to be successful in bringing peace to Afghanistan?  The Taliban is constantly reinforced and supplied from bases in Pakistan, they are constantly being supplied with arms by Iran, and the Saudis keep sending them huge amounts of cash.  Meanwhile, U.S. troops are expected to endlessly patrol a land teeming with radical Islamic militants, many of which would just love to brag to their buddies about how they killed a U.S. soldier.  U.S. forces have now been in Afghanistan for nine years (keep in mind that the U.S. was in World War II for less than 4 years) and the conflict against the Taliban seems to have no resolution in sight.  The U.S. has been successful in imposing a limited form of democracy, but the truth is that the Afghan government is composed of radical Muslims that have no interest in such things as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  The truth is that the “Afghan Dream” does not even remotely resemble the American Dream.  In fact, the current Afghan government is so questionable that many people are openly asking what difference there really is between this new government and the old one under the Taliban. (Read More...)