Why Does The Mainstream Media Purposely Ignore The Mass Killings Of Christians That Happen All Over The Globe?

Last week, when a deranged lunatic gunned down dozens of Muslims at two mosques in New Zealand it suddenly became the biggest news story in the world, and rightly so.  It was a major news event, and it needed to be reported.  But shouldn’t mass killings of Christians be given the same sort of media coverage?  Sadly, we all know that doesn’t happen.  Whenever there is a mass killing of Christians, it is usually entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the United States, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why this is happening.  Those that control the mainstream media consider Christians to be one of the main obstacles to “progress” in this country, and so any story that would put Christians in a positive or sympathetic light simply does not fit any of the narratives that they are pushing. (Read More...)

California Parents Want To Have A Cell Phone Tower Taken Down Because Kids Just Keep Getting Cancer

Could this be one of the reasons why cancer rates are steadily rising all over the world?  The radiation that we are constantly being bombarded with by the cell phone industry is one of the greatest environmental scandals in history, and yet the environmental movement is almost completely silent about this crisis.  As you will see below, scientific study after scientific study has linked cell phone use to cancer, and yet nothing is being done.  Instead, the big cell phone corporations are about to roll out their ultra-powerful 5G network nationwide, and that is just going to make this health crisis much worse. (Read More...)

Cyberattacks, Solar Storms And EMP Weapons: The U.S. Power Grid Is Extremely Vulnerable And An Extended Blackout Is Inevitable

A lot of Americans are mocking Venezuela right now, but the truth is that what has happened to them could also happen to us very easily.  As you will see below, DARPA is so concerned about the possibility of a cyberattack taking down our power grid that they held an extended exercise recreating such a scenario late last year.  And even though scientists tell us that it is inevitable that a “solar tsunami” will absolutely devastate our power grid at some point, our leaders on the federal level refuse to spend the money that it would take to protect our basic electrical infrastructure.  In addition, Russia, China, North Korea and others have developed extremely advanced EMP weapons, and we have absolutely no protection against them.  One way or another, an extended blackout will eventually happen in the United States, and so we should try to learn some lessons from what is going on in Venezuela right now. (Read More...)

You Won’t Believe What Facebook Has Banned Now…

If this sort of extreme censorship continues, pretty soon anybody that has anything even remotely important or interesting to say will be completely banned by Facebook.  As you will see below, Facebook has just banned Zero Hedge, and they have also just announced that they will be systematically censoring any content that has “misinformation” about vaccines.  Of course this is just the latest chapter in a relentless campaign by the social media giants to censor alternative sources of information.  Since Donald Trump’s victory in November 2016, the social media crackdown has just gotten worse and worse, and it has gotten to the point where we can now safely say that free speech is dead on the major social media platforms. (Read More...)

Will 5G Cell Phone Technology Lead To Dramatic Population Reduction As Large Numbers Of Men Become Sterile?

I know that the title of this article is controversial, but the scientific research that has been done in this area inevitably leads us to some conclusions that are inescapable.  Our current cell phone technology produces electromagnetic radiation that damages male fertility, and the radiation produced by the new 5G technology will be much more powerful and therefore much more dangerous.  But most people don’t know about this.  Instead, most people are greatly looking forward to the rollout of 5G technology because it will be up to 100 times faster than our current 4G technology, and who wouldn’t want that?  The big cell phone companies will be spending hundreds of billions of dollars to install hundreds of thousands of new 5G antennas, and every single one of those antennas will be constantly emitting very powerful electromagnetic radiation.  Since we can’t see the radiation, to many people the threat does not seem real, but the truth is that if you live in a major urban area you are constantly being bombarded by it.  And once the new 5G network is completely rolled out, you would literally have to live in the middle of nowhere to get away from it completely. (Read More...)

The State Department Issues A Travel Advisory As The U.S. And China Steamroll Toward Open Conflict

The U.S. State Department has officially issued a level two advisory for travel to China, and U.S. citizens are being warned that they could “be detained” and “subjected to prolonged interrogations and extended detention”.  That sounds extremely ominous, but most Americans typically ignore warnings like this and continue with their normal travel plans anyway.  However, this time around people might want to take heed, because as you will see below westerners are being grabbed and held indefinitely by China right now.  After Huawei Technologies CFO Meng Wanzhou was grabbed while she was changing planes in Canada on December 1st, the Chinese decided that they could play that game too.  So if you are planning to travel to China, the truth is that you could very easily become a pawn in a struggle between the world’s two largest superpowers. (Read More...)

Krakatoa Alert: Another Eruption Could Potentially Kill Millions And Significantly Lower Global Temperatures For 5 Years

Because most Americans are so focused on preparations for Christmas, not a lot of attention is being paid to the massive disaster that just took place in Indonesia, and that is a huge mistake.  Anak Krakatoa has sprung to life, and there is a reason why it is known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet.  When Krakatoa erupted on August 27th, 1883 the explosion was so loud that it was literally heard 3,000 miles away, and it was estimated that the tsunami waves were over 100 feet tall in some places.  If such an eruption happened today, it would be an even worse disaster than the 2004 Indonesian tsunami which killed more than 200,000 people globally.  We are talking about an event that would instantly alter all of our lives for reasons that I will share below. (Read More...)

The Myth Of American Capitalism Exposed: Competition Is Dying As The Biggest Corporations Gobble Up Everything

Vibrant competition is absolutely essential in order for a capitalist economic system to function effectively.  Unfortunately, in the United States today we are witnessing the death of competition in industry after industry as the biggest corporations increasingly gobble up all of their competitors.  John D. Rockefeller famously once said that “competition is a sin”, and he was one of America’s very first oligopolists.  According to Google, an oligopoly is “a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers”, and that is a perfect description of the current state of affairs in many major industries.  In early America, corporations were greatly limited in scope, and in most instances they were only supposed to exist temporarily.  But today the largest corporations have become so huge that they literally dominate our entire society, and that is not good for any of us. (Read More...)