Why Meat Prices Are Going To Continue Soaring For The Foreseeable Future

Drought Monitor April 1The average price of USDA choice-grade beef has soared to $5.28 a pound, and the average price of a pound of bacon has skyrocketed to $5.46.  Unfortunately for those that like to eat meat, this is just the beginning of the price increases.  Due to an absolutely crippling drought that won’t let go of the western half of the country, the total size of the U.S. cattle herd has shrunk for seven years in a row, and it is now the smallest that is has been since 1951.  But back in 1951, we had less than half the number of mouths to feed.  And a devastating pig virus that has never been seen in the United States before has already killed up to 6 million pigs in this country and continues to spread like wildfire.  What all of this means is that the supply of meat is going to be tight for the foreseeable future even as demand for meat continues to go up.  This is going to result in much higher prices, and so food is going to put a much larger dent in American family budgets in the months and years to come. (Read More...)

If You Do Not Conform, The Thought Nazis WILL Get You

Big Brother Is Watching YouIf you do not conform to the new politically correct moral code in America, you cannot be a CEO of a major corporation.  If you think that I am joking, just read on.  I am actually deadly serious.  If you are a young person in America today, what you believe about certain issues is going to determine how high you can climb the ladder in your professional life.  In fact, a day is rapidly approaching when anyone that wants to have any measure of professional success in our society is going to have to conform to the moral code.  If you choose not to conform, the thought Nazis WILL get you. (Read More...)

The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

American Flag - Chinese FlagHas the United States ever experienced a time when a foreign nation has attempted to buy up so much of our land all at once?  As you will read about in this article, the Chinese are on a real estate buying spree all over America.  In fact, in some cases large chunks of land are actually being given to them.  Yes, you read that correctly.  China is on the way to becoming the dominant land owner in the entire country, and that is starting to alarm a lot of people.  Do we really want a foreign superpower to physically own so much of our territory? (Read More...)

You Can’t Eat Gold And Silver

Empty Supermarket - Photo by InfrogmationIn the event that a major crisis or emergency strikes the United States, you are not going to be able to eat your gold and silver.  If we get into a situation where supermarkets get cleaned out and food supplies get very tight, you are going to wish that you had stored some things away for your family.  Now don’t get me wrong – I actually love gold and silver.  I believe that they are both going to multiply in price during the years ahead.  I particularly love silver for a couple of reasons.  Unlike gold, silver is used in thousands upon thousands of different consumer products, so the physical supply is constantly diminishing.  And historically, silver comes out of the ground at about a 10 to 1 ratio compared to gold, but right now the price of gold is about 65 times the price of silver.  At some point there is going to be a massive adjustment there.  But if you just rely on accumulating gold and silver and you never store up any food, you could end up deeply regretting that choice someday. (Read More...)

Woman Performs C-Section On A Dog In Her Own Home And Uses Glue To Close The Wound

Mastiff - Photo by FotosuabeWhat should be done to a woman that performs a C-section on a dog without anesthesia and then closes up the wound with non-medical glue?  What you are about to read is absolutely sickening.  In fact, if you can’t handle reading about extreme animal cruelty you should probably skip this article entirely.  One of the true tests of a society is how it treats animals, and that is why it is so alarming that we continue to see so much animal abuse in America.  In particular, our pets trust us implicitly, and they are at our mercy.  When we willingly choose to abuse them, it shows how evil we truly are. (Read More...)

Sexual Assaults In The Military Are At An All-Time High And Most Of Them Are Male On Male

Army Saluting Barack ObamaThere is a raging epidemic of sexual assault in the U.S. military.  A report released by the U.S. Department of Defense says that an astounding 12,000 women serving in the U.S. military were sexually assaulted in 2012.  This is a national disgrace, and any U.S. service member that rapes a woman deserves the death penalty in my opinion.  It has gotten so bad that a female service member serving in Afghanistan is more likely to be raped by a male service member than she is to be killed by the Taliban.  But that is only half the story.  Sexual assault against males is at an epidemic level in the U.S. military as well.  In fact, according to the same report that I just mentioned, there were 14,000 sexual assaults against men serving in the U.S. military during 2012.  That means that most of the sexual assaults in the military are actually male on male.  The following is an excerpt from an article in the New York Times(Read More...)

Big Brother Surveillance – It Is Not Just For Governments Anymore

Big Brother Is WatchingTraditionally, when we have thought of “Big Brother technology” we have thought of government oppression.  But these days, it isn’t just governments that are using creepy new technologies to spy on all of us.  As you will see below, “Big Brother surveillance” has become very big business.  In the information age, knowledge is power, and big corporations seem to have an endless thirst for even more of it.  So it isn’t just governments that are completely obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording virtually everything that we do.  Corporations have discovered that they can use Orwellian technologies to make lots of money, and this is likely only going to get worse in the years ahead.  Below, I have shared a few examples of this phenomenon… (Read More...)