When Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he stated that under his plan “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”. Well, now it looks like he is finally getting around to keeping his promise. New EPA rules that are designed to cripple the coal industry could send electricity rates soaring by up to 40 percent in many rural areas. And even though we have enough coal in the ground to provide hundreds of years of energy at current levels of consumption, Obama’s plan is going to force large numbers of coal plants to completely shut down because they are simply going to become too expensive to operate. If Americans living in rural communities didn’t care for Obama before, they really are not going to like him much when these new EPA regulations start kicking in. (Read More...)
Culture Upside Down: There Has Been A Colossal Shift In America’s Values Since 2001
The United States is becoming a place where “anything goes”, and most Americans are okay with that. No matter which side of the “culture war” that you are on, you have to admit that our culture is being fundamentally transformed. In fact, new numbers from Gallup confirm that there has been a colossal shift in America’s moral values just since 2001. Over the past 13 years, we have become a dramatically different country. Many of the things that used to be considered “evil” are now considered to be “good”, and many of the things that used to be considered “good” are now considered to be “evil”. In other words, our culture is literally being turned upside down, and the “values” that our national leaders speak of today are far different from the “values” that our grandparents grew up with. So is this a good thing or a bad thing? (Read More...)
For The First Time Ever, More Than Half The Members Of Congress Are Millionaires
Wealthy members of Congress are living the high life at taxpayer expense, while most of the rest of the country continues to suffer through one of the worst economic periods in our lifetimes. According to an analysis conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics earlier this year, more than half of the members of Congress are millionaires. This is the first time that this has ever happened in U.S. history. In addition, the same study found that a hundred members of Congress are actually worth at least five million dollars. We have a government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy, but as you will see below, that isn’t stopping members of Congress from wasting taxpayer money in some incredibly bizarre ways. Millions of dollars are being spent on “office expenses” and on the hair care needs of Senators, but very little is being done to stop this abuse. It is almost as if the American people have just accepted that this is how “big government” is supposed to operate. (Read More...)
Kim Kardashian’s Wedding, Kids React To Old Computers, And A Cat Plays Jenga
The disconnect between what Americans should care about and what Americans actually do care about is really quite frightening. You see, the truth is that far more Americans are drawn to articles with headlines such as the one above than to news stories that actually talk about substantive issues of real importance. Don’t worry – if you came here hoping to see Kim Kardashian’s wedding dress or kids reacting to old computers, you will get to see those things below. But in this article I am also going to discuss some of the hard issues that most of the people in our entertainment-addicted society usually ignore. You see, it is a crying shame that Americans know more about Kim Kardashian than they do about the Federal Reserve. It is a crying shame that a video about a cat playing Jenga can go viral while the systematic destruction of our most basic freedoms and liberties is virtually ignored by a deeply apathetic society. My hope is that we can start to wake up a lot more people, because time is running out. (Read More...)
Government Plan Would Transform Israel Into The World’s First Cashless Society
Will Israel be the first cashless society on the entire planet? A committee chaired by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s chief of staff has come up with a three phase plan to “all but do away with cash transactions in Israel”. Individuals and businesses would still be permitted to conduct cash transactions in small amounts (at least initially), but the eventual goal is to force Israeli citizens to conduct as much business as possible using electronic forms of payment. In fact, it has been reported that Israeli officials believe that “cash is bad” because it fuels the underground economy and allows people to avoid paying taxes. It is hoped that requiring most transactions to be conducted in cash will reduce crime and help balance the national budget. And once 98 or 99 percent of all transactions are cashless, it will not be difficult for the Israeli government (or any other government) to go the rest of the way and ban cash transactions altogether. But is a cashless society actually desirable? This is a question that people all over the world will have to start asking as governments increasingly restrict the use of cash. (Read More...)
This Is What Happens When Young Men Are Taught That Scoring With Women Is The Ultimate Goal In Life
Elliot Rodger is a horrifying example of how badly we have failed young men in America. You see, the truth is that his obsession with sex and losing his virginity did not come out of nowhere. Rather, it was the result of being constantly immersed in a sex-obsessed culture for the past 22 years. In America today, our young men are constantly being bombarded with sexual messages in advertising, in television shows, in video games, in movies and on the Internet. They are literally being trained to believe that scoring with women is the ultimate goal in life. So we should not be surprised when their behavior reflects this underlying philosophy. Of course very few of our young men become mass murderers like Elliot Rodger, but the crisis that we are facing is much broader than that. The obsession with illicit sex that our young men have is destroying millions upon millions of lives, it is spreading sexually transmitted diseases like wildfire, and it is a huge factor in the decline of the American family. (Read More...)
Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into The Pacific
How do you get rid of hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water? You dump it into the Pacific Ocean of course! In Japan, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. has made the “painful decision” to begin purposely dumping massive amounts of radioactive water currently being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility directly into the Pacific. This is being done even though water radiation levels near Fukushima spiked to a brand new all-time record high just a few days ago. The radioactive material that is being released will enter our food chain and will potentially stay with us for decades to come. Fukushima is an environmental nightmare that never seems to end, but the mainstream media in the United States decided to pretty much stop talking about it long ago. So don’t expect the big news networks to make a big deal out of the fact that Japan is choosing to use the Pacific Ocean as a toilet for their nuclear waste. But even though they aren’t talking about it, that doesn’t mean that radioactive material from Fukushima is not seriously affecting the health of millions of people all over the planet. (Read More...)
Is The Tea Party Dead?
Do you remember when the pundits were talking about how the Tea Party movement was going to transform American politics? Do you remember when establishment Republicans in Congress were scared to death of having Tea Party challengers come after their seats? Well, those days are over. In primary after primary in 2014, it has become abundantly clear that the establishment is in full control of the Republican Party once again. And recent polling data also supports the theory that the Tea Party movement is losing steam. Back in 2010, 31 percent of all Americans supported the Tea Party. Today, an all-time low 15 percent of all Americans do. So is the Tea Party dead? Perhaps not yet, but without a doubt it is on the ropes. (Read More...)