They Have Been Lying To You About How Easily Ebola Spreads

Ebola Virus Spreading - Public DomainHow did a health worker in Dallas wearing full protective gear catch Ebola if the virus “does not spread easily”?  Just last week, Barack Obama declared to the public that you cannot get Ebola “sitting next to someone on a bus”, and yet a nurse in protective gear that was taking extreme precautions to avoid being exposed to the disease has just caught it.  The head of the CDC says that there must have been a “breach in protocol” somewhere, because of course the CDC guidelines regarding the transmission of this virus could never be wrong.  Even with everything that has happened, our public officials are still insisting that Ebola is “difficult to catch”.  But could it be possible that they are wrong?  More than 200 health workers over in Africa that were treating Ebola patients in full protective gear have ended up contracting Ebola themselves.  More than 100 of them have died.  We were told that would never happen in the United States because we are so much more advanced than they are over in Africa.  But now it has happened.  Our very first Ebola case passed the virus to a health worker that was treating him.  If Ebola can be transmitted to health workers this easily, what chance is the general public going to have during a full-blown Ebola pandemic? (Read More...)

Not Just The Largest Economy – Here Are 26 Other Ways China Has Surpassed America

China - Public DomainIn terms of purchasing power, China now has the largest economy on the entire planet, but that is not the only area where China has surpassed the United States.  China also accounts for more total global trade than the U.S. does, China consumes more energy than the U.S. does, and China now manufactures more goods than the U.S. does.  In other words, the era of American economic dominance is rapidly ending.  Global economic power is making a dramatic shift to the east, and that is going to have huge implications for our future.  We already owe the Chinese well over a trillion dollars, and as our economic infrastructure crumbles we are feverishly borrowing even more money in a desperate attempt to prop up our falling standard of living.  We can’t seem to match the work ethic, inventiveness and determination of China and other Asian nations and it is showing.  If we continue down this path, what will the future look like for future generations of Americans? (Read More...)

18 Sobering Facts About The Unprecedented Student Loan Debt Crisis In The United States

Student Loan DebtThe student loan debt bubble in America is spiraling out of control, and it is financially crippling an entire generation of young Americans.  At this point, the grand total of student loan debt in the United States has reached a staggering 1.2 trillion dollars, and an all-time record high 40 million Americans are currently paying off student loan debts.  Just when our young people should be planning on buying homes and starting families, they find themselves financially paralyzed by oppressive levels of debt.  What makes all of this even worse is that only some of our college graduates are able to get the “good jobs” that we promised them.  So with limited job prospects and suffocating levels of debt, this generation of young Americans is increasingly putting off major life commitments such as buying a home and getting married.  As a society, we really need to rethink how we are “educating” our young people, because what we are doing now is clearly not working.  The following are 18 sobering facts about the unprecedented student loan debt crisis in the United States… (Read More...)

Don’t Worry? 10 Quotes From Health Experts Promising That Ebola Will Not Be A Problem In America

Ebola Sneeze - Public DomainHealth experts all over the United States are promising us that we do not need to be worried about Ebola whatsoever.  Even though one case has already been confirmed in Dallas, Texas and another potential case is being monitored, health authorities assure us that we have the greatest health system in the history of the planet and that we will be able to handle any isolated cases very easily.  And all over the mainstream media on Wednesday, there were headlines declaring that the arrival of Ebola in America is a non-event.  One example is this headline from Bloomberg: “Ebola in America? Don’t Worry About It”.  So are they right?  Should the rest of us just kick back and relax because a bunch of really smart guys are assuring us that our health system can easily deal with anything that Ebola can throw at us?  The following are 10 quotes from prominent experts promising us that Ebola will not be a problem in this country… (Read More...)

A ‘No Social Media List’ For Extremists And Potential Terrorists?

Social Media - Public DomainYou have heard of the “No Fly List”, right?  Well, now the Tories are pledging that if they win the next election in the UK they will establish a list of “extremists” that will have to have their social media posts “approved in advance by the police” before they post them.  There are also plans to ban “extremists” from broadcasting and speaking at public events.  The stated goal of these proposals is to crack down on terrorism, but in the process the civil liberties of the British people are going to be flushed down the toilet.  And the American people need to pay close attention to what is going on in the UK, because whatever police state measures are implemented over there usually also get implemented over here eventually.  For those that believe that we need to do “whatever it takes” to fight terrorism, there is a very important question that you need to ask yourself.  What if the government decides that you are an “extremist” because of what you believe?  What will you do then? (Read More...)

The Number One Thing That Women Are Looking For In A Husband

Bride And Groom - Public DomainIs it looks?  Is it a charming personality?  Is it compatibility?  No, it isn’t any of those things.  According to a Pew Research Center study that was just released on Wednesday, “a steady job” is the number one thing that women are looking for in a husband.  And considering the fact that the labor force participation rate for men has been falling for decades, it should be no surprise that the marriage rate has been declining as well.  In fact, as I wrote about the other day, the marriage rate in the U.S. is at a 93 year low and single Americans make up more than half the population for the first time ever.  This is a very disturbing trend, but it is not likely to change any time soon.  In fact, our economic problems are probably only going to get worse from here.  So as the pool of “eligible bachelors” continues to shrink, what are women going to do? (Read More...)

Obamacare Architect Says Society Would Be Better Off If People Only Lived To Age 75

Medical Care For The Elderly - Public DomainDr. Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, says that society would be far better off if people quit trying to live past age 75.  His new article entitled “Why I Hope To Die At 75” has the following very creepy subtitle: “An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly”.  In the article, Emanuel forcefully argues that the quality of life for most people is significantly diminished past the age of 75 and that once we get to that age we should refuse any more medical care that will extend our lifespans.  This is quite chilling to read, considering the fact that this is coming from one of the key architects of Obamacare.  Of course he never uses the term “death panels” in his article, but that is obviously what Emanuel would want in a perfect world.  To Emanuel, it is inefficient to waste medical resources on those that do not have a high “quality of life”.  So he says that “75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop”. (Read More...)

50 Facts That Show How Far America Has Fallen In This Generation

American Flag Tattered - Public DomainWhat has happened to America?  Please show these numbers to anyone that does not believe that the United States is in decline.  It is time for all of us to humble ourselves and face the reality of what has happened to our once great nation.  For those of us that love America, it is heartbreaking to watch the foundations of our society rot and decay in thousands of different ways.  The following are 50 facts that show how far America has fallen in this generation, but the truth is that this list could have been far, far longer… (Read More...)