Why Is The Media Silent About The Crucifixion Of Christians By Radical Jihadists?

Question Mark Photo By Salazar210 at WikipediaCould you imagine the uproar in the mainstream media that we would see if a member of a politically favored class of people was crucified for who or what they are?  There would be front page headlines for weeks.  But because members of a politically favored class (Muslims) are doing it to members of a non-politically favored class (Christians), it is not newsworthy at all according to the media.  In many instances, Christians are being crucified by jihadists that are actually being assisted and funded by the governments of the United States and Saudi Arabia.  Yes, our tax dollars are being used to help arm and supply radical jihadists that are beheading and crucifying Christians.  And yet none of the big media organizations considers this to be news. (Read More...)

55 Things About America You May Not Know

American Flag 2014 - Photo by HARRIS NewsIs America the greatest nation on the planet?  Before you answer that question, you might want to check out the statistics that I have shared in this article first.  The reality is that the United States is in a deep state of decline, and it is getting harder to deny that fact with each passing day.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially we are a train wreck.  Many that are “patriotic” attempt to put a happy face on our growing problems, but the truly patriotic thing to do is to admit just how bad things have gotten so that we can start finding solutions.  If you truly love this country, then you should know that this nation needs a huge wake up call.  We have abandoned the values and the principles that early Americans held so dear, and as a result our society is a giant mess.  The following are 55 things about America that you may not know… (Read More...)

Sex And The Public Schools

School Hallway - Photo by Maryland PrideYou are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read.  Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that.  As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools.  So where in the world are these kids learning to do this?  Well, it certainly does not help that there is more sex on television and in our movies than ever before.  And it certainly does not help that some of the biggest pop stars on the planet such as Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry are blatantly using sex to sell records to their young fans.  But we can’t place all of the blame on entertainment.  Without a doubt, our schools are playing a major role in sexualizing our children, and most parents have very little understanding about what is actually happening. (Read More...)

Public Schools Are Preparing America’s Children For Life In A Police State

Public SchoolsOur children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state.  All across the United States today, public schools have essentially become “prison grids” that are run by control freaks that are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging the lives of their students down to the smallest detail.  As you will read about below, students all over the country are now being monitored by RFID microchips, their lunches are being inspected on a daily basis by school administrators, and the social media accounts of students are being constantly monitored even when they are at home.  Of course these sorts of things do not happen everywhere just yet, but on the path that we are on it is just a matter of time.  At this point, many of our public schools very closely resemble “totalitarian dictatorships”, and so if the United States ever slips into totalitarianism the students of today will actually feel very comfortable under that political system. (Read More...)

The Population Control Agenda Is Being Relentlessly Pushed In American Public Schools

They Love DeathDo you want your kids to be taught that the earth has too many people and that they should have no more than two children for the good of the planet?  Yes, I know that this sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually the kind of propaganda that is being forced upon our young people all over America.  The population control agenda is being relentlessly pushed in high school textbooks, in classroom instruction and by outside organizations that are given constant access to our high school students.  As you will see below, the number one population control organization in the United States, Planned Parenthood, conducts nearly 900 presentations in high schools in the Los Angeles area every single year.  And the population control propaganda gets even worse once our kids go off to college.  I know – I spent eight years in the classroom at U.S. public universities and most parents would be absolutely horrified to learn what their children are being taught. (Read More...)

Awesome Letter That A Dying Military Veteran Sent To His Representatives In Congress

Writing A Letter - Photo by Petar MiloševićYou will be amazed by the things that a dying military veteran wrote in a letter to the two U.S. Senators that are representing his state.  Like so many other Americans, this elderly vet is absolutely disgusted by the corruption and the incompetence that he sees coming out of Washington.  In the past, I have also written about how $1.4 billion is spent on the Obamas each year and about how Congress is living the high life at our expense, but in this letter this dying military veteran puts things much more eloquently than I did.  The name of the vet that wrote this letter is Bill Schoonover, and it was written on April 3rd, 2013.  Even though his representatives in Congress will probably never take the time to read this letter, I think that you will agree that the emotions that Mr. Schoonover has expressed in this letter are shared by millions upon millions of other Americans all across the country… (Read More...)

Don’t Let Your Daughters Grow Up To Be Like Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus VMA MTV Video Music AwardsThe ultra-raunchy performance that Miley Cyrus put on at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards the other night is a perfect example of how morally bankrupt our culture has become.  Since that performance, Miley Cyrus has been the number one topic of conversation in America, and a whole lot of people have actually been defending her.  They have been saying stuff like “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it” and a CNN article even went so far as to say that we “need less outrage, less nannying” about such performances.  Unfortunately, the truth is that it would be a tragic mistake to simply ignore such filth.  Millions upon millions of young girls absolutely adored Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana on the Disney channel, and millions of those same girls are looking up to her as a role model now.  What they see her do is going to affect their behavior.  As for Miley Cyrus, she probably believes that the kind of performance that she put on the other night is exactly what her audience wants, and to a large degree that is probably true.  It is easy to denounce the garbage that we see at these award shows, but the cold, hard reality of the matter is that the behavior that we see on these shows is a reflection of who we are as a nation. (Read More...)

Public School Is One Of The Most Dangerous Places You Could Possibly Put Your Children

Sandy Hook School ShootingWould you willingly send your kids into a war zone?  No way.  Would you willingly send your children into a federal prison?  Of course not.  So why would you send them to a public school?  In America today, kids are being killed on the way to school, at school and on the way home from school.  Mass shootings are becoming increasingly common, the influence of gangs in our schools is on the rise and sometimes the biggest threat of danger comes from the teachers and the security officials that are supposed to be there to “protect” our children.  But violence is not the only thing for parents to be concerned about when it comes to our public schools.  The truth is that public schools in the United States have become government indoctrination centers, and many teachers are constantly looking for opportunities to inject as much propaganda as they possibly can into classroom instruction.  After a dozen years of this, many students leave high school virtually brainwashed and nearly incapable of thinking for themselves.  This is one of the reasons why so many high school students seem like they are dumb as a rock.  Our young people spend most of their young lives in prison camps where they are constantly being told what to think instead of being trained how to think.  Why would anyone want to subject their children to that? (Read More...)