ISIS Is Painting The Middle East Red With The Blood Of Christians

Bloody Handprint - Public DomainEvery day now, there are fresh news stories about Christians being slaughtered by ISIS in the Middle East.  So where is the outrage from the White House?  Where is the outrage from the Islamic world?  If Islam truly was a “religion of peace”, prominent Islamic leaders all over the globe would be loudly condemning ISIS whenever another slaughter of Christians took place.  And a White House statement about the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by ISIS the other day did not have the word “Christian” in it a single time.  ISIS is painting the Middle East red with the blood of Christians, and most of the world seems to care very, very little.  If thousands of people from some politically-favored group or religion were being savagely killed, the outcry would be deafening.  But because Christians are being killed, it is not such a big deal.  So exactly what does that say about how the world views Christians in 2015? (Read More...)

How Public Schools Treat Special Needs Students: Handcuffs, ‘Scream Rooms’ And Duct Tape

Duct Tape - Public DomainU.S. public schools have become houses of horror for many special needs students. According to the Virginia Commission on Youth, special needs students account for only 12 percent of all public school students in the United States, but they “represent 75 percent of those physically restrained and 58 percent of those secluded“.  At some schools, physical restraints used on special needs children include handcuffs, duct tape and bungee cords. And often the scream rooms that these children are “isolated” in are so horrifying that it scars many of them for life. One of the key measures for any society is how it treats those that are most vulnerable.  And the way that we are treating our special needs children is sorely lacking.  Hopefully articles like this one will help bring awareness and change. (Read More...)

Feminist Aborts Male Child Because She ‘Couldn’t Bring Another Monster Into The World’

Baby Crying - Public DomainA feminist blogger has created a massive uproar by detailing her decision to kill her male child in an article entitled “I Aborted My Baby – Because it was a Boy“.  She initially believed that she was going to have a girl, and she was making all sorts of plans for her future.  But when an ultrasound showed that it was going to be a boy, she decided that she must have an abortion because she “couldn’t bring another monster into the world”.  And she says that she would do it again “if the curse returns”.  So what would cause a woman to want to kill her own child just because it is a boy?  How twisted has feminism in America become if this is the result? (Read More...)

America’s Colleges Have Become Political Correctness Indoctrination Centers

Colleges - Political Correctness Indoctrination CentersMost parents assume that when they send their kids to college that they will receive training which will prepare them for a lifetime of employment.  Sadly, the truth is that very little time is actually spent imparting practical skills to students at most of America’s colleges.  Instead, an extraordinary amount of classroom time is spent telling students what they should think and what they should believe.  At this point, most institutions of “higher learning” in this country have been transformed into political correctness indoctrination centers.  There is a reason why college towns have a reputation for being extremely liberal.  The truth is that they are bastions for “progressive” thought.  Each and every day, millions of young adults all across America are literally being systematically brainwashed.  In case you are wondering, I know what I am talking about.  I spent eight years getting three degrees at public universities.  And it doesn’t even really matter what area of the country you attend school.  The “education” that students are receiving at schools in very liberal states is virtually the same as the “education” that students are receiving at schools in very conservative states.  Our young adults represent the future of this nation, and they are receiving a level of indoctrination that is so comprehensive that it would make Joseph Goebbels proud. (Read More...)

64 Percent Of News Reporters Believe That Obama Is Spying On Them

Spying - Photo by Pascal KirchmairIs it okay for Barack Obama to spy on reporters?  Is it okay for government spooks to record their calls, monitor their online activity and collect their emails whenever they want?  Well, according to a shocking new poll conducted by Pew Research, 64 percent of investigative journalists believe that the government is already collecting data from them right now.  Sadly, very few of them are publicly voicing objections.  We are rapidly becoming the type of “Big Brother” society that George Orwell once wrote about, and most Americans are just going along for the ride.  One journalist that is making waves is former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.  In her new book entitled Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, she claims that she has evidence that the government remotely activated her computer numerous times, monitored her keystrokes and even buried incriminating documents very deeply on her hard drive.  She has filed a lawsuit, and hopefully this will result in the public shaming of those involved in this spying.  With each passing day, we are becoming a little bit more like Nazi Germany, and if we continue down this road America will eventually be completely transformed into a totalitarian hellhole. (Read More...)

Saudi Arabia And ISIS Both Want The Same Thing: World Domination

World Domination - Public DomainWhen ISIS released a video which showed Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive, it shocked the entire planet.  The evil that it takes to do such a thing is on a level that is almost unspeakable.  In the western world, we have a very hard time understanding what would motivate anyone to take a life in such a manner.  But in the Middle East, this brand of tyranny has been percolating for a very, very long time.  The brand of Islam that ISIS seeks to impose on the areas of Iraq and Syria that it has conquered has been practiced in Saudi Arabia for centuries.  Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also publicly flogs those that “insult Islam”.  Just like ISIS, Saudi Arabia also beheads those that commit serious violations of sharia law.  And it is no secret that the Saudis have been pouring billions upon billions of dollars into organizations that promote jihad all over the globe.  But because they have a quarter of the world’s oil reserves and they pretend to be our friends, we don’t say anything.  They may be more subtle than ISIS, but ultimately they have the same goal as ISIS.  When it is all said and done, the Saudis and ISIS both agree that Islam will ultimately rule the world one day.  The only disagreement is about how to get there. (Read More...)

The Death Of The American Dream In 22 Numbers

Abandoned HomeWe are the generation that gets to witness the end of the American Dream.  The numbers that you are about to see tell a story.  They tell a story of a once mighty economy that is dying.  For decades, the rest of the planet has regarded the United States as “the land of opportunity” where almost anyone can be successful if they are willing to work hard.  And when I was growing up, it seemed like almost everyone was living the American Dream.  I lived on a “middle class” street and I went to a school where it seemed like almost everyone was middle class.  When I was in high school, it was very rare to ever hear of a parent that was unemployed, and virtually every family that I knew had a comfortable home and more than one nice vehicle.  But now that has all changed.  The “American Dream” has been transformed into a very twisted game of musical chairs.  With each passing year, more people are falling out of the middle class, and most of the rest of us are scrambling really hard to keep our own places.  Something has gone horribly wrong, and yet Americans are very deeply divided when it comes to finding answers to our problems.  We love to point fingers and argue with one another, and meanwhile things just continue to get even worse.  The following are 22 numbers that are very strong evidence of the death of the American Dream… (Read More...)

What Do They Know? Why Are So Many Of The Super Wealthy Preparing Bug Out Locations?

Gulfstream - Photo by Andre WadmanA lot of ultra-rich people are quietly preparing to “bug out” when the time comes.  They are buying survival properties, they are buying farms in far away countries and they are buying deep underground bunkers.  In fact, a prominent insider at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland says that “very powerful people are telling us they’re scared” and he shocked his audience when he revealed that he knows “hedge fund managers all over the world who are buying airstrips and farms in places like New Zealand”.  So what do they know?  Why are so many of the super wealthy suddenly preparing bug out locations?  When the elite of the world start preparing for doomsday, that is a very troubling sign.  And right now the elite appear to be quietly preparing for disaster like never before. (Read More...)