Possible Epidemic? The Chikungunya Virus Is Starting To Spread In America

Asian Tiger Mosquito - Public DomainCases of the chikungunya virus are appearing in the United States at a level that is far higher than anything health officials have seen in recent years, and now there are two confirmed cases of people that have not even traveled out of the country getting the virus.  That means that the chikungunya virus is starting to spread in America, and once it starts spreading it is really hard to stop.  Instead of spreading human to human, this virus actually spreads “person-tomosquito-to-person”.  If you live in an area of the country where there are a lot of mosquitos, you should pay close attention to this article.  You do not want to get the chikungunya virus.  According to Slate, the name of this virus “comes from a Makonde word meaning ‘that which bends up,’ referring to the contortions sufferers put themselves through due to intense joint pain.”  That does not sound fun at all.  Fortunately, the U.S. has not really been affected by this disease in recent years, but an epidemic has already been declared in Puerto Rico, and some experts are now saying that it is only a matter of time before we see one in the United States. (Read More...)

Globalist Mouthpiece Calls For The Entire Planet To Adopt The ‘National Identification System’ One European Country Has Established

Identification - Public DomainWould you like to have a digital identity card that is automatically issued to you at birth?  In one European nation, residents use such a card when they go to the hospital, when they do their banking, when they go shopping and even when they vote.  This card has become so popular that this particular European country actually plans to start issuing them to millions of non-citizens all over the planet who request them.  Never heard about this?  Neither had I before this week.  The Economist, a well-known mouthpiece for the global elite, is calling for the entire planet to adopt this “national identification system” that the little nation of Estonia has adopted.  The Economist is touting all of the “benefits” of a “national identification card”, but are there dangers as well?  Could adopting such a system potentially open the door for greater government tyranny than we have ever known before? (Read More...)

The Worst Trolls On The Internet Are The Government Trolls

Troll Warning - Photo by GilWe have all run into them.  All over the Internet, there are horrible trolls that seem to delight in making life miserable for other people.  But the worst trolls of all are the government trolls.  And thanks to Edward Snowden, we now have some startling new evidence of what really goes on behind the scenes.  According to newly revealed documents, British spy agency GCHQ is manipulating online discussions, infiltrating the computers of specific targets, purposely destroying reputations, altering the results of online polls, and using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for propaganda and espionage purposes.  If people don’t start getting outraged about this now, the governments of the western world are going to see it as a green light to do even more.  Eventually, it might get so bad that we won’t be able to trust much of anything that we see on the Internet. (Read More...)

3D Tattoos: The Bizarre Body Art Trend That Is Spreading Across America Like Wildfire

3D Tattoo LegWould you like to have a picture of a 3D demon exploding out of your chest?  Would you like to make it look like an exquisite piece of art was carved out of your right leg?  Would you like to see the shock on people’s faces when they think that a real scorpion is sitting on your shoulder or a real snake is crawling down your back?  In recent years, more Americans have been getting tattoos than ever before, but now a new body art trend is spreading across America like wildfire.  3D tattoos can be far more realistic than conventional tattoos, and many are choosing them for their pure shock value.  But how will all of these young people feel about their weird tattoos a decade or two from now?  And what does all of this bizarre body art say about our society?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing? (Read More...)

If Obama Actually Cared About Homeland Security Or Islamic Terror He Would Seal The Border NOW

Illegal Immigration Border Wall - Public DomainThe “Department of Homeland Security” is a total farce.  So is the “war on terror”.  As you will see, the reality of the matter is that the Obama administration could not care less about either one of them.  As millions of illegal immigrants pour across our southern border, a lot of really bad people are coming with them.  And I am not just talking about thousands upon thousands of hardened criminals, gang members and operatives for Mexican drug cartels.  The truth is that hardcore jihadists are making the trek north as well.  In fact, an abandoned Islamic prayer rug was found near the border in Arizona just the other day, and it is being reported that Mexican gangs are being paid up to $50,000 a pop to bring “Middle Easterners” through the border.  It is an absolute outrage that ordinary Americans are being subjected to an increasingly suffocating police state in the name of “homeland security” when members of Islamic terror organizations can enter this country through the Mexican border pretty much whenever they want.  If Barack Obama actually cared about homeland security or the threat of Islamic terror at all, he would seal the border immediately.  But he doesn’t.  Just like with George W. Bush, the fact that Obama is leaving the southern border completely wide open says volumes about how he truly feels. (Read More...)

Independence Day? 79 Percent Of Americans Are Completely Okay With The Current Level Of Tyranny

Independence Day Fireworks - Photo by Andre EngelsOn July 4th, the United States will celebrate Independence Day once again.  But who in the world are we trying to kid?  Our founders intended to create a society where freedom and liberty would be maximized, but that is not what America looks like today.  Instead, we live in a country that literally has millions of laws, rules and regulations.  We have a government that is obsessed with spying on the entire planet and that tries to watch, monitor, track and record as much information about all of us as it possibly can.  A “Big Brother” surveillance grid is being constructed all around us, and our militarized police are becoming more brutal with each passing day.  Sadly, most Americans don’t seem too alarmed by any of this.  In fact, a new Gallup survey has found that 79 percent of Americans are “satisfied” with the level of freedom in this nation.  That is a very alarming statistic. (Read More...)

17 Facts That Prove That The Quality Of Jobs In America Is Going Down The Drain

Drain - Public DomainDo you wish that you had a better job?  If so, you are not alone.  In fact, there are millions upon millions of Americans that get up every day and go to a job that they wish that they could afford to quit.  Unfortunately, most Americans end up just desperately holding on to the jobs that they have because just about any job is valuable in this economic environment.  Over the past decade, the long-term trends that are destroying jobs in America have accelerated.  We have seen countless numbers of jobs shipped overseas, we have seen countless numbers of jobs replaced by technology, we have seen countless numbers of jobs taken by immigrants and we have seen countless numbers of jobs lost to the overall decline of the once great U.S. economy.  Unfortunately, even though we can all see this happening, our “leaders” have failed to come up with any solutions.  And since there are so many of us that are desperate for jobs these days, employers know that they don’t have to pay as much.  The balance of supply and demand in the employment marketplace has radically shifted in their favor.  So less workers are getting health insurance these days, less workers are getting retirement plans and once you adjust for inflation our paychecks have been getting smaller for years.  Needless to say, all of this is absolutely eviscerating the middle class.  The following are 17 facts that prove that the quality of jobs in America is going down the drain… (Read More...)

10 Facts About The SWATification Of America That Everyone Should Know

SWAT Team - Oregon Department Of TransportationThe number of SWAT team raids in the United States every year is now more than 25 times higher than it was back in 1980.  As America has conducted wars overseas in recent years, our police forces have become increasingly militarized as well.  And without a doubt, many of our cities have become much more dangerous places.  Thanks to relentless illegal immigration, drug cartels are thriving and there are now at least 1.4 million gang members living in the United States.  But there are many that believe that the militarization of our police forces has gone way too far.  Almost weekly, SWAT team brutality somewhere in America makes national headlines.  You are about to read about a couple of horrific examples of this below.  Once upon a time, police in America were helpful and friendly and the public generally trusted them.  But now our police forces are being transformed into military-style units that often act like they are in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan.  The following are 10 facts about the SWATification of America that everyone should know… (Read More...)