The Censorship Is Real – Is Being Completely Blocked By Library Internet Filters

Somebody out there definitely does not want you to see what I have to say. On Sunday I received an email that upset me greatly, and I am about to share it with you. One of my readers recently went to his local library to print off a couple of copies of one of my articles, and it turns out that was completely blocked by the Internet filter that the library was using. I have been writing a lot about how conservative voices are being systematically censored on the Internet, but it becomes more real when it happens to you. The following is the message that my reader sent me via email… (Read More...)

Connected To The Matrix: Americans Spend Most Of Their Waking Hours Staring At A Television Or Computer Screen

Before televisions and computers were invented, Americans didn’t spend any time staring at television and computer screens. They worked hard, raised their families, personally interacted with their communities (remember that?), and generally tried to make the world a better place. But now for many of us, the “virtual world” actually seems more real than the “real world” does. In fact, as you will see below, average Americans now spend most of their waking hours staring at a screen. We have willingly connected ourselves to “the matrix”, and the amount of time spent connected is rising with each passing year. A report that was just put out by Nielsen found that we spend an average of 11 hours per day interacting with media(Read More...)

America Has Millions Of Millennial Brats That Need To Move Away From Mommy And Daddy And Start Acting Like Adults

If young adults are America’s future, then they better get their act together. Today, over 30 percent of 18 to 34-year-olds live with their parents or other family members. Meanwhile, marriage rates and fertility rates in the United States have both hit record lows in recent years. Instead of coddling these self-absorbed Millennial narcissists well into their adult years, we need to be kicking them out of the nest and encouraging them to learn to fend for themselves. In many instances, if they do not learn how to act like adults by the time they are 35, they never will. It is time for parents all over America to exercise some tough love, because we are facing a major national crisis. (Read More...)

10 Signs That America Is In Much Worse Trouble Than We All Thought…

You may find it difficult to believe some of the things that I am about to share with you. Instinctively, most of us know that America is in trouble, but recently it has been impressed upon me that things are much worse than I originally believed. Our cities are becoming cesspools, our nation is falling apart all around us, and it seems like the number of sick, twisted and depraved people is multiplying. We still have a relatively high standard of living for the moment, but the only reason we can maintain that standard of living is because we are on the greatest debt binge in human history. And once that bubble bursts, I fear for what this nation is going to become, because things are getting really bad out there. The following are 10 signs that America is in much worse trouble than we all thought… (Read More...)

The Big Social Media Companies Are Being Used As A Weapon To Advance The Agenda Of The New World Order

In 2018, we have seen an unprecedented crackdown on anti-establishment voices on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. When they were first created, these social media platforms were essentially neutral, and they really did greatly contribute to the marketplace of ideas. But now there is a tremendous effort to censor voices that are a threat to the establishment, and in recent months we have witnessed the greatest purge of conservative voices in the history of the Internet. Anything that does not conform to the agenda of the elite is being labeled as “hate speech”, and countless anti-establishment voices have had social media accounts either “shadowbanned” or terminated completely. Needless to say, this could dramatically affect the outcome of the elections in November. (Read More...)

This Is America: 88% Of Democrats And 52% Of Republicans Want To Keep Roe v. Wade

A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey has found that 71 percent of all American voters are opposed to overturning Roe v. Wade. I must admit that I was rather dismayed when I saw the results of that poll. The pro-life movement in the U.S. has been fighting so hard for so long, and yet it seems like we just continue to lose ground. Yes, surveys have shown that a slight majority of Americans favor having some restrictions on abortion, but when it comes to getting rid of Roe v. Wade completely, voters are overwhelmingly against it. In fact, this brand new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll discovered that just 23 percent of voters want Roe v. Wade to be overturned… (Read More...)