From The Heart Of The Bible Belt To The California Coast, Satanism Is Experiencing Explosive Growth In America
As attendance declines at Christian churches all over America, many Satanic groups are experiencing tremendous growth. For some, embracing Satanism is the ultimate form of rebellion, for others it is about making an anti-Trump political statement, and yet others claim that they are attracted by the very real power that they discover in Satanism. Every week, bizarre rituals are conducted in basements, meeting halls and public facilities all over the country, and most Americans have absolutely no idea what is going on. Of course most mainstream news articles about Satanists attempt to portray them as ordinary people that have simply been “misunderstood”. And ultimately that is what the Satanists are trying to do for Satan – they are trying to get all the rest of us to view Satan or Lucifer as a “misunderstood” being that only has humanity’s best interests at heart. And since the values of Satanism line up more accurately with the values of modern society than Christian values do, Satanists are finding increasing success in bringing in new recruits. (Read More...)
Are They Telling Us What Is Coming? The Mainstream Media Boldly Declares “You Will Be Microchipped”
At one time, the notion that the general population would be microchipped someday was a “conspiracy theory”, but now the mainstream media is coming right out and telling us that we will all get chipped. It is almost as if they are trying to mentally condition us to accept what is coming. Of course it is being portrayed as “cool” and “trendy”, and a lot of people will be fooled by that. But if someday “identity chips” are required for the entire population, the potential for tyranny would be off the charts. Unfortunately, some sort of permanent digital identification is increasingly being pushed as the solution to problems such as identity theft, tax evasion, illegal immigration and money laundering. And tech companies would love to have a universal way to confirm the identities of individuals on the Internet. But very few people are talking about the dark side of this technology, and that is a very frightening thing. (Read More...)
Climate Chaos: Following Record Heat This Summer, Experts Are Predicting There Will Be A Nightmarishly Cold Winter
For most of this summer, much of the U.S. has been hit by historic heatwaves, crippling drought and unprecedented wildfires. But if the long-term forecasts that I am about to share with you are accurate, this winter could be bitterly, bitterly cold. The sun appears to be entering into a period of early hibernation, and that is a very troubling sign. The primary driver of climate conditions is the giant ball of fire that our planet revolves around, and that ball of fire is beginning to behave in irregular ways. Sunspot activity is way, way below what was expected for this year, and that is one of the reasons why so many are calling for a “big freeze” this winter. And if we experience an extended “solar minimum”, that could mean significantly reduced temperatures and crop failures all over the planet. At other times in history, such a scenario has meant global famine. (Read More...)
Were 18 To 20 CIA Sources Killed Or Imprisoned Because Hillary Clinton’s Emails Were Being Hacked In Real Time By China?
This is a scandal so huge that it could blow all of the other Clinton scandals totally out of the water. It is being alleged that 18 to 20 CIA sources were either killed or imprisoned in China from 2010 to 2012 because the Chinese were reading all of Hillary Clinton’s emails as soon as they were sent or received. At the time, Clinton was using a private email server in conjunction with her duties as Secretary of State, and even though that was highly illegal Clinton was never charged with anything. But now we have learned that a Chinese company had hacked Clinton’s private server and was getting all of her emails in real time. That Chinese company was “part of an intelligence operation”, and that means that the Chinese government was also receiving all of Hillary Clinton’s emails. During the exact timeframe when these hacked emails were being received by the Chinese, “18 to 20 CIA sources” were either killed or imprisoned by China. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that happened. (Read More...)
Even President Trump Is Aware Of The Civil Unrest That Is Brewing, And He Just Warned That Violence Is Coming If Republicans Lose In November
Are we going to see violence in the streets of our major cities following the mid-term elections in November? President Trump seems to believe that this is a very real possibility, and he shared his thoughts on this with a group of top evangelical leaders on Monday night. Previously, those that have warned that a “civil war” is coming to America have been heavily criticized, but perhaps people will start taking this more seriously now that President Trump is saying it. Of course we have already seen dozens of attacks on Trump supporters all over the nation, but the mainstream media largely ignores those because it does not fit the narratives that they are pushing. The mainstream media wants to make Trump and his supporters look as bad as possible, and so they do not like to report anything that may cause the public to view them in a positive light. But everyone can see that anger and hatred are rising to unprecedented levels in this country, and the mainstream media and key politicians on the left are adding more fuel to the fire with each passing day. (Read More...)