The Persecution Of Christians Is Intensifying As Anti-Christian Hatred Sweeps The Entire World

Earth Space Planet World - Public DomainThere is very little that the entire world seems to agree upon, but there is one very frightening trend that is now taking hold literally all over the globe. A passionate hatred of Christianity is sweeping across the planet, and very few global leaders have been willing to step forward and speak out against this rising persecution of Christians. In many parts of the Middle East, Africa and Asia, believers are being relentlessly attacked by extremists, churches are being destroyed, and laws are being passed to try to prevent the spread of the Christian faith. In some areas, the violence has become so extreme that Christians knowingly risk their own lives just to go to church services each week. Would you risk your life to go to church? In North America and Europe, the persecution is often more subtle. Even though violent attacks are still fairly rare, Christian beliefs are being undermined by new laws, comedians and television shows regularly mock the Christian faith, and many employers will immediately mentally disqualify a potential candidate for a job if they discover that an individual is a Bible-believing Christian. Sadly, this is just the beginning. In the years ahead, those that choose to be followers of Jesus Christ will face even greater persecution than we have seen already. (Read More...)

Republican Operatives Plot To Sabotage Trump – But That Could Turn Him Into Their Worst Nightmare

Donald Trump At Podium - Photo by Michael VadonCould Donald Trump become the next Ross Perot?  Right now, there is a push by Republican insiders to try to find a way to sabotage the Trump campaign and even potentially exclude him from future debates.  These Republican operatives claim that he is “damaging the party”, but what they really mean by that is that he is playing havoc with their plans of getting Jeb Bush into the White House.  You see, the truth is that most of the other Republican candidates are just there for window dressing.  All of the big money is already lining up behind Jeb Bush, and his campaign recently announced that it has already raised 114 million dollars.  Perhaps Scott Walker or Marco Rubio have an outside chance of contending with the Bush machine, but everyone else is just supposed to be cannon fodder and most of them know it.  If everything goes to plan, Bush will clinch the nomination very early, and that is precisely the way that the Republican establishment wants it. (Read More...)

11 Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet

Toilet Paper - Public DomainJust when you think that the depravity of the United States cannot possibly get any worse, something else comes along to surprise us.  Many of the things that you are about to read about in this article are incredibly disturbing, but it is important that we face the truth about how far this nation has fallen.  There are times when I will be having a conversation with someone else about the state of our country, and the other person will say something like this: “Wow – America is really going down the toilet.”  At one time, I would have totally agreed with that.  But at this point I would have to say that we have already circled the bowl and have made it all the way through to the other end.  Our society is absolutely addicted to entertainment (most of which is utter trash), tens of millions of us are hooked on drugs (both legal and illegal), and we have murdered more than 56 million of our own babies.  Our financial system is consumed with greed, we treat our military veterans like human garbage, and most of our “leaders” in Washington D.C. are deeply corrupt.  In America today, 64 percent of all men view pornography at least once per month, it is estimated that one out of every four girls is sexually abused before they become adults, and we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the entire industrialized world.  We like to think that we are an “example” to the rest of the world, but the only example that we are setting is a bad one.  The following are 11 signs that America has already gone down the toilet… (Read More...)

Why Israel Is Going To Bomb Iran

Israeli Fighter Jets - Public DomainThanks to Barack Obama, it is only a matter of time before Israel feels forced to conduct a massive military strike against Iran’s nuclear program.  When that happens, Iran will strike back, and hundreds if not thousands of missiles will rain down on Israel.  This exchange will likely spark a major regional war in the Middle East, and that could end up plunging the entire planet into chaos.  If Barack Obama was attempting to prevent such a scenario from playing out, he failed miserably.  Personally, I think that the deal that was just made with Iran is absolutely horrible.  Perhaps you disagree.  Perhaps you believe that it is the greatest piece of diplomacy of all time.  But it doesn’t really matter what any of us think.  If this deal was going to work, it had to be strong enough to convince Israel that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons has been completely stopped.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sworn that he will never, ever let Iran get a nuclear weapon, and he has pledged to use military force if necessary.  So what Barack Obama needed was a deal that would calm Israeli nerves while satisfying the Iranians at the same time.  Such a deal may have theoretically been impossible, but that is what it was going to take to prevent war.  Instead, Obama has made a deal which has utterly horrified the Israeli government.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu even called it “a license to kill“.  So now the odds that war will happen have gone way up, but Barack Obama is too busy congratulating himself to notice. (Read More...)

Islamic Terror Attack On U.S. Soil Kills 4 Marines – And This Is Just The Beginning

Muhammod Youssuf Abdulazeez - Mugshot from Hamilton County JailThe city of Chattanooga, Tennessee is in a state of shock.  On Thursday, a heavily armed Islamic terrorist sprayed a Navy and Marine reserve center in Chattanooga with gunfire without any warning.  Four U.S. Marines were killed, and three other individuals were seriously wounded.  The shooter has been identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, and it is being reported that he used a “high-powered rifle” to conduct the assault.  He did not survive the attack, and it is not clear if he even intended to.  Authorities are investigating whether or not he had any connection to ISIS (which he almost certainly did), but nobody is disputing the fact that he was Muslim.  Hopefully this horrific incident will serve as a huge wake up call for millions of Americans.  Islamic terrorists are already here – and this is just the beginning of their reign of terror on U.S. soil. (Read More...)

Stone Cold Proof That America Deserves Judgment

Selling Human Body Parts - YouTube screenshotWhat should be done to a nation that has killed more than 56 million babies and doesn’t even feel bad about it?  And why is the U.S. government giving hundreds of millions of dollars each year to an organization that murders hundreds of thousands of babies, harvests their organs, and then sells them to medical researchers?  An extremely disturbing video that was just released shows a top Planned Parenthood coldly discussing the sale of aborted body parts over lunch.  But now that this has been revealed, will America do anything about it?  The purchase and sale of human body parts is a felony according to federal law, and the commercial trafficking of aborted baby parts is “punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of $500,000”.  So will anything happen to Planned Parenthood and the executives involved in this illegal activity, or will Planned Parenthood just continue to collect hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government every year?  I think that we all know that the answer is going to be, and it will be yet another reason why America will deserve every ounce of the judgment that is about to hit this nation. (Read More...)

10 Horribly Violent Crimes That Were Committed By Illegal Immigrants

Violence Crime - Public DomainYes, illegal immigrants are responsible for lots of crime in this country.  In recent years, nearly 1000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of committing sex crimes against children in the state of Texas alone.  And as you will read about below, illegal immigrants have a murder rate that is 3 to 10 times higher than the general population.  So anyone that suggests that illegal immigrants don’t commit more crime than the rest of us is simply lying to you.  Unfortunately, even though we could prevent thousands upon thousands of violent crimes by securing our borders, the Obama administration refuses to do so and it has become very politically incorrect to even talk about this.  Every single day, American citizens are being murdered and raped by people that should not be in this country and yet nobody is supposed to address this issue.  No wonder our nation is in the process of self-destructing.  The following are 10 horribly violent crimes that were committed by illegal immigrants… (Read More...)

The Last Days Of ‘Normal Life’ In America

Sheeple - Public DomainIf you have got family and friends that you would like to visit before things start getting really crazy, you should do so within the next couple of months, because these are the last days of “normal life” in America.  The website where I have posted this article is called “End of the American Dream“, but perhaps I should have entitled it “The End of America” because that is essentially what we are heading for.  The debt-fueled prosperity that so many of us take for granted is about to come to a screeching halt, and we are about to enter the hardest times that any of us have ever known.  And I am not just talking about economics either.  Based on all of the intel and information that I have gathered, we are about to enter a “perfect storm” that is going to shake this country in just about every possible way that it can be shaken.  So I hope that you will truly savor this summer – days like this will not come around again any time soon. (Read More...)