One Company Wants To Implant Microchips Into The Hands Of “Hundreds Of Thousands” Of Global Workers

It is really happening.  At one time, the idea that large numbers of people would willingly allow themselves to have microchips implanted into their hands seemed a bit crazy, but now it has become a reality.  Thousands of tech enthusiasts all across Europe have already had microchips implanted, and now a Swedish company is working with very large global employers to implement this on the corporate level.  In fact, Biohax recently told one of the biggest newspapers in the UK that they have been talking with a “major financial services firm” that has  “hundreds of thousands of employees”(Read More...)

Shocking Video Footage Shows Florida Ballots Transported By Private Vehicles Being Transferred Into A Rental Truck On Election Night

I do not have any explanation for what you are about to see.  On election night in Broward County, one deeply concerned citizen captured video footage of ballots that had been transported by private vehicles being loaded into a rental truck in the middle of a parking lot.  Nobody seems to know why the ballots were transported in that manner, why they were being loaded into a rental truck, or what happened to the ballots thereafter.  There are supposed to be very strict chain of custody requirements for all paper ballots, and obviously what is going on in this video appears to be extremely shady.  Could it be possible that somebody in Broward County was trying to steal an election? (Read More...)

The Left Is Organizing “Response Events” In 900 U.S. Cities On Thursday To Protest The Firing Of Jeff Sessions

Well, that escalated quickly.  On Wednesday, President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and by the end of the day major leftist organizations had already put together protests in 900 U.S. cities to make a “public demand for action to correct this injustice”.  It truly is amazing how rapidly these groups were able to put up web pages promoting these events and get the call out on social media.  It is almost as if they knew that this was coming.  MoveOn.Org is one of the organizations that is spearheading this effort, and their page promoting these protests is identical to the page promoting these protests on  According to both pages, the protests will be held on November 8th at 5 PM local time… (Read More...)

12 Examples That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid

What in the world has happened to our country?  Most of us have very fond memories from when we were younger, and it is true that often our memories of “the good old days” can leave out the bad parts.  None of us are perfect individually, and America has certainly never been without major problems as a nation.  But have we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today?  We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower.  The following are 12 examples that show that America is far more messed up than when you were a kid… (Read More...)

Gunned Down For Believing In Christ: The Mainstream Media Is Silent As The Persecution Of Christians Escalates

The global persecution of Christians continues to escalate dramatically, and yet the mainstream media in the United States is virtually silent about it.  In this article, I am going to quote a lot of sources, but they are all either overseas news outlets or Christian websites in the United States.  To a certain extent, I think that the mainstream media is extremely hesitant to report about the global persecution of Christians because it may cause the general public to feel sympathetic, and that would definitely be counterproductive to what they are trying to accomplish.  Ultimately, the elite are trying to demonize Christians, conservatives, patriots and anyone else that would attempt to oppose their radical agenda for America.  So they are banning us from their Internet platforms, they are mocking us on their news and entertainment programs, and they certainly don’t want to highlight the fact that the persecution of Christians is escalating rapidly around the globe. (Read More...)

Early Voting By Young People Is Up 500% In Some States – And That Is Really Bad News For One Party

Americans from the age of 18 to the age of 29 are voting in record numbers in many states that offer early voting.  Traditionally, young people have not turned out in high numbers for midterm elections, but that has apparently changed in a major way this time around.  In fact, a massive increase in early voting by young people is one of the reasons why Nancy Pelosi is already declaring victory.  Young adults are far more liberal than the population as a whole, and they overwhelmingly tend to vote for Democrats.  The problem for Democrats in previous elections has been actually getting them to go vote, but in 2018 large numbers of young people appear to be highly motivated. (Read More...)