Something Has Shifted And Things Have Suddenly Become A Whole Lot More Serious

Shift Clock Day Night - Public DomainI don’t do a lot of articles like this, but I want to share something with you that happened to me just recently.  I debated about whether or not to share this, but since this story will be aired on national television in just a few days I decided to go ahead and do it.  On Saturday, May 14th, my wife and I were enjoying a day of peace and rest when something very unusual happened.  I am not sure exactly how to describe it.  I have been describing it to some people as a “wave”, but I am not sure if that is entirely accurate.  It was almost as if I could feel something shift in the spiritual realm, and with it came the sudden realization that things had suddenly become a whole lot more serious. (Read More...)

Major Eruption Imminent? Earthquake Swarms Reported At Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainier And Mt. St. Helens

Volcano Erupting Full Moon - Public DomainIs an eruption of one or more of the major volcanoes in the northwest United States imminent?  In recent days, very large earthquake swarms have been reported at Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainier and Mt. St. Helens.  It is certainly not unusual for each of these volcanoes to experience earthquake swarms from time to time, but right now we are seeing this happen at all three volcanoes simultaneously, and this comes at a time when seismic activity along the Ring of Fire is on the rise all over the planet.  If you have followed my work for a while, then you probably already know that I have been consistently warning that an eruption of Mt. Rainier is coming, and of course Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens are exceedingly dangerous volcanoes as well.  If any one of the three were to erupt on a massive scale, it would instantly become the biggest news story of the year. (Read More...)

12 Signs That A Cloud Of Insanity Has Descended On The Land

Cloud Of Insanity - Public DomainWhat in the world is happening to America?  Recently, I was asked to describe what we are watching happen to our nation.  After thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that it is almost as if a “cloud of insanity” has descended upon the United States and much of the rest of the western world.  From our top leaders on down, people are engaged in incredibly self-destructive behavior and are making extremely irrational decisions.  Some would describe it as being given over to a depraved mind, and I would have to agree.  It is almost as if some sort of severe form of mental illness were rapidly spreading through the air and infecting everyone.  Virtually every day I am immersed in news and current events, and it can be difficult to shock me after all this time.  But lately, there have been quite a few stories that have stunned even me.  The following are a few of those stories… (Read More...)

Is Bill Clinton A Sexual Predator Or Just A Sex Addict?

Bill Clinton - Public DomainWhen dozens of women came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of rape, most Americans believed them, so why is Bill Clinton getting a free pass when a similar number of women are accusing Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct?  As you will see below, new allegations continue to come out, and it has become exceedingly clear that Clinton is still chasing women that he is not married to even though his wife is in the middle of a presidential campaign.  Of course Hillary Clinton knows exactly what is going on, and she has been serving as his enabler by doing all that she can to cover up Bill’s escapades whenever one of these “bimbo eruptions” happens.  Ultimately, Bill and Hillary Clinton have together victimized countless numbers of women, and yet public opinion polls continue to show that most women voters plan to vote for Hillary Clinton in November.  It is hard even for me to believe that our country has sunk so low at this point. (Read More...)

Member Of Congress: It’s Easy ‘To Manipulate A Nation Of Naive, Self-Absorbed Sheep’

Sheeple - Photo by Andrew R TesterYou may not believe the incredible things that one member of Congress is saying about the corruption of our political system and the gullibility of the American people.  In a brand new book entitled “The Confessions of Congressman X“, one anonymous member of the U.S. House of Representatives confesses that he hardly ever reads the bills that he votes on, that his main job is to get reelected, and that it is “far easier than you think to manipulate a nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep who crave instant gratification”.  This book is being published by Mill City Press, and it is being billed as “a devastating inside look at the dark side of Congress as revealed by one of its own.”  I don’t know if you would classify this anonymous member of Congress as “brave” since he does not wish to reveal his identity, but the things that he is admitting confirm suspicions that many of us have had for a very long time.  Just check out a few of the most important quotes from his book… (Read More...)

Some Preppers Are Getting Ready For The End Of The World, While Others Are Running For Office

Prepper - Photo by Nomadic Lass on FlickrDeep inside, most of us know that something is coming.  Many of us may not know exactly what it is that is heading our way, but there are millions of Americans that feel so alarmed about what they sense is on the horizon that they are taking extreme measures to get prepared.  Of course the list of potential catastrophic disasters is endless – economic collapse, civil unrest, historic earthquakes, power grid failure, Islamic terror, Hillary getting into the White House, etc.  There are so many things that could bring this country to its knees, and there are lots of preppers out there that are feverishly preparing their homes and their families for doomsday.  But there are others that are taking very different approaches.  As you will see below, some preppers have decided that the best thing to do is to run for office, while others are getting out of the United States completely. (Read More...)

Cell Phone Addiction: 15 Numbers That Show The Ridiculous Obsession Americans Have With Their Phones

Cell Phone Addiction - Public DomainHave you ever had a family gathering, a social function or a business meeting ruined by someone that was obsessed with checking their cell phone?  I see this wherever I go, and it is one of the reasons why I don’t like to leave the house much.  No matter who is around and no matter how important what they are supposed to be doing may be, many Americans feel a deep, dark compulsion to constantly check their smartphones.  As you will see below, the average user checks his or her phone 35 times a day, but of course there are some people that are well into the triple digits.  Cell phone addiction is very real, and that is why there are actually rehab programs for this sort of thing.  Unfortunately, we simply can’t put the entire country into rehab, and this problem just keeps getting worse with each passing year. (Read More...)

Scientists Explain Why It Is Inevitable That America Will Be Hit By Absolutely Monstrous Earthquakes

Plate Tectonics - USGSHave you noticed that the crust of the Earth is starting to become a lot more unstable?  Over the past couple of months, major earthquakes have shaken areas all over the planet and major volcanoes have been erupting with a frequency that is more than just a little bit startling.  Here in the United States, the state of Oklahoma absolutely shattered their yearly record for quakes last year, we just saw a very disturbing earthquake right along the New Madrid fault just recently, and as you will see below one scientist is telling us that the San Andreas fault in southern California “looks like it’s locked, loaded and ready to go”. (Read More...)