Christian Church Burnings Are Happening All Over The World And The U.S. Media Is Deadly Silent About It

Did you know that hundreds of church burnings have taken place all over the globe so far in 2011?  For a large percentage of those of you that are reading this article, this is the first that you have heard of it.  And do you want to know why?  News stories about church burnings and the persecution of Christians around the world are not “politically correct” enough to get into the mainstream media most of the time.  Have you ever noticed that an overwhelming percentage of news stories about Christianity in the mainstream media are negative?  There seems to be an unspoken rule that you should never report on anything that would portray the Christian faith in a positive light – even if it is reporting on how churches are being mercilessly burned to the ground.  Others fear that reporting on church burnings would somehow justify the endless wars in the Middle East.  But the truth is that many of the regimes that the U.S. government has put in place or is propping up are actively involved in the persecution of Christians.  Whatever religion you belong to, and whatever your political philosophy is, we should all be able to agree that church burnings are evil.  If you cannot agree that there is something wrong with burning churches to the ground then something is wrong. (Read More...)

Why Arizona Got It Exactly Right

The state of Arizona is taking a ton of heat for the anti-illegal immigration law that they just passed.  Barack Obama is outraged and is directing his administration to look for ways to challenge the law.  The government of Mexico has issued a travel advisory for the entire state of Arizona.  Latino groups are promising unprecedented turnouts for the upcoming May Day protest marches.  There has even been graffiti popping up in Phoenix that is threatening to “burn this racist city” among other things.  But you know what?  The state of Arizona got it exactly right.  This is not about stopping legal immigrants who want to come in the “front door” and pursue the American Dream legally.  America will always need that kind of immigration.  No, this is about stopping the never-ending wave of serial criminals, gang members, drug dealers and economic parasites that have been endlessly parading unchecked into Arizona.  If the federal government was not going to act, then the state of Arizona had to.  Now other nearby states are studying Arizona’s new law and are considering implementing similar measures themselves. (Read More...)

What In The World Has Happened To Our System Of Education?

Our kids can’t really read very well.  And it turns out that they aren’t very good at math either.  But those running our system of education continue to tell us that they are doing a wonderful job.  If they just had more funding, they insist, our test scores would go way up.  Of course that is complete and utter nonsense.  Our system of public eduction was a failure back when I was in school many years ago, and it is much worse now.  At this point, only about one-third of all U.S. students in the fourth, eighth, and twelfth grades are proficient in reading(Read More...)

Iranian Proxies Are Starting To Join The War, And That Is Really Bad News

It is beginning to happen.  We have been told that a worst case scenario for the war in the Middle East would be for Iranian proxies to join the war followed by Iran itself.  That sort of escalation could lead to an apocalyptic conflict that spirals completely out of control, and so great efforts have been made to try to keep the rest of the “Axis of Resistance” on the sidelines.  Unfortunately, those efforts appear to have failed, and that is really bad news. (Read More...)

The Great AI Invasion: Given Enough Time, Artificial Intelligence Would Take Over Every Area Of Our Lives

Artificial intelligence is changing our world at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.  If you would have asked me a decade ago if I would live to see artificial intelligence create a world class piece of art or a full-length feature film, I would have said no way.  But now those are simple tasks for artificial intelligence to accomplish.  So what is going to happen once AI becomes millions of times smarter and millions of times more powerful than it is today?  Given enough time, AI would take over every area of our lives.  Our world is definitely crazy right now, but fifty years from now it would resemble something out of an extremely bizarre science fiction novel if AI is allowed to continue to develop at an exponential rate. (Read More...)

Is There A Large Group Of Officials At The Pentagon That Actually Believe That Aliens Are Demonic Entities?

We live in a world that is getting even weirder with each passing month.  In the old days, if you talked about “UFOs” and “aliens” a lot of people would be tempted to think that you were nuts.  But now “UFOs” and “aliens” are the subject of high profile hearings in Congress, and corporate news outlets are constantly running stories about new sightings.  It has become quite clear that something is going on in the skies above our heads, and this has sparked a tremendous amount of speculation.  Are we really being visited by entities from another world, or is something else going on? (Read More...)

A Single Demographic Group Is Keeping The Democrats Competitive

If it wasn’t for single women, the Democrats would be in a world of hurt.  During the 2022 midterm elections, Republicans won married men, married women and unmarried men by wide margins.  But their overwhelming success with unmarried women enabled the Democrats to avoid the “red wave” that so many had been talking about.  I think that the numbers that I am about to share with you say a lot about the current condition of our society.  And if we are not able to find a way to reverse certain trends, the outlook for the future is quite bleak. (Read More...)

Oklahoma Farmer: “I Think We’re To The Dust Bowl, About The Same Or Worse.”

Our food prices aren’t just going up because our leaders pumped way too much money into the system.  All over the world, crops are failing, and that includes right here in the United States.  Earlier this year, CNN warned that we are in the midst of “the worst food crisis in modern history”, and so we really need this to be an extremely successful year for our farmers.  Unfortunately, that just isn’t happening in much of the country.  In fact, one wheat farmer in Oklahoma says that his farm is experiencing “the most severe drought I’ve ever seen”(Read More...)