Last 10 Months Have Been The Worst Period For Floods AND The Worst Period For Fires In U.S. History

Wildfires 2016 - Public DomainAs you read this article, the state of California is being ravaged by gigantic wildfires that are raging wildly out of control, and West Virginia is dealing with a “500 year flood”.  Since last September, the U.S. has been hit by a series of 11 historic floods.  Never before in American history have we seen so many major floods within such a compressed space of time.  And just as the Shemitah year ended last September, massive wildfires began erupting all over the country.  Thanks to that unprecedented outbreak of large fires, 2015 ended up being the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history.  And since 2016 began, things have continued to get worse.  As far as the total number of acres burned is concerned, we are more than a million acres ahead of the pace that was set last year.  So why in the world is all of this happening? (Read More...)

They Are Putting Armed Guards On Food Trucks In Venezuela

Security Guard - Public DomainWe are watching what happens when the economy of a developed nation totally implodes.  Just a few years ago, Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in all of South America, and they still have more proven oil reserves than anyone else on the entire planet including Saudi Arabia.  But now people down there are so hungry and so desperate that some of them are actually hunting dogs, cats and pigeons for food.  Just a few days ago, I gave a talk down at Morningside during which I warned that someday we would see armed guards on food trucks in America.  After that talk was done, I went back up to my room and I came across a New York Times article which had been republished by MSN that explained that this exact thing is already happening down in Venezuela… (Read More...)

Have U.S. Weather Patterns Changed Permanently? This Week Record High Temps Scorch The Southwest

120 Degrees - Public DomainThis week we are going to see “life threatening” heat all across the southwest United States.  In southern California, temperatures will top triple digits in many areas on Monday, and the forecast is for the mercury to reach an astounding 121 degrees in Palm Springs.  Further inland, it is being projected that Phoenix and Las Vegas could both experience their highest temperatures ever early this week.  Summer is just beginning and we are literally seeing things take place that we have never seen happen before.  Just a few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how the weather seems to be going crazy all over America.  Is this just a temporary phenomenon or have weather patterns in the United States changed permanently? (Read More...)

2-Year-Old Boy Killed By Alligator At Disney – Are The Beasts Of The Earth Becoming More Aggressive?

Alligator - Public DomainDoes it seem like animal attacks on humans are increasing in frequency and intensity?  You may want to reserve judgment until you have read the rest of this article.  All over the world lately there have been very disturbing news stories about the beasts of the earth becoming extremely aggressive and attacking humans.  At first I ignored these stories, but something happened last night that made me change my mind.  My wife and I were getting ready to head for bed when I decided to check the news one last time.  I was absolutely stunned to see that a large alligator had grabbed a 2-year-old boy from Nebraska while he was playing in about a foot of water near a Disney resort down in Florida.  This happened right in front of his parents, and his father desperately tried to pull the boy away from the gator but he was unable to.  Authorities searched all night for the young child, and on Wednesday afternoon the worst case scenario was confirmed(Read More...)

Meanwhile, California Fault Lines And The Area Around Yellowstone Are Shaking Like Crazy

Latest Earthquakes - USGSOver the past few days the mainstream media has been fixated on the largest mass shooting in U.S. history, but meanwhile there has been highly unusual seismic activity along major fault lines in California and near the Yellowstone supervolcano.  Let’s talk about Yellowstone first.  In recent months, the big geysers have been behaving very strangely and this is something that my wife and I covered on our television show.  And now, just over the past week there have been three very significant earthquakes in the region.  On June 9th, there was a magnitude 3.7 earthquake, on June 13th there was a magnitude 4.3 earthquake and earlier today there was a magnitude 4.0 earthquake.  Yes, the area around Yellowstone is hit by earthquakes all the time, but most of them are extremely small.  For earthquakes of this size to be striking right around Yellowstone is highly unusual and more than just a little bit alarming. (Read More...)

17 Facts About The Orlando Shooter That Every American Should Know

17 Sign - Public DomainAmerica is in shock.  On Sunday, a 29-year-old Islamic terrorist named Omar Mateen shot 102 people at a gay club known as Pulse in the heart of Orlando, Florida.  49 of those that were shot died, and 53 were wounded.  So how in the world did this happen?  Well, when you combine radical political correctness with extreme government incompetence and the dramatic growth of radical Islam inside the United States, you create an environment which is absolutely primed for Islamic terror.  The truth is that the FBI knew about this guy well in advance.  In fact, they had even interviewed him three separate times over the years.  And at one point the government had been investigating the mosque that he had been attending, but that investigation was shut down by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.  Mateen had told the FBI that he hoped to be a martyr someday, and those were not just idle words.  His twisted ideology fueled his actions, and so the choices that he ultimately made should not have come as a surprise to law enforcement authorities.  But now that this has happened, will it change the way that the government approaches Islamic terror?  The following are 17 facts about the Orlando shooter that every American should know… (Read More...)

Generation Snowflake: Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings And The Wussification Of Our Young People

Crying - Public DomainWhy do so many of our young people instantly break down in tears the moment anything seriously offends them?  Have we raised an entire generation that has been so coddled and that is so spineless that it is completely incapable of dealing with the harsh realities of the modern world?  At colleges and universities all over America, students are now demanding “safe spaces” where anything and everything that could possibly make them feel “uncomfortable” is banned.  And “trigger warnings” are being placed on some of our great literary classics because they might cause some students to feel “unsafe” because they may be reminded of a past trauma.  In this day and age, our overly coddled young people have come to expect that they should be automatically shielded from anything that could remotely be considered harmful or offensive, and as a result we now have an entire generation that is completely lacking in toughness.  That may be fine as long as you can depend on Mom and Dad, but how in the world are these young men and women going to handle the difficult challenges that come with living in the real world? (Read More...)

Bilderberg 2016: What Are The Global Elite Plotting This Time Around?

Bilderberg Is Meeting At The Taschenbergpalais Hotel In DresdenLater this week, dozens of the most important men in the world are going to gather at an ultra-luxury hotel in Dresden, Germany to discuss the future of the planet.  What will happen at this meeting will not be televised, and the mainstream media in the United States will almost entirely ignore it, but decisions will be made at this conference that will affect the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.  Of course I am talking about the Bilderberg Group, and for decades you were labeled a “conspiracy theorist” if you even acknowledged that it existed. (Read More...)